messages to hovercrafts:
(click here to add new message):

from raven72d :
Lovely recent entries!
from dinosaurs :
if you just read our diaries we sound like such unfit parents.
from libraries :
it's a little bit true that i'm kind of in love with you.
from permeation :
..i'm so glad to see you around again. it's been too quiet without you. x
from likepaper :
miss you around here. hope things are well.
from l-alle :
i made a wish for right-side-upping and more rest. for you.
from permeation :
god, i feel that way too. (especially today). x
from l-alle :
thank you! :]
from permeation :
the danger! danger! one!? oh man, it totally was a reference to electric six. i didnt get your reference to my referencing. i need my head screwed on.
from permeation :
do elaborate...? (ps, you never wrote back! tsk tsk)
from l-alle :
'Every month's fool'. heartbreaking. wish id thought of it.
from permeation :
your godard dream? i'm so intrigued...
from permeation :
that's a bit of a bittersweet cheer up jam, dontcha think? (good, though) x
from dinosaurs :
but raleigh is the only really nice one
from l-alle :
'sea of teeth' came on when i was catching up on yr last few entries, and between the song and yr words, i feel as though i have molasses in my veins. things seem very hard for you right now, and i hope that that changes. you deserve good things.
from axde :
that was just beautiful.
from permeation :
i love the last entry so, so much. (professionalism).
from permeation :
huge fan of the hand-holding entry, by the way.
from shinythings- :
I feel the same way when I leave Texas. I feel like I've moved to an alternate plane where nothing works the way it's supposed to.
from dinosaurs :
i am inspired by a great many people, including you.
from dinosaurs :
thanks. i love you.
from permeation :
i love the aug 13th entry --
from fatangrychik :
The movie of your life is going to be so dramatic I won't be able to watch.
from divinebg :
I don't have my phone on me so I can't call you. You can call 773.281.0590 if I don't answer at the other number.
from dinosaurs :
i love our little baby.
from dinosaurs :
who the heck is this about?
from dinosaurs :
from thebetween :
can't inquire upon you further tonight. must fall asleep in order to awake refreshed tomorrow. much vodka and beer has been upon me (liver).
from thebetween :
from thebetween :
tried to call you. reverse-searched address to telephone number. the man who answered was very polite and had an indian or portuguese accent. all's well?
from dinosaurs :
you went to yardage town!!! that is beyond thrilling.
from dinosaurs :
i love you.
from dinosaurs :
if nick had so much as looked at the two notes below his, he probably could've figured it out with even the tiniest amount of thought. TINIEST. nicholas chiarella is so out of my armchair detective club.
from thebetween :
dude, i got two diaries on yr favorites list and am simultaneously left in the cold cold state of not knowing who you are. help me out.
from dinosaurs :
from dinosaurs :
i forgot your password already. why do you like me?

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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