messages to groovn-girl:
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from cardiogirl :
Sorry, I put a double http:// on that other one. This is really what you need to paste over your first paragraph starting after this WORD. I don't know how to link to Kay. Would someone PLEASE educate me? But her site is <A HREF=""> <FONT COLOR="blue"></A> </FONT> Go read her. She's a good ol' girl just trying to have fun. And flip a house. And take care of grandkids. And ... lots of other stuff. STOP COPYING AFTER THE WORD "STUFF." The code part starts with the first less than sign and the A. You put the actual address of the site inside the quote marks then you type the text that you want to be blue after the quotes and the greater than sign(so people can tell you should click on it). Then to make sure it is blue you put the last bit of code behind it. Does this make sense?
from cardiogirl :
Okay this is what you need to paste over your first paragraph starting after this WORD. I don't know how to link to Kay. Would someone PLEASE educate me? But her site is <A HREF="http://"> <FONT COLOR="blue"></A> </FONT> Go read her. She's a good ol' girl just trying to have fun. And flip a house. And take care of grandkids. And ... lots of other stuff. STOP COPYING BEFORE THE WORD STUFF. The code part starts with the first less than sign and the A. You put the actual address of the site inside the quote marks then you type the text that you want to be blue after the quotes and the greater than sign(so people can tell you should click on it). Then to make sure it is blue you put the last bit of code behind it. Does this make sense?
from panther2 :
mom, cum check out mi diary!
from prolifique :
Hmm. Your email bounced back. Would you message me, please? Tipsygypsy, gmail dot com. Thanks!
from panther2 :
Hi your entelegence Is broad. And you don't let anyone down. Congrats! You just one the best person award!
from panther2 :
Hi, u rock mom. Love ya! Hope ya liked your Zune. Have a Safe trip to Billie Jo's!
from cardiogirl :
Hey groovn-girl! Thanks for adding me! Good luck on the new dietary lifestyle for 2007 :)
from kungfukitten :
Groovn-girl, patron saint of dieters who exercise and don't cheat on their diets but still don't lose an ounce. Light a yellow candle for her and leave a single apple jolly rancher as an offering and state the following prayer: "Groovin-girl, I'm not full of bunk, please help get rid of the junk in my trunk." Say three times, spin in a circle and do 100 crunches. All will be well.
from taytay98 :
How do you get a profile
from chaos247 :
Well you need to pay up bi-atch so I can leave you a comment in the "cool section", heh, that or get the free sucky comment service. Just wanted to say Hi and Congrats and the kiddo is a doll! See ya later!
from taintedgurrl :
Jesus H. and baby Jesus too. Guess it's time to get those creative juices flowing again.
from psychodyke :
do you think chloe would be scarred (that's scarred, not skeered, mayflower) if a psychodyke left her a note...? tell her i'm super 'cited about campin, and if her momma's drunk ass engulfs herself in liquor-induced flames, at least there will be two nurses to laugh with her.
from somstar :
Awww she'll be fine! I think the first day of school is always harder for the adult than the child!
from chaos247 :
seperate=separate--GEEZ what did I tell you? 2 peas in a pod! LOL
from chaos247 :
Jesus H Christ!!!Were we seperated at birth or what? That is too kewl man! I am only 6 years your senior and the # 13 is cool coz it is my birthday!!
from dreamshaman :
It good to find a kindred spirit out there. Matrix was great. Too bad the last 2 didn't capture me the same way.
from taintedgurrl :
does this look like a rash to you?
from taintedgurrl :
Awww, baby... I'd never leave you! You my bitch! Now, get yo' ass in da car, bitch!
from taintedgurrl :
A best friend's love is almost as unconditional. I miss her too. *bigwarmhugs* ~tg
from playgurl1006 :
Oh yes. I would be right with you tearing Keanu's clothes off. he is one man. Even though he is like double my age. He looks very good in black...don't ya think. Okay well message me if you want and feel free to check out my diary. Hugs ~*Ashlee*~
from taintedgurrl :
Looks like you're on. And you're right, by the way... too many orgasms can seriously drain one's creative juices... so to speak.

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