messages to gaygamer:
(click here to add new message):

from glamness :
Hey,doll. Just thought I should push through and give my support. *claps* -Jakie x
from tritonsqueen :
Hello there!! You seem like a cool guy!!
from treedancer :
eh, g/b is giving an internal server error, confound D/L! y'orlroight out there? [14/03/03]
from monkeymind :
Hey there gaygamer, Thanks for the note... I don't have a guestbook I guess. I guess that's what I use my "Notes" section for. So, what kind of games do you play?
from sunshine19 :
hey..interesting....check out my entries..i'm a boi from the states..oh well..catcha later.
from smellyfinger :
Does your finger smell too?
from pisceschrist :
well, we all need a hobby i spose. =)
from k9642042 :
oh my notes? Problem solved.

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