messages to gigantor21:
(click here to add new message):

from being-you :
No Way! How can someone be so...stupid and ignorant?? Sometimes people worry me...
from being-you :
The Yahoo thing, is that actually real?? Did someone actually write that for real?????
from amazinfuckup :
You always know how to make me feel better. I guess lately I've been spending a lot of time comparing myself to who I was at fifteen/sixteen, and realizing that that girl would probably be really disappointed in me. The god thing tops the list of reasons why.
from kittiefan17 :
I completely agree with you. It all explains why so many so-called "religious" people are the biggest hypocrites.
from kittiefan17 :
I really wish that I could bring myself to know in my heart that something Great may exist, but my life has been so full of disappointments, it's almost impossible to have faith in anything...much less something that I don't even know for sure exists or not. To me, it is easier for a Valley Girl princess who has everything falling right on her lap to see the point in there being a God, than little 'ole me...but that's just my opinion. Call it immature thinking, but I think not.
from kittiefan17 :
hahaha! No I did not...but should have! Instead, I just kept walking as fast as I could away from him.
from kittiefan17 :
oh boy oh boy...guess who I saw the other day on my way to the train station???....................GANDO!!!! hahaha. And he started flirting with me again and I was like "meh, NOT AGAIN!!!" Does he just not get it? Haha.
from kittiefan17 :
The countdown-letdown was a little more depressing this year=(...almost like the impending doom. haha.
from amazinfuckup :
Awww, you really now how to bring a bitch down! I think there is something to be said for optimism. Even if the situation sucks, and will continue to suck for a little while, there's nothing wrong with making the best of it. :)
from amazinfuckup :
That's true. And I think women who have twelve goddamn children are ultimately more insane than those that don't want any. Parents with more than three children are actively causing overpopulation and no one gets that. Sure, it might not be an issue RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND, but it will be in the not-so-distant future. You're very right though, women are often chastised for not wanting children and told that they are worth less as a human being.
from kittiefan17 :
You should have celebrated Festivus instead!!!Haha. I got a little bit of a festivus vibe from that entry. Haha. But anyways, it is almost New Years, which means that it is almost time for the countdown-letdown!!! Are you doing it this year?
from kittiefan17 :
thanks kofi, I hope i'll be fine in the end. merry christmas.=)
from amazinfuckup :
As usual, could not agree more.
from amazinfuckup :
I heard about that. Fucking ridiculous. Did you hear the reports of what those same shoppers were saying after it was announced that someone had died and they had to clear out? They got angry and said shit like, "I've been waiting here since two in the morning!" and refused to leave. Fucking pathetic.
from kittiefan17 :
What you said made a lot of sense, Kofi. I had actually always thought of the "collegiate" concept as exactly that, but was just too afraid to state my opinions out loud. *shakes head in disgrace* it's amazing how (as you said) graduate schools are growing in importance and in a few years will make a college degree seem like nothing. Before you know it, EVERYONE will be required to hold a doctorate or Phd degree in something in order to make ends meet! What a shame.
from amazinfuckup :
I don't understand going into debt over college. I haven't taken out student loans and probably never will, because not only is going into debt right now a terrible, terrible decision (I'm looking at you, economy. I know GM is falling apart and I know that a bunch of major banks have their shit ruined.) but the degrees earned mean less as more people earn them. A bachelors is almost completely worthless now, no matter what it's in. Of course, it's easy for me to sit here and criticize, but I'm not really sure what the solution is. There are definitely way too many people in college right now who should have taken more of a trade school/vocational route instead, so maybe once people wake up to that there will be more of a swing in that direction. I think I ranted. Whoops.
from shoelover192 :
Haha yeah I still read, smarmy isn't so bad :p
from kittiefan17 :
yay! i'm glad things are going well for you. I'm just shocked-who knew mr. Kofi would settle for Nassau?haha. That's still really cool though. ...and LAMO! @ the girls at your old school being "cavewomen"! What's funny is, I would always call guys I found unattractive cavemen, or Geico cavemen...just didn't think I was the only one that used neanderthals as references. =)
from kittiefan17 :
Are the girls at my school really that much better looking than the girls at your school? If so, then WOW! The girls at my school are very average looking in my opinion, but then again, i'm not a guy and i'm straight, so I guess my opinion doesn't matter when it comes to this.=) And yea, I actually do like this new layout better than the old. This one's more "fresh" and "new" and not as cheap-looking in my opinion. =)
from kittiefan17 :
kofiiiiiiiiiiii! I have so much to tell you. We should hang soon man!
from kittiefan17 :
Black on Black crime. *shakes head* You're right, this is disgusting...and disturbing. I think they should instead use the same energy that they are using to hate and kill eachother to work on rebuilding Africa and spreading AIDS awareness.
from amazinfuckup :
And I just read your most recent entry. I can't read the article cause I can't copy and paste the url, but it sounds pretty similar to what happened to Rwanda back in the nineties. Politicians will exploit anything and everything to get what they want, even if that happens to be human lives.
from amazinfuckup :
Hahaha, why thank you sweetheart. It makes sense that it's a defense mechanism, and it makes sense that that's what Penn said, because Penn and Teller are basically amazing. And oh man, don't even get me started on current events. The election is already pissing me off and it hasn't even happened yet.
from amazinfuckup :
I'm all for questioning the government, but to continue to believe and speak on behalf of something that clearly has no basis in reality is ridiculous. Every piece of "evidence" he's ever presented has been refuted, but does that stop him? Nope. Also, it's nice to be talking to you this much again. =D
from amazinfuckup :
Definitely. He should probably be killed anyway, just for being so ridiculous.
from amazinfuckup :
from amazinfuckup :
Absolutely. If they keep it to democrats vs republicans, at least there is a fifty/fifty chance of winning and at least they are all in bed with eachother anyway. A third party offers neither of those benefits.
from amazinfuckup :
I honestly believe so many problems with our system would be solved if we had a multiple party system. Democrats versus Republicans? Fuck that, I do not believe in either of them. I want my goddamn Libertarian president, and it's a shame I'll never have it.
from kittiefan17 :
...and it doesn't matter, cause I loved it! Great job! It was even better than last year's!
from kittiefan17 :
hey kofi! You should totally do your "countdown-letdown" thing again for '08...that was hilarious!
from kittiefan17 :
"Do you want a hug?" lmao. So THAT'S what guys do behind closed doors, heh?
from kittiefan17 :
I swear, I think she's growing more and more conceited because she has him and it's getting on my damn nerves! Just wait 'til I get a boyfriend here...we'll be doing it out on the couch, on the dining room table, on the kitchen floor, AND in the shower, and I will moan so loudly that her tympanic membrane (that is, her ear drum) will pop! Sorry if that was too much info.LOL Well, if you need anyone to hang with during break, you can always give me a ring...and we can ride in my sweet new ride!lol...Give Gando's chill crib a run for its money.haha.
from kittiefan17 :
it's ok! just wanted to make sure you weren't giving me the cold shoulder=)
from kittiefan17 :
no happy birthday kofi? ok.=(
from amazinfuckup :
Thanks, I'm doing okay. Tuesday until Friday were the really rough days because we didn't know how bad it was, but it looks like now we have a game plan and things are going to be okay. Plus my mom is keeping her sense of humor, she says because she's going to be on chemo she may as well get a medicinal marijuana card. I love my mom :)
from kittiefan17 :
I think what Kofi's trying to say is that when a person puts all of their efforts in just living life to its fullest, it doesn't give them time to breathe and they, as a result, become obsessed with this notion of "living it up,"...and we all know how bad obsessions can be. That's what I got from it atleast.
from errantnights :
Every month I find myself writing a new sticky-note, reminding me you can get stuck here. You drive down the same streets, you go to the same places. And it feels like time isn't passing, but it is. And it'll pass you right by. You owe it to yourself, get out, get free. Make a life for yourself.
from errantnights :
I don't understand how somebody can be content to 'just be'. 'Just be'ing is the reason people fall into the 9-5 rut, get married, work for forty years, and then die. Finding something else is what it is all about. Sure, you don't get that rush from getting good grades or whatever else you're forced to do. Find something you fucking do enjoy and do that, because when you find that thing, you're going to want to be the best at it, because you are selfish, just like everybody else. You don't play video games to just wander around. You play them to win.
from kittiefan17 :
You know, I actually agree with what that guy's saying. Everytime I try to live the perfect life, I fail miserably and feel like shit, but whenever I adopt the "I exist just because" mentality, it's like a breath of fresh air and I don't mind not getting my way everytime. Only thing i'd add though, is that in life, it's always good to have a little bit of fun every once in awhile.
from amazinfuckup :
Haha, sorry to be so harsh. It's just, this is pretty much how you sound all the time, and not in an ironic way. If you don't want to go out then don't go out, but you don't get to complain that all your friends are jerks either, or that you're bored, because you've chosen it. You know?
from amazinfuckup :
You know, a lot of people don't have others to ask them what's wrong or try to make them happy. You should feel lucky that you have people that like you enough to do that, especially if you're as bitchy towards them as you're making yourself sound here. No one's saying you have to go out and get drunk and fuck every girl that comes along, but honestly, it might do you good to stop acting like a twelve year old and go out.
from kittiefan17 :
I think that you should be happy that your suite mates are concerned about you...atleast they care! Last year, my roomates pulled the same "intervention" plan for me, and guess what? I went from the shy/scared introverted girl who hated frat parties and drinking, to a girl who drinks, parties, goes out clubbing, and every once in awhile, has the time of my life! Just try, and you'll see what I mean. It is always good to let your guard down every once in awhile.
from amazinfuckup :
well like, the thing is i can handle it from some people. just not potential love interests anymore. COME ON GUYS SOMEONE IN THIS RELATIONSHIP HAS TO BE THE BABY AND IT IS NOT GOING TO BE YOU.
from amazinfuckup :
i frequently have this argument with my peers. what frustrates me even more are the people who give up on all rap because of a few shitty groups--underground hip hop is amazing. like aesop rock, or atmosphere. "if the jesus piece around your neck is bigger than your pistol, it makes homicide okie dokie and your god'll forgive you."
from amazinfuckup :
i didn't "let" him choke me, persay. before i could really object he'd stopped. and not to sound like the hero, but it's not the worst he's done. and i'm hoping this new boy works out better too--but we're starting off a lot slower, i've known him for four years now, and he lets me initiate. and i'm still a virgin. so nyah.
from kittiefan17 :
are you serious? Because I was seriously thinking of starting a group like that...glad to see that someonelse feels the same way I do!
from kittiefan17 :
you've got THAT right Kofi! I swear, sometimes it feels like i'm merely looking to see how many friends I can get on my buddy list...and half those people I don't even speak to anyway! If you look at my "wall," not that many people have written on it.
from kittiefan17 :
I like hanging out at the virgin megastore, so we can go there...otherwise, we'll just walk around...unless you wanna see a movie!lol
from kittiefan17 :
hey. i'm not doing nething on yea, great time to go to the city!!! What time would you like, if you're available?
from kittiefan17 :
hmmmm...your roomate sounds like a ladies man kofi!haha. Surprisingly enough, i don't find him that attractive.
from kittiefan17 :
of course! I'd never pass up a good opportunity to go the city! we haven't gone together in ages. it's time to catch up.=) Yea, i know it sux to be in school until wednesday, but it'll be here before you know it, so try not to lose your mind=)
from kittiefan17 :
i will be done with finals by tommorrow, which means i could leave by thursday...but my mom can't make it at that time!=( So i'm leaving on friday and will be home by staurday.
from kittiefan17 :
lmao. speaking of your brother, i wonder what he thinks of Akon dry humping a 14 year old girl!haha
from atoutlemonde :
Everything went crazy (again). I'm back now though, I think.
from thatgirlx :
Hey! That is SO not a valid excuse! I have GAD and I'm ALWAYS on AIM! ;)
from kittiefan17 :
hey kofi, are you going to be home this weekend or next weekend? please let me know.
from kittiefan17 :
you and me both brotha!
from kittiefan17 :
happy birthday. have a very good one.
from kittiefan17 :
hey kofi...get your ass on aim right now!! I need someone to talk to!!
from amazinfuckup :
Yeah. He is nuts. I just thought it would be fun to talk about. In some places she is definitely mean spirited, but he didn't have to freak out over it. >;[[
from kittiefan17 :
oh no kofi, i am definitely NOT reffering to you! I was just venting some frustrations because of the assholes at this damn school! I think im going to transfer after next year...
from amazinfuckup :
Yeah, I know you are right. I have to suck it up and BE A MAN. Thank you :).
from kittiefan17 :
i know right!!!! Britanny's crazy...
from amazinfuckup :
are you serious? thats awesome
from cuttersblood :
ah okay, well i am glad to hear that things are going okay. would you mind if i had the username/pw?
from kittiefan17 :
from atoutlemonde :
Went a bit off the rails to be honest.. I don't even remember locking the diary. It's public again now, which is more than I can say about yours. I hope everything is alright with you.
from kittiefan17 :
hmmm...since its the holiday weekend, I say an earlier time...9:00 perhaps?
from kittiefan17 :
hey kofi. are you still up for saturday?
from cuttersblood :
i'm sorry to see that your diary is locked. i hope things are going okay for you.
from kittiefan17 :
great chat last night kofi!=)
from thatgirlx :
That freaked the shit out of me until I remembered that you have one of those site meter things... Which is how I'm assuming you knew?
from gigantor21 :
So, yeah, I locked my diary. It's getting too personal for me to just leave floating around on the Internet like that. Send me an e-mail ([email protected]) and I'll send you the username and password.
from kittiefan17 :
hey kofi. not all therapy works but there is help out there! i know this is hard to do, but pick yourself up and look forward to the bright future ahead of you. so...just atleast try to reach out to someone. i'm always around if you need someone to talk to.
from kittiefan17 :
thanx kof.!!!=)
from kittiefan17 :
omg yes we should!
from kittiefan17 :
God Kofi, stop being so negative. Don't make me come over there!
from kittiefan17 :
I'm not surprised, because it took us two and a half hours just to get there!!!! And did you know, Philadelphia is actually FOUR HOURS away from here??!! What is up with this place??
from kittiefan17 :
Flava Flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav!=)
from cuttersblood :
thank you too.
from cuttersblood :
don't write for other people, write for yourself. and that means you can write whatever you want. and if it matters at all...i know i'm always interested in what you write.
from kittiefan17 :
i am online usually in the evenings...but not at 10...well, know what's going on!lol
from kittiefan17 :
Yea! it is luckymo75
from kittiefan17 :
Wow, a note from Kofi!lol Thanx for the comment. I did speak to him last night...and well, just read my recent entry!=)
from amazinfuckup :
See previous comment. Also, thank you :D
from amazinfuckup :
Why thank you sir. Now please get the fuck online, jesus.
from amazinfuckup :
Psyche like as an alternative to "mind". Just say mind, jesus christ. "Psyche" is the word you use when you've been reading too much Freud and want everyone to know.
from kittiefan17 :
Geneseo is calling your name!
from amazinfuckup :
You shush, mister. Why haven't you been on AIM? Hmmmm?
from atoutlemonde :
Awful.. I don't even know anymore. Haven't been having the best of times recently.. How are you?
from cuttersblood :
and i thought it just sounded like the disorganized ramblings of an obsessive broken heart. but thank you so very much for your kind comments.
from kittiefan17 :
Congratulations Kofi!!!!!!!! We made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from atoutlemonde :
Ah, the dreaded hayfever?
from kittiefan17 :
I have no mother is going to call the school and ask...I know for a fact though that the ceremony will be held in the gymnasium.
from amazinfuckup :
No way! Graduation is yes! Think about it. I don't actually have to do anything, I get money from people because apparently it's a big deal, all my friends and family are in one place, and afterwards I get to fuck around and go to the beach. Man I love the beach. I love graduating.
from atoutlemonde :
A cough and tonsilitis! Not a nice combination, I can assure you.
from atoutlemonde :
Thank you.. I trust you've been well?
from kittiefan17 :
We met on the site...just like all my other dates. The site helps=)
from kittiefan17 :
Hey Kofi. I just want to say, thank you soooo much for being my friend and putting up with my weardness this past year. And also, thanks for the kind words in my yearbook (and I do mean every word I wrote to you). I know i'm not going to see you until graduation day, so I thought i'd thank you now.
from faild-hitler :
Awww, you win. Our rehearsal lasted a couple of hours and then they dismissed us. I've been hanging out with friends and playing video games for like eight hours. I think I should graduate every day.
from kittiefan17 :
Don't say know you're going to miss Wang's class. Oh, and IN IT!!!!!!!
from amazinfuckup :
A week and a half or so. Not next wednesday, but the wednesday after. I try not to think about it a whole hell of a lot because it's scary as hell. What about you? o.o
from kittiefan17 :
Was that entry for advanced writing? It was really good.
from kittiefan17 :
I know Kofi...I really should have, but you know how desperate I can get sometimes especially when im sexually yea what shouldn't have happened, happened and I kinda sorta feel like an idiot=(
from kittiefan17 :
No...because he had a date before I even got the chance to!! Little rat...
from atoutlemonde :
Thank you.. Welcome back.
from amazinfuckup :
Parents are pretty cool like that. Don't listen to them, it's better to have a job that's satisfying than one that makes you a lot of money. If you already know you don't want to be a doctor, then fuck it.
from kittiefan17 :
yea, 12:30. And meet me downstairs.
from kittiefan17 :
Hey Kofi. Are we still going to the city tommorrow?
from amazinfuckup :
from kittiefan17 :
from atoutlemonde :
I wish you'd continue with your writing..
from amazinfuckup :
It's officially the 23rd now and you are supposed to be back. Did you die? Are you just too lazy to let us know you are alive? Am I super drunk right now? I only know the answer to the last one and that is yes, yes I am. Post something soon or I will do something drastic! DRASTIC! What a great word, drastic. Anyway. <3
from kittiefan17 :
Have fun Kof.=)
from amazinfuckup :
Thanks for letting me know, and thanks for the additional compliments. Have fun in England, you deserve it. :)
from amazinfuckup :
Jesus, maybe they are stupid AND assholes... I totally didn't consider that. Fuck. Oh, and I just found all the comments you wrote for the favorite entries of mine you listed and it made my day stop sucking (it was a pretty not good day), so thank you so much for that. I really wish you would come back still. <3, Amanda
from kittiefan17 :
I know, I know, I shouldn't be thinking that way, but I don't know...I guess i'm just the kid of person who ets the little things about a person bother're right, I really should stop that
from amazinfuckup :
Thank you. I guess I didn't really expect anyone to care... just... thank you. <3
from kittiefan17 : lost your fucking mind?!! I'm sorry...who am I to be bossy...well, whatever's best I guess...but I still think you should keep updating.
from amazinfuckup :
You can't expect change in less than three months. Not the kind of change you're talking about. If you feel that not keeping a diary anymore really would be for the best, then I encourage it, but I sort of took a liking to you and you will be missed.
from atoutlemonde :
No, i'm not offended at all. It is the natural conclusion that most people would jump to anyway.
from kittiefan17 :
"we should learn something from this"LOL! Omg, i'm dying right now! You're a funny man Kof. What WAS up with Wang? Lemme guess...Jesse made him do it, sisn't he?lol Wow, I never thought he'd pull something like that, especially since he's supposedly a laid back teacher...I guess even he has his limits.
from cuttersblood :
thank you for your understanding. i don't think my reasons would be any more legitimate than yours. we feel what we feel. we don't have to justify it. it's just there. and it's nice to have someone who understands these feelings no matter what the reasons are.
from atoutlemonde :
Thank you for the comment on your profile, I just wanted to point out that i'm actually male. I hope this doesn't disgust you in any way, if it does however.. Just let me know. I admire you for writing that note to me. It is natural for us to be enchanted by death as we do not understand it. Most people spend their entire lives seeking answers to lost questions. My words are my release and if other people find them interesting then I hope they are being taught about the aftermath of suicide.
from atoutlemonde :
Thank you anyway. Your words are quite comforting.
from kittiefan17 :
first porn at 5?!! You're a crazy man

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