messages to idividedbyi:
(click here to add new message):

from permeation :
(miss your stuff dude).
from permeation :
Man, today's picture is my ideal view. I want a print of that. FACT.
from southeast :
gimmie your address! two can play at this game! (cursive typewriter + the hits par avion )
from raven72d :
love the 21 Nov. 11 entry.
from permeation :
LOVE the oranges picture. Amazing. I should come to Canada again, huh? xx
from southeast :
day maker! also i love air signs. also what is yer email? i will send zou a password. xoxoxo from portland.
from southeast :
oh oops! below(mangotuesday) is also me. (i'm a gemini... i have to have at least two of everything!) x
from mangotuesday :
from southeast :
pssssst! we are following each other/s tumblr. you.rule.
from strayrecluse :
git yer 9 rolls of film developed, psammy!
from unhealthyme :
your boy? do you know him, personally? i can't quite remember how i found him. Google had something to do with it, i'm sure. why do you ask?
from strayrecluse :
such a classic slint song.
from permeation :
Great pic of Mogwai. I'll be seeing them soon too, and rarrrgh. They're great live, and definitely tear-moving. xx
from defaults :
i am so incredibly jealous. he hasn't been home to ireland in the longest time and all i want to do is to go see him and tell him that he's beautiful and incredible but it seems you guys have stolen him for a while. that's okay, you know, but i really want him back sometime really soon.
from byebeautiful :
I like.
from defaults :
i can't even begin to tell you how much i love james vincent mcmorrow.
from pink-sapfire :
I like your stuff, I'll be adding you to my buddy list if that is alright xj
from stardumb :
beautiful photograph!!!
from alivetoyou :
7-20 is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
from nononename :
[email protected] :)
from floorplan :
maybe it was the idea of you disappearing in the mind of my misty concrete jungle june but 2010-05-25 | got to me. i've felt so small lately. but these may keep me going... and i need something semi positive in my life. at least one i respect. give the world a kiss for me but remember the mountains still stand, way, way, back here.
from comebacktome :
Your pics make me le sigh. They are just so prettiful. I am a fan of the dictator babushkas, lmao.
from boombasticat :
The February beach shot is wonderful. As they all are.
from themohawk :
from longitude :
[never] xxo
from longitude :
FANGBANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XXO
from longitude :
[yr no angel] what is that? i want one.
from longitude :
I miss your words. And I thank you for your note, because it lifts my spirits to know such good people. xxo
from longitude :
those rolls of film are the best things i've seen in a while ... xxo
from longitude :
the middle polaroid is amazing. and i owe you an epic email. tonight.
from permeation :
Digging the pols. Very, very cool & atmospheric.
from l-alle :
if we dont- im gonna crack some skullz up in this piece, yo.
from l-alle :
[more pikchas!]
from creeksta :
Your photography amazes me everyday. They take my breath away. They make the crazy world outside feel peaceful and right. They calm me when I feel like everything is too much. <3
from hrtlssrmntc :
that is relieving. i've always had weird assumptions for what all the other provinces were like. such as grassy or snowy. or mountainous. which im sure they all are in their own way.
from blueraineyes :
hello darling! i miss you. we're both single now! whooooo..heh. I love you and am so stoked to see you this weekend!
from hrtlssrmntc :
is calgary wonderful? i've always wanted to know.
from longitude :
If you come over, you'll have to bring the zombie movies. After spending the entire day indoors, we'll have to get out you know. There's a magical place 50 minutes from here. It's worth the drive. xxo
from blueraineyes :
will i see you before i leave for 2 months?
from l-alle :
so. scary.
from permeation :
whoa - that picture(s) is amazing. x
from longitude :
you and yours are of a gorgeous breed.
from longitude :
[guyhomme et lapin] safe and sound. perfect home. thank you. xxo
from l-alle :
'...into yr mouth.'. [fucking gorgeous.]
from waltzingyeti :
hi. i just wanted to say that i really enjoy your diary.
from longitude :
[beautiful image]
from blueraineyes :
i miss you too!
from permeation :
*great* pictures (seattle). x
from mangotuesday :
the schnitz? are you from portland too?! if so. did you catch the magical boniver/aabondy show at the aladdin.
from longitude :
ahhhh ♥
from permeation :
pss..i wrote you back last night, actually. x
from fuschiashock :
where is long days ride?
from permeation :
so, 'antennas to heaven ' is pretty much flawless. i'd love to have a print of that, actually. x
from fuschiashock :
mm, blueberry ale.
from permeation :
hiiii. i love the latest picture (heroine). you're right - it doesnt seem real, does it? x
from ruchiii :
Wonderful pics, beautiful lines... That's all I have to say for now... Great diary...:-)
from longitude :
intoxicated hands.. damien jurado. je t'embrasse, merci.
from fuschiashock :
what can i say? i live in sackville.
from longitude :
from fuschiashock :
do i detect a shotgun and jaybird reference?
from brokencookie :
i love your pictures thank you <3
from theways :
'how the lonely keep'... love it.
from permeation :
oh, everythings good. my apologies. i got home late & didnt have quite the right frame of mind for letter writing. (i blame mark, it made me entirely too emotional). you would have gotten a fourteen paragraph synopsis of my life if i were to write you last night. thursday is definitely the night of winners.
from permeation :
ps - i'll write you back tonight.
from permeation :
a girl never gives away her secrets..
from permeation :
oh, but sometimes it's the dark streets that make us feel more lost. though, most times its those very same streets that give us what we need when it's so quiet.
from l-alle :
the crystal castles song is currently my new girlfriend. thank you.
from photoslut :
thanks, they probably weren't mine though. your photos are sick.
from longitude :
can that thing receive telepathic messages? cuz i'm sending you some now.
from l-alle :
'antennas' is gorgeous.
from suckledhoney :
no recollection : looks like a spine sort of. very beautiful.
from l-alle :
curiousity has gotten the better of me. whats the failing 1/10th?
from boyecho :
it was the frost/the ice/the snow that did it....
from boombasticat :
Really, you're a professional photographer? That's great. And I can see why.
from l-alle :
its freeing to click 'done!'. its reassuring to know i can edit/delete if i feel ive said more than im comfortable with. [why was it scary to read?]
from l-alle :
if only you knew how terrified i was about posting that.
from boombasticat :
The ping pong one is great, great, great.
from notunique :
that's awesome! i'm just about to buy a new dslr. I'm going with sony, i think, because all of my dad's old 35mm minolta/sigma lenses are compatible.
from l-alle :
you will find it. it will find you. you will find each other.
from notunique :
what do you shoot with? your photos come out so great.
from longitude :
oh, you make beautiful things. ♥
from axde :
it is definitely enough.
from l-alle :
im glad you liked. [yr pictures are beautiful]
from creeksta :
they make me wish that I had more time to disappear with my camera and experience the world as you do.
from creeksta :
your photos are amazing
from suckledhoney :
deux pieds : beautiful
from permeation :
wow, that sky is unbelievable. beautiful job.
from unowhatihate :
It isn't really much of a mystery. Just enjoy what little there is. :)
from longitude :
from permeation :
wow - those bottom two are epic. id love to see both of them blown up and framed, on my walls.
from permeation :
..if only.
from suckledhoney :
It is perfect.
from suckledhoney :
Thank you for the suggestions. I appreciate them.
from suckledhoney :
I'm leaving this note on a few diaries, as I need a little help or at least some suggestions. I need some new (to me, anyway) music or to be sparked to some old (to me, anyway) music. I need something that is at once passionate and sexy and beautiful. Any suggestions you could give me would be deeply appreciated.
from secret-motel :
And cheers to you, good sir. Careful, don't step on the ghosts swimming in the carpet.
from longitude :
[inside looking out] Oh you have a way dear sir. I am well. I hope you are too. Happy journeys.. xxo
from permeation :
'fresh start' is great. perfect colours & feel. xx
from longitude :
Purge! ! ! ! And happy you're the first sir. Jellyfish twins.
from suckledhoney :
That is exceptionally flattering; thank you.
from suckledhoney :
Falling Down may be one of my favorites ever.
from mangotuesday :
i've been hiding out at [southeast/hug] best.
from unowhatihate :
Oh, I know. You know me by another name and I know you there, too. Shhhh. The thing is, your moonsocket diary always loads a popup window when I visit. So...I don't visit as religiously as I do the idividedbyi diary.
from permeation :
jesus, early morning is so beautiful. so, so beautiful. like an autumn morning, out the window, while still in bed kind of beautiful. xx
from longitude :
Oh wow. {EARLY MORNING : 25 July 2008} is stunning. You knock my socks off PS.
from suckledhoney :
everything is beautiful.
from unowhatihate :
I'm such a fan of you in every way. I really am.
from permeation :
maybe that's just it...
from suckledhoney :
(or, I should say "were")
from suckledhoney :
PS: your images are cut off for me too (I use firefox), so I just use the option to view just the image.
from suckledhoney :
Re: The Ghost Of Me :: I like this one quite a lot.
from bi-pet :
wow - this landscape shot has so much depth. so many stories to tell, about childhood memories, watching the clouds go past - in an almost purple sky..
from longitude :
I've been looking at your site in both Firefox and Safari and it still seems as if the images are being cut off. If you let me know your email address, I'll send you a screenshot of what I'm seeing. Every time you post, I go to the entry all excited and then I get bummed when it seems the image is getting cut off. (I'm on a 20" iMac)
from longitude :
Jellyfish for your jellyfish. I want to see all of your photos, printed super huge, covering walls. The last shot, with the tree and the lights, killed me. Those tiny lights just crushed me. I hope your weekend is better and your spirits are lifting. xxo
from permeation :
'once she was with me'. that's a really great shot. it makes me feel comfortable for some reason. i think that's because it reminds me of boston. not sure why, though. x
from permeation :
have you ever read any of anne sexton's poems? i've always preferred her to sylvia plath. there was something really uncomfortable and awkward about anne's writing that left me feeling uneasy and inspired.
from permeation :
oh my ignorance! i've only ever been as far north west as san francisco. nearly moved to portland instead of england though. maybe some day. x
from longitude :
I can definitely relate to your current situation to a degree. Replaying things over and over, wondering if doing this or that would've changed things, learning to forgive.. it's a process I know you'll get through. Keep making pictures and writing. xxo
from permeation :
ps: i didnt see your entry until after i left the earlier note. thank you for the 'dedication'. those pictures are amazing. looks all east coast and wind swept, blue and comfortable. i love it & could quite happily spend the rest of my life somewhere exactly like that. just. like. that. x
from permeation :
you know, i never understood why more people didnt know/like Hum. from the first moment i heard Stars on 120 minutes when i was like 14 i was hooked. 13 years later and i'm still in love. ps. your comment for me is weird science. that's so awesome. xx
from longitude :
Your heart is like any muscle, the heavy use and even minor tears will make it stronger. xxo
from bi-pet :
that's what i initially thought but then i got confused...
from bi-pet :
from bi-pet :
your pictures are beautiful!!
from suckledhoney :
Remember When=lovely.
from longitude :
Every photo is a small glimpse into your life and I hope you continue to feed us with these images. Also, regarding your writing, I do hope whatever you're going through gets easier. Truly.. take care.
from longitude :
Those look like fun little guys.. I've been looking forward to your photos. They're superbe.
from unowhatilike :
Essentially, it's just a place to post things you like. What we've been doing is to make the short description the same as the entry itself. When you click "Add an entry," just above where you would normally put your entry, there will be a place you can click to choose to update to "unowhatilike" if you desire. And welcome.
from longitude :
catching up with you.. xxo
from suckledhoney :
Thank you. I quite like your new layout.
from longitude :
I'm not sure if it's on every browser, but your images are getting trimmed by your layout right now. The sidebar seems to be fixed and the image runs under it. :( But I love the last two posts. Really.
from longitude :
Bourdain?! Jesus. Are we twins or what? I am re-reading Gone Bamboo. Shite, the parallels.
from longitude :
Crap, I love The Fountain, in fact, I'm going to listen to the soundtrack now.

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