messages to inquietnight:
(click here to add new message):

from catkid1 :
I love yooooooo!
from theza :
I can't believe you still use this. It sickens me... But I still love you!
from catkid1 :
Wait, what couldn't you put in your diary? O_o
from theswordsman :
Thanks for taking the survey. I really enjoyed your answers. Take care. John
from eloria :
from catkid1 :
O_O I miss entries in here....
from theza :
Howdy, howdy... I am sixteen now! Um, YOU HAVE TO GO TO MY DIARY and read some of my...erm...jokes...and leave a note for The Za.! But that's just a suggestion... I wuv you and apparently I woud be in Gryffindor then Ravenclaw (as an alternative) if I was Sorted.
from theza :
BA. ur awesome and ORANGE JUICE! Remember when we called the National Hotline for Saving Lives or something and started asking all these questions for our project and the lady who answered thought it was a crank? Hmm...good times...and the time I printed out those convos for you cuz you wanted me to and I finally found out who TOBY was? Moooo-haha.And the time CJ0 ripped his pants right before we went on stage. THERE IS NO ARIZONA. FeelinG gooood...goood...goooood...goood.. I feel GOOOD! That solo: Litt-le Da-VID play on your harp...hallelu, hallelu! That National Anthem sang by the girl who sadly had no alma mater. How you stood up with the American flag in your hand. *sigh* GOOD times.Barbara is awesome! YAYAYAYAY!
from catkid1 :
Hey! My new little lunchtime journal's name is... get this... lunchtime! Yep. That's the screen name I picked. Creative, aren't I?
from theza :
What did I mean when I said your smile wasn't it's Pepsodent best and you didn't look like a movie star??? YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! Ba. is awesome and BA. is wonderful.
from theza :
BA. I love you forever and I hope that you sang well for ze game of bazketball ...erm... I'm really sorry that I never called back to check up on you, but I've been reading your diary *cackle* and you look like you're doing fine in your new school without Zaza Intervention. You're still AWESOME! I evol you and think that even though you're teeth aren't their Pepsodent best and you don't look like a movie star (yet) that you are one of most...uh...*searching for best SAT word to describe because you're just. THAT. good.* one of the most endearing and ... awesome *nerf*, and talented individual Nazis I have ever known. Remember the good ol' Shaw days and don't forget Hanger. Whhooo-ee you Pootter lover. You're a reg'lar Creevey. MWAH! Crouton 'o' Jeshush. See the Passion. Eat more chicken.
from catkid1 :
Hahaha, we HAVE had some good times with Hogwarts, haven't we? :D (I didn't MEAN to delete the board!) And we're all freaks, that's what keeps us happy. *winks* Toodlesness! (haha you can add ness to everything...) -Biffness
from catkid1 :
I've found that reading or writing in a physical book (not a virtual one) by flashlight aids in the sleeping process, as well as crunches, staring at the ceiling, and stretching.
from catkid1 :
What. The. Freak. You left me a signing in my gbookie at 2:12PM, right? It's not 2:12PM yet. It's not even two yet. It's 1:58. Where aaaaaaaare you? I'm online! :'(
from catkid1 :
Hehe, heya to you too!! You have a really cool-sounding part in The Tomorrow in Segovia (that's what it is in English? ...Right? I severely doubt my Spanish-speaking ability is at its best at 7:30 in the evening...). Aaaand, thank ye for the 'good luck at my orchestra thing' thing... LMS Orchestra may need it, we haven't worked on Meistersingers as much as we should've.... -Adrienne
from catkid1 :
Lol. Ravenclaw? Really? Not Bloombendoot?
from piecey :
WOW!!!!! you actually wrote in your diary!!!!! amazing amazing amazing. you tell me how wonderful this site is and you just seem so taken aback by it and yet, yo NEVER use it! haha. anyways, i transferred ALL my entries so now this diary has everything that my other diary has. feel free to be nosy like i have been! or at least have been TRYING to be. bye!!
from piecey :
WOW!!!!! you actually wrote in your diary!!!!! amazing amazing amazing. you tell me how wonderful this site is and you just seem so taken aback by it and yet, yo NEVER use it! haha. anyways, i transferred ALL my entries so now this diary has everything that my other diary has. feel free to be nosy like i have been! or at least have been TRYING to be. bye!!
from eloria :
hey. id said id leave u a note. that is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ROCKIN that u got that deal. i mean u have been wanting it so bad for so long and u finally got it! i love reading your diary and just yabbering your new template(s)
from inquietnight :
Im sending a note to myself. That's just pitiful.

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