messages to internalised:
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from so-in-love :
I've moved over to livejournal. ~xlindsx
from lia-d :
Got the hint. All right, I'm not going to look at it again ;) But yeah, the font's already to too small on my 800x600 monitor. It would still be readable if it was Arial or Times, but this I-used-to-know-the-name-of is killing my eyes.
from lia-d :
Hi, I've had a look at you diary... Has anybody ever told you that the font is impossible to read?
from yellowtulips :
hey its teardream.. i wasnt sure if i left you the link to my new diary.. anyways its i guess i will talk to you later.
from woahtotally :
U like InMe...Good choice!
from so-in-love :
Hey... your guestbook link doesn't work :( But I just noticed that I'm on your favorites list and since my diary is locked, I can send you a username and password if you want one. All I need is an email. Mine's [email protected]
from meh-i-suck :
hi friend. this won't be that cheery 'cause i'm not quite in the best of spirits today. wow, you're quite far...i'm in new hampshire...if you've any clue where that is. if you don't, i don't blame you. it's not that much of a noteworthy place. my whole fucking life has gone awry...or however the fuck you spell it. i don't know. today has sucked big time. and i wish i died. anyway, on a lighter note, yes we should write. my email is [email protected] okay i feel like crying or harming myself so i shall depart and we can speak later, mkay? bye friend.
from meh-i-suck :
lol, dude, i've come to the conclusion that you rule. sorry it took me a couple days to write, i don't usually get notes this frequently so i've gotten out of the habit of looking. oops. yeah, i've forgotten lots of my french, but i love when i understand stuff. nice to meet you, lucy. i've never met a lucy before. by the way, where are you from? i'm not exactly okay tonight, my journal's all pissy 'cause i was all deathly tonight and crying and other bad stuff that i won't talk about 'cause i don't know how you react to such things..ahem, anyway, yeah, but the ex boy talked to me today out of the was odd, but pleasant. hmm, i'm just realizing this is really long. i like the notes too but perhaps we should move on to emails or something. lol. i dunno. tata, new friend.
from meh-i-suck :
hello friend! yay, i'm glad that we're dorks and write each other notes. i'm kate by the way. i'm glad that you found me. actually, it's not that crazy a reason, 'cause another chick that's like one of my coolest online friends ever emailed me 'cause i say meh. yeah, i put up with a lot, but so does everyone i suppose. that's fun that you speak french! i do as well. merci pour m'ecrire, ma nouveau amie. :grin: talk to me again soon. you're fun. i like the stuff in your profile also, by the way.
from meh-i-suck :
dude, you list me as a favorite, and you're on my buddy list but for some reason, i don't remember adding you, but i read your profile and you're cool, so do i know you? i have no idea...
from teardream :
i noticed you added me as one of your favorite diaries.. so i thought i'd come see what yours was about. enjoyed reading.. even tho it wasnt much. but i look forward to reading more. and please ignore the all out war on my page.. sometimes people arent who you thought they were. oh well. i learned. look forward to reading more.. take care.

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