messages to glockgirl:
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from somaserious :
That was so funny!!! I read t85225's diary yesterday and that was all he talked about. Check it out. You should also see the movie, "The Secretary". Yeah, I couldn't get into that lifestyle either, would say the same thing. I do martial arts, too!!! Seven years so far in a style called Koro Ken (spirit fist). Very cool with lot's of spiraling blocks and pressure point strikes. Will be testing for my black belt this summer if all goes well. I've always wanted to kung fu, but there are no places in southern Vermont that cater to that style. Someday. It's so beautiful. Take it easy, Soma
from whystinger :
I still haven't found any gun stories...
from whystinger :
Cool diary. I found you from Kungfukitten's diary. I fell for your name, Glockgirl, which is one of my favorite pistols. I read a few misc entries and they are good, especially about buying condoms. Funny, but that doens't really bother me much anymore, but I rememeber the feeling and sometimes I still get the feeling.
from hamiltonian :
Nice journal and love the name glockgirl...
from arc-angel666 :
Hello Glockgirl: Interesting bio. I too am in Martial Arts, I earned my Black Belt under the tutelage of MR. ED Parker in the Kenpo System (Chinese, Southern Shaolin) in Ca. A long time ago, GOD I'm getting old! I competed in tournies all over the country and was a member of the I.K.K.A. Team for 5 years. Martial Arts put me in the career I have had for the last 18 years. I work out daily and if I miss a day I feel like crap. The nice thing about Martial Arts is you will never stop learning. I also have a Glock. You ask what Moon would I like to be? The blood red one it doesn't happen often but its beautiful when it does. I read you like Vampire Brian Lumley....spooky. Good Night Glock Girl Respectfully Arc-Angel 666
from good-evil :
Hi there! We're a new review site and we're currently looking for diaries to review. If you'd like to submit your diary in for a review, pls feel free to visit us and request! Thanks and have a great day! - Good vs Evil Reviews (
from kungfukitten :
For your superhero suit I think you just described Everoboto's diary! Can I be your sidekick?
from moviegrrl :
Came across you randomly - reading your entries, I thought you might be interested in this Dland template: rather than that horrid old generic one... (yup I'm not ashamed to pimp my designs to complete strangers!)
from kungfukitten :
Congrats on getting your brown belt, even while sick! Now that's really martial. I'm sending you extra chi as I write this. :)

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