messages to goddess2b:
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from opulence :
From today untill my next update I will be locking my diary username= exotic password=poppy
from opulence :
I'll let you know xoxo :)
from moebelle :
you are sooo right! i most definitely WOULD love to have been at that party with you! It sounds like something I would very much LOVE!
from lvesgurl :
Hey from your diary it looks like u got a lot goin on! In your profile is that a pic of u?
from kellbelle :
Wow.. I finally made your dairy :) And I didn't really say anything new, revolutionary or even halfway intelligent. No wonder I love you. Hehe
from moebelle :
thanks for asking about the babies! Last night we were so scared because eric hadn't eaten solids in so long, but then today, kids being kids, he just woke up and started eating again. so, I am going out to celebrate and shop!!! yay! We are soooo relieved!!!
from nater627 :
Thanks for the response to my note. I have gotten alot of negative feedback from that survey (which is expected, given the language and composition). Thanks again for your response...I'm still trying to get diaryland to remove that survey!
from nater627 :
Actually I am aware of that smell, however, the ashes I have not dealt with. See, the purpose of my survey was retalitory. I had been in an argument with someone for the peace way of doing things. See the problem with your theory you have allowed yourself to believe those around you and those in the media to make you believe that we are attacking the innocent. Reflect back to 9/11. That was intentionally attacking the innocent. We are not going into Iraq to attack the Iraqi's. We are going in to take out Saddam. Yes, innocent might die in the conflict, as with all conflicts. Yes, war is not always a solution, however, sometimes we as a society need to use force to take out evil. However, we all believe seperate actions will result in different effects. I respect others opinions, and that survey was created after being told that my opinion didn't matter. Please do not get offended by the nature of the survey. And also, please remember, if Saddam could, personally, he would too fly a plane into the World trade towers.
from writerchic88 :
addedd you to my faves hope to hear from ya soon ~nafia
from omzhaara :
Hello! Thanks for your guestbook entry; girl, I used to think that I was alone in a sea of teen angst and high schoolers, but I've met lots of folks on here who are from all walks of life, ages... reading about the varied experiences of different people on here should practically be required reading in school... just to learn to view life from many different perspectives. Anyway (who's pontificating, not me! lol), I read some of your entries, and what with my love of football, boys and fun - I'd love to be an honorary Bad Girl out here on the West Coast! Smiles :) Take care!
from vivaestrella :
thanks for signing my gbook! i love your diary!!!
from moebelle :
I think the person who was displeased with you for your use of the word "Goddess" SHOULD be embaressed! You keep doing what you do best baby!
from cruelado-me :
OMG Woman... I just love your stories. So now you will just have to figure out who this is on your own. Love you lots.
from moebelle :
he he, thanks for leaving me a note. i love notes. I have several vibrators, one with a cyber flicker thing, which i love. And I would like to get a dildo, but have no idea what kind I would want. Any tips? :)
from chantalp :
I'm your first note-leaver. Whoo-hoo. This means I can stalk you!!! Love you!

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