messages to glass-slide:
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from gonzoprophet :
i've always been fond of rorschach myself
from vinternatt :
Hello there, I really like your thoughts. You have a special talent for writing in symbols! (And this dark violet/purple layout looks very pleasant.)
from seventhwing :
Happy birthday dear somebody.
from frankie123 :
i hate my voice, too. i'm all gruffy and androgynous, like a ten year old boy who smokes three packs a day.
from seventhwing :
Don't go near that elevator - that's just what they want us to do... trap us in a steel box and take us down to the basement
from seventhwing :
No monsters sweetest - only shadows in dreams to chase away with headphones like a character in a story. It's never going to be as bad as all that, never again. I promise.
from dontremember :
no sleep. no slumber. i try but i dream anyways. if they are bad, they hurt. if they are good, they rip me apart.
from isky :
I'd like to be where you're head is:)
from seventhwing :
You know, sometimes when I'm waking up and the bed is warm with the obnoxious about of sunlight that gets thru the blinds and wings, lost in the twilight and not really awake... I get lost in a past that half existed and half didn't. A path not taken, far behind the realm we sit in now. And when I finally rouse enoughto realize where I am (in every definition) and it's so easy to see how things could have been, How badly we could have fucked up by just accepting what we were givin. But we didn't. We crawled out of that grave and there is no going back. It's all okay now. So let those childhood memories sit in happy reminiscense and nothing more. Our reality is ours alone.
from seventhwing :
Heh, evidently.
from seventhwing :
and also, "To this body and a heart"?
from frankie123 :
i sometimes do that.
from english-grad :
Indeed it is. Cristina Scabbia is one of two vocalist in Lacuna Coil. Andrea Ferro is the other vocalist in the band.
from seventhwing :
Why are you staring at me? Are you annoyed that I am the only one who has cake?
from frankie123 :
sometimes, yeah. but sometimes i think the performance can become part of the appeal, too. in a different way.
from seventhwing :
Dreams are for people who live lives in a world AWAKE. You DO, without relenting. There are no goals, no destination, just continuation. Write and progress and bleed and don't stop or just STOP. Stop and go back to sleep or exist and be what you ARE. That's all I can say to you.
from cybers1ut :
Or... chocolate fudge cake... cos even young revolutionaries need cake.
from frankie123 :
happy birthday yesterday!
from frankie123 :
as is frankie :)
from illusionless :
Thanks. I don't find 9 to be hard in leveling up just time consuming because of having to learn all the abilities as well. Good luck in your gaming projects. I've played 6 it's pretty fun, however I find it too overrated. I don't find it deserves as much hype as it has, but that's just my opinion. Take care.
from spires :
i guess i got sick of the stuff i was writing. i started a new name,, but it's pretty threadbare so far
from seventhwing :
"No cake for the impuriter."
from seventhwing :
"It is nothing so trivial as revenge. A fight to the death with you. Only in that can my soul find respite. I will kill you or you will kill me... it makes no difference."
from dontremember :
truer words were never typed into my notes box. <3
from spires :
oh dude, not even, ha ha. i'm still in high school. appreciate the luck!
from seventhwing :
My friend, do you fly away now? To a world that abhors you and I? All that awaits you is a somber morrow No matter where the winds may blow
from darthuae :
"...we make hate she and I" you're like a nick drake song.
from seventhwing :
"You who have spread your wings to God, oh, my beautiful soul in love, turn towards me appeased, let your true lover ascend with you. Ah, If the anger of mortals was so cruel with us, if we were divided on Earth, may God unite us in Heaven." -Tu che a Dio spiegasti, Edgardo's aria from Lucia di Lammermoor
from dontremember :
i've been thinking about these things alot lately
from spires :
man, i love your words!

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