messages to evilgal:
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from cufluture :
thanks. :)
from cufluture :
thanks for the tip. We need to change our distributer cap and spark plugs, I know. We're going to change those and use a bottle of 'seafoam' and see how it goes. Everyone around here has been having car problems with all this rain. :(
from cufluture :
Secretary is a great movie! He died with a felafel in his hand is an Australian film, I had to special order it from, but they have it at our library. It may be hard to find, but it's great. I've wanted to read the book, but our libary doesn't have it. Yet.
from cufluture :
thanks for adding me as a buddy, I'll have to check out your diary when I have more time.
from secret313 :
Thanks Evilgal for the great comment on my prolile I would just like to say every one who read this vist my profile
from secret313 :
from teclo :
no, it's fine. we were friendly for a while, (except when i think i was going not so mildly insane) and then we lost touch. i always thought he was a sweetheart.
from teclo :
does your brother's first name happen to begin with two A's? did he attend a small, liberal arts college in an even smaller town in ohio for a time? did he play in a band called galacjia? does he have big blue eyes? i think i knew him at one point.
from almostsweet :
Young adulthood is such an indulgence of recent generations. It's a curse and a boon... especially for us who are in that awkward stage before complete independance. Thank you for the note and for the link to that article. I read it and thought about what it said about the past belief that you were an adult at 18. There's a huge tie between money and independance (of course). Also, society's laws on what is independance has changed a lot. I particularly related to the comment on how parents now are more reluctant to let go of their children.
from mr-oaf :
Well, someone ought to start using ;)'s because we're just confused - were you being sarcastic the first or the second time - or not sarcastic at all? We give up.
from mr-oaf :
Irony doesn't seem to translate very well on Diaryland. Yes, there *is* only one band called Air and although we like them we're listing *air* since we are fans of oxygen, nitrogen and helium in a certain breathable combination... And yes, we did realise that you are a girl and that the picture *was* of Beck. That was a joke. We apologise for any inconvenience.
from mr-oaf :
nice of you to drop by but if you had looked a little closer we are fans of air, not Air the FRENCH Band (as it said on the cover of the album). We are however Beck fans so maybe we have more in common. Did anyone ever tell you you look like Beck in your photo?
from zillioneyes :
if you didn't hear the news i wanted to let you know ... elliot smith died of an apparent suicide. very sad news ...
from felicezombie :
you know, I'd have to say that the whole indifference/ignored pet peeve is my biggest one lately, too...the worst is people that will constantly flip flop between acting like they're your best friend and doing the whole ignore/indifference thing...
from raven72d :
Great entries, girl... And vur' thoughtful writing.
from made-again :
haha, it's more than just ranting, it's my general thoughts about men--men I know, men I don't know...the name is mindonrepeat on diaryland.
from indie-snob :
Hello there! I just saw a Beck show the other night, and just added a review for it. check it out, I have a bunch of other reviews here, too. thanks!
from rockstarsyd :
Hey there-I'm not sure if you check your notes either. I moved to "" I just randomly checked your journal and I'm glad to see that you're back! Thanks for letting me know. (I was at "Sydney012") Anyway, you sound like you are much happier now than you were a few months ago-good for you! Now you have my URL too if you want to read it!~Syd
from felicezombie :
Hah, it's some consolation, now if I can just get someone to believe me..."No, I really *am* crazy...honest!" :P
from felicezombie :
I know what you mean about honesty...I have a hard time trusting people that hold too much back, or at least I'm more likely to open up to someone who is open with me. As far as the pics go, that's a hard call...I think it would be a combination between how comfortable you are and just how many "hits" you tend to get. I like to put up my pics because it helps give a better visual image but at the same time, there is some nervousness on the recognition factor...
from felicezombie :
hey,thanks for the tips on the apartments...Cass is a good idea, I may also put in apps at places like Twingo's and Union street. There's actually a bunch of stuff in my neighborhood (Double Olive, Village Idiot,etc.)that I was thinking of checking out today as well. I'm still somewhat unsure of whether this is something I'm going to go through with, I think I need to give it a few weeks and see what happens, but one thing is apparent...I should get a job and get some money saved up, so I have the *means* to do so :/
from felicezombie :
Yeah and I think part of it isn't just the population of detroit but the economic climate...for example, when I lived in austin, it was actually smaller than detroit but it was a very youth friendly city, with lots of nightclubs and coffeehouses, and a ton of opportunities economically. Whereas Detroit has such a long history of economic depression that it lends itself more to young, bohemian types leaving rather than migrating... BTW, I'll pass the info re. naropa onto my dad. I guess his friend is somewhat wacky, she achieved a lot of success in the marketing industry really young, but had a complete nervous breakdown so now she just does really experimental art stuff. Boulder might not be so bad after western pennsylvania though...those little faux colonial towns in the mountainy regions don't tend to be too diverse either and at least Boulder would be hippies instead of rednecks ;-)
from felicezombie :
Hey thanks for the info re. naropa. I'll pass it onto my dad. It's for a friend/former student of his. She's definitely not middle class (she doesnt even have a phone!) and is very experimental, but insulated would be relative for her since the town where she (and my dad) lives is one of those teensy rural pennsylvania towns that only exists because there's a university there. As for's not really a shyness issue,per se. I mean, Chicago's a city of three million people and the same rules of social effort apply...and I can talk someone's ear off if I come across people that I have stuff in common with and the boy is downright gregarious. The difference is, there's a *ton* more people with our interests in Chicago. So we could do things like go out to a club and talk to twenty different people in a given night, throw these wildly successful b-movie marathon parties and in general have a much better time than we do here. So, I guess what I mean when I say that I don't know what to say to people, it's not that I freeze up or just cant make the first social move so much that I have become rather accustomed to blank stares when I make some obscure pop culture reference or talk about wanting to be the david mamet of horror. I realize too that I'm incredibly spoiled after living in cities like Chicago, Austin and San Francisco. It's not really a criticism of Detroit per se,and a lot of folks seem to be really happy here, but it is something I'm aware of and taking into consideration. That said, I'm not 100% sure either way whether we'll stay here or not...I *am* starting to like going to Wayne, and I could stay there for four years and be satisfied with the school itself, but we do miss both our friends and all the city of Chicago has to offer. I think the big determinant will be financial. I recently applied to Loyola and if I can get enough scholarship money to get it covered, we'd probably move back, but if not we'd probably just stick it out here til I graduate...
from felicezombie :
What are your thoughts on Naropa, btw? My dad asked me about them recently, because a friend of his has been thinking of going there. As far as Chris...yeah, I may just ask him but I want to wait until I know that I'm serious about it, and have actually finished the app and put my writing portfolio together.
from felicezombie :
to be honest, I haven't decided yet if I'm going to give out the passcode...right now, it's pure stream of thought, with no consideration as to audience or how what I'm saying is coming across, and I don't want to give that up yet. Maybe once I've been doing the private entries for longer, when I'm in more of a routine with it...
from felicezombie :
Hey there...thanks for the advice on the teacher.That sucks about the teacher, and the class sounded so far as the diary thing goes, I can understand. I mainly keep a diary rather religiously because it's fun for me. (Maybe too much, I recently cut back to two...this one, and one on lj)Though I hope at some point you start keeping yours again just b/c I like reading your writing :-)
from sternchen :
Hey! Thanks for the nice message. I got a really mean one in my guestbook, so yours nicely counteracted. Yes, I've thought a lot about going on to grad school... I just don't think I can do it right away (I don't feel like I'm ready). I was considering that I could do that research project through a university, but I'm concerned if it involves interviewing on a touchy subject: a friend of mine was doing his thesis and was denied several times by the committee because it was too "risque." (sp?) So because of that, I thought it might be better if I did it solo... who knows. We should chat sometime about dissertations! :)
from quietdespair :
i just got onto this diary thing & i can't do anything i want to do. please help me out. e-mail me at [email protected]. thanx, i could use the help
from chinaskinote :
lip prints, awesome! I made my first ever booty call last night! pablo
from raven72d :
Your diary is a delight...!

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