messages to girlishness:
(click here to add new message):

from indie-snob :
hello there! i just reviewed the most recent New Pornographers album and thought you may be interested because they reminded me so much of the Shins. i have a bunch of other concert and album reviews too. check it out! thanks!
from hand-bag :
i think you're nice. i want to add you as a fav. diary, if it's okay.
from fword :
you are so lovely... please visit fword and think about submitting something. i'd love it. xoxo, jessica
from paintedkiss :
clearly you rock my socks. quite interesting... never let dumb boys phase you. :) xrockonx xoxo
from girlishness :
i know you are but what am i! (hi, whatshisface.)
from knotagain :
I think I'm in your boat.
from knotagain :
You wrote, "i will never be the first to go, because i can always find a reason to stay." That is probably the best thing I'll read all day.
from weatherking :
whoa, did that take you to a gay porn site?
from knotagain :
Really cool. I have something to read when I'm hiding in my office, now.
from emeraldtiger :
hey i just started reading your diary. it's a really fun read!
from dearneal :
from girl-o-matic :
I'll be back, to read more of your bittersweet ramblings.
from devonair :
My friend told me I'm the strangest girl he's ever met. I pulled out my strawberry sorbet softlips brand chapstick and told him to explain himself. It made me want to read your diary.
from jackofhearts :
Sounds like fun!
from jackofhearts :
I like your style. Tell me more. I'll be back.
from jackofhearts :
I like your style. Tell me more. I'll be back.
from chibisenshi :
I just wanted to say hi^_^.I liked reading your entries^_^ and your gonna be on my favs list^_^.
from devonair :
I'm adding you to my favorites. . . thought you might like to know. . .
from railroad :
it's like little spiderwebs catching memories wrapping them up and feeding off them.
from brokenwords- :
how great is this?
from wide-eyes :
i need to steal your mantra. but if you want i'll just borrow it.
from weatherking :
Has anyone ever told you you're too good to be true? Because you are.
from blindspot :
i appreciate your sense of humor.
from jujucat :
halo. i think i can tell what you mean before i read it. = proof of girlishness. (i'm a girl, too.)
from steel-wings :
I also wonder if I can ever get boys... If that's even possible.You won't be flailing alone.

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