messages to hooch21:
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from hooch21 :
No no, I am like those chills you get while peeing that make you shake and pee on the floor. Then, when you get blamed for it, you accuse the dog or your younger brother.
from whystinger :
So, are you saying (in your banner) that you will make me want to piss??? Interesting diary...
from officehours :
Its so nice to stumble across a diary that isn't about an anorexic teenage cutter that won't stop whining about how their parents don't love them. Nice elbow.
from fuschiashock :
i'd choose madonna out of those three, actually.
from plopphizz :
Congrats, you have been Quoted: Thanks for the great writing. -- Ploppy.
from tattooed-gem :
Your diary is refreshing. Thank you! Those damned catfish are out to get the human race. I used to have nightmares of a giant headless one that would chase me around theme parks, but its head would be in the water staring at me and doing that 'blub, blub...' thing with its mouth. Scary. Keep it real. -Jess
from hooch21 :
I can't even pretend to know what that means.
from moonbaby8u :
I think you are as funny as" many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsiepop?"
from resrap :
Oh no! That entry was terrible but I can't help but be impressed at your...ego. Your profile is terribly funny too. Everything about this diary is terrible. But you're not. Salute from a skinny brown girl in Singapore.
from neangel :
welcome to the dland! I just can't get myself to watch the OC after living in it [the OC] for a decade it's all just too much for me but rock on brother, rock on!
from resrap :
Definitely linking you bro.
from candoor :
you are so opinionated it's funny (from one of the few people you haven't offended yet :)
from hooch21 :
I am not so much harsh, as I'm more of an asshole who doesn't care. Heh
from superlashes :
hey! well after reading your most recent entry, or should I say laugh fest--I did laugh pretty hard, In a distrubingly quiet computer lab....anyway...if you think those women are ugly you have to at least give a list of those you find worthy of your good opinions. and I don't know if you should read my diary, i know everyones a critic, but I am a little scared of your judgments---he he he. are you that harsh about everything? well I am off to read more of your entries to see if they make me laugh just as hard...

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