messages to iamstronger:
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from maibee :
In the UK some troops sent to Iraq didn't think they were going to actually go to war either. The army is promoted as such a career "opportunity" that people overlook the whole purpose of it in the first place, then get shocked when they actually have to go to these places. It amazes me that people honestly enter a career they know nothing about - that's serious stuff!
from minstrelite :
Hey there. I just clicked on your banner, and when I saw "running" listed as one of your interests, I had to take a peek into your world for a while. I echo your sentiment of needing to start up again, so my head will be clearer. I actually did start up, and I've done 3 and 4 mile runs in the past week, but I still have trouble sticking with it (even though I love it). When I was younger I was more fanatical about it, but I still think running is the greatest thing for me. I like to do it early in the morning, though, because of the hot summer weather where I come from. Sometimes I don't motivate myself though, and I wind up doing it late at night. I was up to six miles before the last time I stopped, and I can still sense that the course is there, just waiting for me to run it. Good luck starting in again.
from kickme-tryme :
You quote The Ataris in your banners! :D
from thelongwait :
Banners are wonderful things, aren't they? My name is Rachel, and I'm from Grenada, MS. I've actually never just left someone I didn't know a note like this, but I felt I needed to this time. Your latest entry, which could change before you read this, is a problem alot of us find ourselves in. I'm very well aware that you didn't ask for my opinion. I also have no idea what your religious background is, but I do know that a good relationship with God is all you need to be happy and get through this time in your life. If you're not a Christian or you are of some other religion, you probably think I'm some brainwashed freak, and I'm not. Believe me, I'm a pretty independent thinker. I understand that because I'm 15, there's a very good chance you'll look over this. But please don't. This may or may not be a shock that you've found yourself with a note like this. It is to me. I can't believe I'm doing this. I could give myself a reputation of being a pushy Christian, and that's the last thing I need. Sorry about all that. I'll get to the point. If you feel the need to talk about anything to a perfect stranger, (I may be the only one, but I do sometimes) it's what I'm for. Now I'm going to click 'done' before I decide not to do this.
from mycostume :
I know about summers in AZ. I just stepped outside at 11 p.m. and it's wonderful out--half moon and crunchy grass. Awesome! 23 was my very favorite year. If I could go back....hopefully 33 will be that way for me in a few years. You are your name.
from poetlucia :
congrats on the car and I Love my netflix too so much I did way with my cable
from soft-fairy :
Yay! Congrats for the new car ;-)
from poetlucia :
no guys don't come with a guidebook but it would be great to have one. I say follow your heart sometimes it leads you to the right things sometimes it doesn't but you did want you thought was right for you at the time...we all make mistake along the way do all the time and are hardly sorry about it so its ok as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror and say so what and laugh than its all good
from newmillenia :
Hey, I added you. =) I like what I've read so far. Yes, I also have a problem with people who "hate" the president because "oh, he screwed up that war thing" or something equally stupid and vague.
from studionique :
I like your template, title and the fact that you are going after your dreams. It takes confidence to do these things.
from mondieu- :

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