messages to fat-angel:
(click here to add new message):

from jenistar2 :
hey--thanks for still having jenistar on your buddy list, after all this time! I'm moving--new url is Hope you'll follow along!
from sjomedia :
Hey- are you sure that you did your taxes right? Something sounds weird about it- have you tried the IRS tax estimator?,,id=96196,00.html Also, do you have any student loans in your name? Are you eligible to deduct the interest? Email or call me if you need help. (I kind of like doing taxes) Love, je(n)1
from blastfurnace :
Hey - Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, and Nick Cave are three of my favorite singer/song-writers. Cool choices! I'm a little disturbed by the movies though! rock thyself on!!! p.s. fat-angel? like the beer? I live near that brewery.
from jenistar :
Jenn--where are you? I miss your posts!
from aglaia :
I like you!
from fuboowuzzle :
Merry christmas.. happy holidays.. whatever...
from mikki22 :
Cool journal. I really like the way you write.
from angrygirl :
YOU are up to 98 visits. How cool is that? P.S. Kira only has so many cause glitter kitty gave her 100 free hits before she signed up. Yes, she got it from Glitter Kitty. Glitter Kitty sux.
from quarters :
not to be overly-critical and/or analytical, but just so you know, it's tchachke
from gothchicky :
Hey girl, I hope you feel better. I still love you man(even though you don't have a link to my diary :( jk)
from fallengirl :
You are an awsome writer jenn. Keep it up.
from uh-oh :
I think someone is being selective in their reader's choice...britneysgrrl would back me up. You're on mine :( Are we not good enough???
from britneysgrrl :
hey why am i not on your "read all the time list" You hurt me... :(
from britneysgrrl :
this is cool......
from gothchicky :
Hey girl!!! Just wanted to leave a comment to say hi and thanks for trying to make me feel better.
from bismark :
Our comments, like the mighty starfish, will, like, REGENERATE, man! Starfish do that, right? Allo, Angel. Exhibitonary masturbation never looked so good.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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