messages to honorreverb:
(click here to add new message):

from teen-christ :
damnit alex! password!?
from teen-christ :
I was kind of sad you were to move to london, but then I realized it wouldn't really change much of anything. We'll still remain the same online friends right!? hehh. <3
from teen-christ :
Alex, it's josh.. I've been seeing you online a lot, and I've been talking to you, or trying to. Well, I just saw these posts about all your finals and work. :( I hope I wasn't bothering you. good luck... and I hope all is well. <3
from cursexwords :
Dear Alex, I saw your death weekend of death. Therefore, I will call you tomorrow only to leave a disgustingly nice message. But I need to see you soon! I will call you again Tuesday perhaps.
from harri3tspy :
No problem. I've certainly been there. When you get it fixed, just add yourself again. We'd love to have you back!
from harri3tspy :
Hi. I'm updating the academia diaryring and, since I can't find a link to the ring on your page, I'm removing you. If you wish to be added back in, just make sure that there's a link to the ring on either your main page or on a links page that links to your main page and rejoin. If the link is there and I missed it, I apologize. In that case, please send me a note to let me know where to find it. Thanks!
from ridthecancer :
i love you
from cursexwords :
I am terribly sorry about tonight. I was being a total recluse and it wasn't very fair or nice. I miss you and I will come visit soon.
from teen-christ :
let's start a NxD cover band. Just for old times sake.
from ridthecancer :
yay for awesome grades baby doll!
from walnutwhales :
I am making vegan chili.
from ridthecancer :
from koi-ishly :
you're open bar entry was funny, the one word says it all =) hope you don't mind me adding you
from ridthecancer :
HAHA what's anna nicole doing on your diary!?
from bexx :
you like Bright Eyes.....just surfing through-BeXx
from teen-christ :
wumbologie: im gong to slein HI ALEX!
from cursexwords :
Maybe I will come visit you. I'd really like to, I had such a good time last weekend. And I want someone to smoke with. I'll keep you posted.
from teen-christ :
heyyyyyyy giiiiiiiiiirrrrrrllllll
from walnutwhales :
I love you, woman.

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