messages to firesungodss:
(click here to add new message):

from leslieirene :
Update! We love your writing! Hey, want to join The Spark ring? Please?! Let me know. It doesn't entail anything but a link back to them! Hope you're o.k. Miss you. Really. Love, Leslie
from r0ckerchic :
I love your entry! it ROCKS!!!
from leslieirene :
Great entry! Yes, two months later, I have read it! Damn me!
from turelie :
Hi, I just read your religion entry and was really nspired, I was given my religion and told I was going to hell if I didn't take it. I've since changed and am vey happy with it, although I do get the occasional "you are going to hell devil-worshipper" from other people. Well done, brilliant entry! :o)
from annexx :
Hi! I quite like your diary, really. The way your call it 'Tiggy', that's so cute!
from raresilk :
It's still me, Leslie...great entry. I really enjoyed that. You write really well, Delia! Good job. So tell me, when am I going to meet "the one"?! I can take it, really! xoxox, Leslie Irene :)
from leslieirene :
Love you, always! Blessings, Me.
from bansheerose :
Hey found you through another diary. I agree that kids should find their own religion. ~Bek
from kidneygurl :
I enjoyed reading; please update more often! You have fans!
from raresilk :
Cool entry! This is Leslie, btw! I'm under my new review site's name...Raresilk. Check it's "real purty"! Love, Leslie
from ljungberg8 :
hey, im a leslieirene reader, just poppin' by to check your diary out and say hi!
from kidneygurl :
from leslieirene :
Welcome! This is the best f****** diary yet!

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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