messages to gripewater:
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from dinahsoar :
Your diary is hysterical! You are a comedic genius! The Mennonite Schlemiel was SO funny! And I really related to always hoping that, whatever the occasion, it will be cancelled! You are brilliant! Can I add you? Please! Please!
from hibiscus101 :
*Happy Holidays*
from plopphizz :
Congrats, you have been Quoted: Thanks for the great writing. -- Ploppy.
from amourbid :
You were funny enough to make my lazy butt sign up!
from arc-angel666 :
Good Morning Ms Gripewater: I noticed you on a couple of the favs list of friends of mine. Rosie and the Blue Meany especially like you so I thought I'd drop by. I certainly glad I did. I loved your synopsis of your building and its tennats. I have live in NYC twice in my life(The Village and Brooklyn Heights) and have worked there on numerous occasions. After your description I believe I may have seen some of these people lol. I love visiting and working in NYC, but for me its just to hard to live there, plus my work is out here in LA. Excuse me where are my manners? I'm Michael and I'm pleased to meet you. If it is okay with you, I'll be back to read more and possibly visit with you? Once again its nice to meet you.
from habbit :
Welcome to the club! EBM is a local fav, good to have you aboard!
from bluemeany :
Wow, I want to say it's an honor to leave you your first note, unless someone beats me to it as I type. You're a beautiful writer -- now I can see where your kid gets it from! Also, as I tell everyone who's sad around here, remember that ice cream makes everything better. Unless you're lactose intolerant. Then it just makes you sick. Take care, -Meany

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