messages to frazzled-imp:
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from macfarlane :
Happy New Year!!!
from enchantrev :
Like getting reviewed? Come get reviewed at Enchanting Reviews
from sunnflower :
Thanks so much for your kind thoughts and prayers for my friend. I think all of that really makes a difference. Her surgery went very well and I am going to fly out to visit her tomorrow. Thanks again!
from sunnflower :
Thanks so much for your kind thoughts and prayers for my friend. I think all of that really makes a difference. Her surgery went very well and I am going to fly out to visit her tomorrow. Thanks again!
from treedancer :
i liked your nick; liked your diary even more. best of luck with the move, and congrats on sorting out the closet ;)
from mommylap :
25 is a pretty slippery touchstone. From what I see, you're smart and you are familiar with caution. What better way to forge out again? You have this incredibly nutured bond with your daughter, and she's going to be so proud watching you jump in everyday to help create an independent life for you both. That's the greatest vision you can give her- the example that every woman has to go out and make her own life for herself, and that even when life can't always be certain, you can always be certain of love. Be proud of yourself.
from augustdreams :
I just love your entry on your little sprout and her impromptu photo session! That's so funny! And I've been meanting to thank you for adding me as a favorite. I'll be adding you to mine as well - I'm really enjoying catching up on your entries. And your "About me" section. Truly, we must get together for hot cocoa and animal crackers.
from ihatepizza :
Okay, your banner is the raddest Diaryland banner yet. Seriously. I just had to tell you that.
from macfarlane :
I love the doll
from mommylap :
Finding your diary provided me with something so necessary today. I envy your closet and your pride is well-earned. In thanks for learning of your existence in diaryland I am now wishing profusely that you are awarded your boots of lust. Sears would give them to you for free, I trust, if only Sears knew of you.
from lealoo :
Hey. love your layout.
from miapiglet :
Wow! I really love your layout. :)
from cold--fusion :
Leet diary �]
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island - just wanted to say thanks for your nice comment about my blog - little island. I really appreciated it because you have an eye for design.
from candora :
I love imps, I understand frazzled, so I understand love?... we'll have to try that again when I'm less frazzled, or at least awake.
from macfarlane :
OK Your roomate is a Stormtrooper, thats an instant diary added to my List of favourites!
from frisbee01 :
the dark are definitely cool in my book. just ran past ya...hopefully you can figure out your porn situation.
from mentalblank :
No late night porn??? Holy crap, that would suck big titties.
from sunnflower :
Hope you had a blast in New Orleans.
from ravynemyst :
Your lovely gifts arrived today and I am still crying from the joy of them. Thank you so much sweetie. You really didn't have to send me anything, but I will use them with care and each time I burn one, I will think of you and your friendship. Love ya!

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