messages to ikissgrls:
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from jaysthoughts :
Just seeing who is active and checks their notes.
from annanotbob :
Sending you a hug from across the ocean and wishing you strength to hang on in there through the tough times x
from banum :
i live in malaysia and this is my [email protected] talk to me if u need anything!
from banum :
did u really kiss a girl? sorry if this msg hurt ur feeling
from neltado99 :
Hey, I found your diary randomly and I just spent about 2 hours reading most of the entries. I can't believe some of the stuff you went through. It really broke my heart. I know you got a lotta shit goin on right now and things are rough, but if you ever need to talk to someone, my email's [email protected]. I don't judge and I don't criticize. I hope everything will work out for you.
from aura2 :
Hi.. I'm sorry for what has happened to you.. I live in North Carolina my email address is [email protected].. if you are ever this way and need a hand.. I'll help anyway I can.
from plaidsheets :
hi vicky, it's devon :)
from aura2 :
This may sound cliched, but everybody your age goes through this sort of thing. It passes. Take the anger you have and put it towards your GPA. That's what I did. My stepfather was a total piece of shit, made me act like his slave, and beat the shit out of me on a daily basis. I got a job at fifteen and moved out when I was sixteen. The only thing that got me out of that pattern of self hate was my school work and my job. I was obsessive about it.. I'm not a genius or anything but I still left High School with a 4.0. Your pain and anger can help you fuel your success in life. Look at all the things you don't like about your mother's life and strive to break the cycle. I can understand how you feel because I felt it once too. I did the 'self-mutilation/cutting' thing and the suicide attempts. Now as I look back it seems foolish. And if it's anything, I don't know you but I want you to live. I want you to look at yourself and truly love who you are not just the outside but the inside too. So many people don't understand the pressures of being a teenage girl. You have to be pretty and perfect.. not overweight, you have to be successful in everything blah blah blah. The best thing I ever did for myself was getting a part time job in highschool. I worked as a cashier. It's not glamorous.. but you have to start somewhere that's what I figured.. anyway.. I don't mean to tell you what to do.. if you ever just need someone to talk to that understands.. email me.. it's [email protected] that's the one I check the most. I'm a good listener, and really have been where you are. It will get easier, but you have to work for it. Just don't give up. :D Sincerely, Liz
from justlivingit :
I love your writing style. Your diary is amazing.
from huladancer21 :
cheer up gurlie We all have problems So why dont u do what everyone else does and blame it on the government.

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