messages to flossing:
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from i-c-dumppl :
I think I'll have to! Thanks for being so supportive, I wish some more people were like that towards me (coughcoughmydadcoughcough). I'm glad I picked your diary now, at first I felt bad, and now I feel honoured that you not only cared, but condoned! Golly gee whiz, thanks!
from i-c-dumppl :
No, sorry, I picked your diary at random on the list in English class. We were supposed to be doing our research project, and we were all being delinquents. Well, as far as delinquents can go in the "smart classes." It was a lot more fun at the time, trust me! Thanks for responding to something so stupid!
from i-c-dumppl :
My English teacher, Mr. D, loves Cyndi Lauper. You're welcome.

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