messages to goosepants:
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from trapidi :
according to your picture, you have very interesting dreams!
from trapidi :
according to your picture, you have very interesting dreams!
from reptillia :
I'm back Heidi. I'm back!
from saturngirl08 :
hey, just came upon your diary since we are both on the brmc webring. when I was reading your entry, I was listening to "how soon is now" right when I scrolled down and that is what you had under music. freaky.. I too love harry potter :)
from spunkbread :
i was looking through profiles for pamela des barres because i am rereading "i'm with the band" again. anyway, your music section is great!! geez, redd kross is a kick booty band. what you wrote about them made me laugh my ass off. :) and jason falkner, sigh, i miss him in jellyfish. i met him and gave him/the band a chalk drawing i did and jason kissed me. thanks for the memories!! /funky diary name, too. awesome./(march 26, 2003)
from risapunkin :
hey! this is risa.....i was just wondering through diaryland and i stumbled upon your diary. Its very interesting. Have a nice day! Risa
from loveburns :
hey heidi its me Jackie, just wanted you to have my new diary name so you can go visit me there. no I don't luv jay anymore.
from megandjack :
we're both in the brmc webring.. we are so cool. rock on. :D -meg
from heidi-ho :
another thirty-something heidi! i guess it's not that unusual, but i really haven't met very many others. my problem with microfiber largely stems from my mother, who, if left to her own devices, would replace every single fabric in her house with microfiber. she is also addicted to home shopping. you see the problem. and seafood...well, i WISH i liked it. my life would be easier. i just can't do it. ick. a girlfriend and i are thinking of having a xanadu party soon. roller skates and all. i watched that movie 500 times when i was a kid. that and star wars. i see you live in the big easy. my fellow diaryland chum mel-ilsa is a former resident of your fair city. i think the constant aroma of vomit and the annual flooding got to her. but she loved it...i've never been there. someday!

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