messages to fivethree:
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from eatmorepizza :
Thanks for the encouraging words, it's always good to hear from you :) Hope you're hanging in there alright yourself. Hit me up if you ever need to talk!
from sarahisok :
This is going to seem so weird, but I had a dream about you last night and woke up thinking I needed to check your diary for the first time in FOREVER. Miraculously I remembered the password and I just have to tell you I admire your strength so much. It's so not easy to break off a long term relationship but you've always seemed to live life fearlessly taking chances. I'm glad I had that bizarre prompting to check up on you :)
from eatmorepizza :
I miss you. Hopefully you're doing well :)
from alethia :
It *does* help to hear it from a third party. I really appreciate your nice words, even though we're strangers on the internet. Kind of strangers. (I haven't told ANY of my real life friends about getting that ticket. I'm still too ashamed.)
from alethia :
I do actually. I haven't listed anything yet because...well, when ever I start working up the nerve the demon of self doubt sits on my chest and cackles. (Cackling is dangerous. Just ask Terry Pratchett's witches.) The result is I have shitloads of stock sittings in boxes in my basement. Super adorable shitloads of stock. They usually only see the light of day when someone sees a pair of earrings I've made and goes head over heels, then I pull it all out and sell a few pairs. I know it's really stupid and I should just stop whining about it and do it.
from alethia :
Thank you.
from eatmorepizza :
You find me a cute and smart girl that lives in LA but isn't from there that's single and I'll take her out!
from thelongreign :
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Hope everyone is doing well (or as well as they can be)
from kelsey-sue :
heeyyy!!! i'm around! and i updated a really quick overview of my life, but i'm totally bummed because i'm not a gold member and i can't upload pictures to my entries anymore! i have soo many pics to show people (plus my photo skills are way better than my writing skills) ahhh well. how have you been?? you haven't updated in forever either, girl!
from alethia :
Tell me what you want to read about and I'll write a book about it. Everything I try to make up myself turns out to be drivel and shit.
from kelsey-sue :
erin! i just decided to be reminiscent and catch up on my old entries and you had recently updated so i read all about what's been going on with you and i am so happy for you! everything seems to be falling into place and most importantly you seem genuinely happy and at peace. i envy you! hope you're doing good!
from thelongreign :
I'm so glad to hear things are going well!!! Cleary, eliminating the distance from the relationship elimindated the issues. SO SO happy about that! And honestly, it makes's really hard to stay secure in a relationship (especially a new one, when you're still figuring each other out) when there's so much space between the two of you. You can't see the person, and you miss them...and it just lends itself to ickyness. It sounds like you're adjusting well to CA too! Good for you sweetheart, you deserve it
from thelongreign :
Oh!!! Excellent movie!
from thelongreign :
Oh!!! Excellent movie!
from permeation :
I can't read you. What if I want to?
from kelsey-sue :
E. you sound excellent! i just caught up on your summer entries and things sound great! it totally blew my mind that since i've been negligent with reading diaries you've gone and graduated from college...that's just crazy! i'm glad to hear about things with the beau-makes me very happy for you. :)any luck with the job search?
from kelsey-sue :
hey erin! i've lost your stuff too! i had it all automatically saved to my old computer and now i have no clue what your password and such is! let me know- [email protected] password for you: username-tremendous password-erin
from sarahisok :
Hey! My password doesn't seem to be working anymore. If you don't mind, send me a new one? You have my email. :)
from sarahisok :
I'm so happy to hear that everything's going well with you and congrats on being finished with school! Enjoy the California weather, bet you're not missing the awful humidity we've got in the midwest.
from thelongreign :
I honestly think the fact that this is all new to you is a good thing. It leaves you with no preconceived ideas. Fresh slate and all of that. I am so excited for the positive changes you are making in your life, and so very glad to hear things are going well!! As for graduation!!!!! YAY! Good Job! Keep us posted on everything, sweetheart

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