messages to healthykat:
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from bitterwineuk :
Hiya, thanks for adding mydiet(2006) diary to your list. This is my main diary if you ever want to know about non-diet things. Hahaha. Thanks again. Becca
from sheschanging :
Hello, I came across your diary in the weightloss ring, and decided to add you. I to am on a mission to get to my ideal weight. Add me back if you'd like. :) See ya later! ♥
from qjan :
Good job! Water is good... but it makes me hafta pee. :(
from fatqueen :
Thanks for adding me and leaving me a note. I will be back to check on you -- keep going!!
from mystruggle88 :
Hey! My name is Marisa and I just started my own weight loss journal. When I was looking through other weight loss diaries that I found through rings I had a hard time connecting with people. I feel like I can connect to you since our starting weights are very similar (mine is 155) and our goals are both pretty close as well. In any case, I just wanted to thank you for being so inspirational :)
from spiruleena :
I'm feeling the same way these days, the healthy eating and exercising has all fallen way side to other things. Ya just gotta remember that journeys always involve lows to go with the great highs :) take care
from spiruleena :
Great to see your back :) I missed my weigh in to, but had a pretty bad weekend so I'm pretty sure I didn't lose any weight (may have even put some on hehe) Have a great night
from spiruleena :
hope everythings going okay, havn't heard from you for a while and you havn't posted. I'll keep popping in to check :) Have a great night
from spiruleena :
yeah, hormones suck big time. :(
from spiruleena :
way to go on the loss of more weight :)
from spiruleena :
boyfriends can be a pain in the butt sometimes can't they? we can do this tho! I just keep telling myself issues to do with him are nothing to do with what food I put into my body :) putting it that way makes it sound stupid that there could even be a link hehe hope you have a great day today. and thanx for dropping me another note :)
from spiruleena :
Hey there :) I just thought I'd drop you a note to say that I'm really pleased to find like-minded people here on diaryland. I'm trying to lose weight the healthy way too. I've learnt that diets don't work for me so I'm giving the 'don't eat unless your really hungry/stop eating when your full' thing a go too. As you say, so simple. I'm an emotional eater and binge eater, so this idea of general healthy eating is probably the best for me. Best wishes for your journey :) Can't weight to see that ticker hit its pot of gold.
from forty-plus :
Welcome to the Wellness diary ring! Good luck with your journey!

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