messages to fatbrunettes:
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from meganwaits :
But didn't I hear some Death cab for cutie on a car commercial or something, recently? And I know I've heard some Sujfan Stevens which makes me sad and happy for him at the same time.
from turtlemomma :
While I don't think it's hilarious, I do wish I had someone to discuss poop with freely. Or at least being brave enough to write about it. Dear Diary, I took a healthy crap today. ~K
from themandikat :
You're frigging clever!
from ottodixless :
Hi. Thanks for the pointer. Very cunning relocation. Soon everybody will be adding an S to their name, I'm sure. I really want to ask how anyone can get an enema by accident, but at the same time I definitely do not want to know the answer.

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