messages to itescapesme:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
That you're "not very good at this anymore". That was very sad.
from dangerspouse :
What makes you say that?
from itescapesme :
and I miss reading your writing...
from itescapesme :
I miss you on a strictly platonic level as well 12/18
from idieinside :
I miss you. I really miss you.
from idieinside :
I missed you today... wondering where you are...
from idieinside :
I really miss you...
from idieinside :
I miss you... I miss us...
from idieinside :
Now I'm a real stalker, unloved and unwanted.
from idieinside :
*Stalk... *call...
from idieinside :
Hi there sexy...
from faeriedust52 : must call me so we can get together...hunny i'm dying! i've been waiting for today but your not on yet and i'm so sad *crys* come back!! call the house.....not the cell it doesn't work
from faeriedust52 :
hey there ba-bay! lol. you can call me anytime before nine o clock MY time. that's like 7 your time. oh da-ling! how i've missed you in choir when i have to be all lonesome like next to kristi!! lol. call me soon! <33 and many hugz celeste
from faeriedust52 :
omg chick! i've missed you like a vegas show girl misses sex on her period! i just called my boyfriend. he's with the girl that i hate to the now i'm depressed. i miss my darling amanda! and not being able to talk to anyone in choir! you need to call me woman!!!! lol <33 you so very much! celeste
from faeriedust52 :
AMANDA! I FINALLY JUST GOT ONE OF THESE CUZ I MISS YOUR ASS SO FREAKING MUCH!! i love you amanda covelli *cant spell* you need to call me woman!!!!! <33 Celeste
from idieinside :
Ack, I'm an idiot (yeah college sophomore for teh win!!!111); this week means Sunday Nov. 28 - Sunday Dec. 5. Yeah, hopefully you check this...
from idieinside :
Hmph, still a jackass here, just a disassociated one, if you REALLY want to talk to me, IM me on AIM, I don't have the ballz to walk back into your life like everything's gonna be O.K. Honestly though, FUCK WHAT MY GIRLFRIEND THINKS. I'm fucking tired of her running my life like I need her or something. I'm done with that krap. I mean I'm still dating her, but she won't tell me who or who I can talk to. She says if she finds me talking to you again she'll dump me, PFFFT, what an idle threat to me now. Honestly, I don't think you saw us as anything more than friends. It was just my fault that I really like you. I mean, I'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable. I just keep thinking about you. I mean, you're the only girl I can't seem to forget. I won't regret talking to you again (though it may be your regret if you talk to me again). I'll be on AIM 24/7 this week starting at 4:57PM Pacific Standard Time. I'm assuming you didn't move away from Kenosha (judging from your entry on 11/17). Yes, I'm a crazy stalker who reads your entries religiously. Anyway, enough drama and all of that, talk to me if you want.
from idieinside :
I'm a jackass, and I'm sorry... if you ever check this again... You don't have to talk to me ever again, I broke up w/ my gf finally, and I feel like crap, so I decide to apologize to her, my X-X-X gf of a while back and you. Alright, sorry again (not like it makes up for anything)... sorry.
from idieinside :
Mmmm,YOUR SO SEXY!!! I CAN'T STAND IT! I mean, meh, you're aight. Different than I what I would've thought, but then again I never really needed to put a face to those 1s and 0s. I'll be on all the time until Thursday, then I go to my parents' house until Sunday night. I hate be a big loser and causing uncontrollable coughing...*rim shot*
from idieinside :
Whew, that CHM121 class takes forever to get done with! I'm all studied up for the quiz that I will be taking in exactly 5 hours. Anyway, have some free time right now, but you're really never on AIM or anything for that matter. I guess the little insomniac I met over the summer just disappeared and turned into this happy girl. I'm glad. Oh yea, you should date that one guy, Dylan I believe is his name. Sounds like a winner to me. I mean, I'd date him if I was a chick... living uh, where you live. Anyway, I'm gone on the weekends so I'll probably talk to you (if you want to, which I believe you don't) on monday. Ciaou.
from idieinside :
Oh yea, don't worry, I remember where we left off. Your traits are irrevocably unforgettable. As is my knack for using superfluous words.
from idieinside :
I just decided that I should at least show you that when I'm sincere, I'm sincere. I plan on sleeping a total of 8 hours for the rest of year. So, with that in mind, how do you propose we actually get in contact? (Also keeping in mind that I'm currently in "trouble" and I am somewhat forbidden from using my phone for personal calls during the week. Girls are smart, you can figure the whole communication thing out.
from idieinside :
I never said it was your fault. I didn't mean it like that... Either your not going to forgive me or you are. I do believe this is the most straightfoward thing I have ever said to you. Silly me, what I should say is that maybe I need your forigveness or maybe I don't. You may or may not mean something to me...
from idieinside :
It's an apology about me actually telling you that you have made a huge impact in my life then seemingly not having the time to talk to you... I just kept leaving, and I really didn't mean to. I mean, I guess I was busy, but then again, can one really be so taken away with things to do that they no longer have time for something they truly enjoy doing: (i.e. talking to you). Oh yea, btw, you're so hot!! Mmmmmmmm... P.S. I'll let you judge that last statement for yourself.
from idieinside :
Hey. Long time no hear, (before you get so incredibly angry that you black out with rage) read my diary.

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