messages to jaganmayi:
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from cosmicgiggle :
auburn lull!!
from reebris :
I hope things are good for you and that you are happy. life is short. people will come and go. we came here alone and oneday we will leave alone. until then... peace sister
from princessfu :
Hi! You know, I totally relate to the feeling of unworthiness and the fear of ruining someone else. I've got it too, and I've always wondered why. If you ever figure it out, let me know!
from youreugly :
from deadtomorrow :
i cant believe you called legend cheesy, i love that movie, ha ha ha, thanks for puting up the veggie survey.
from princessfu :
Thanks for the nice note. I took your advice and got out of the finally get DONUTS! I've been craving them for weeks. sorry to hear that your former guy is still haunting you, but it's good that the situation has resolved itself a bit on its own. Be strong sister!
from xshusharix :
hey o.o; i dont know what to say but i took your survey ^_^; it was cool. i'm into hare krishna and stuff and maybe we can talk sometime. byeeeeeeeeee
from nathan-beast :
No problem about the plug...Are you ever going to make anymore quizzes? I can't take the other one, and I've never been Well, thanks for saying hi again. :) -Nathan
from nathan-beast :
Hey, thanks for the note! The survey was fun to take. Believe it or not, there are a ton of vegan/vegetarian wrestlers out there! Me being one of them. ;) I'll be sure to check out your journal from time to time now. Adios!
from princessfu :
Hello Seattle kid! Thanks for the note. After taking a peek at your latest couple of entries it sounds like you have a much more exciting life than mine was when I was there, and also a poetic heart :-). I don't think I'd move back just because 21 years in a place is quite enough for me. And the gloomy winters - oy! There are still things I miss, though. It's such a great place!
from jorobites :
I see you got to the mbv ring before I did. ahhhh.. I'm such a sucker!
from sylvantyger :
thanks for adding me...and it will be a special day.. <3S
from letkurtlive :
Hey, thanks for making the American Analog Set diaryring. I've been waiting for someone to make one for them for a looong time. I haven't seen them at all yet, unfortunately... someday though. :)
from celticshadow :
Thanks for the info- great survey
from boringworld :
I love American Analog Set, but your image is sooo huge. I'll join again if the image goes away.
from okrasalad :
I thought your survey was fun. I also try to thank my food whenever I eat - it helps to practice mindfulness and appreciate the exchange of energy. "I can make friends with salad" was a reference to a Simpson's episode where Bart and Homer make fun of Lisa for being a vegetarian as they sing "You CAN'T make friends with salad." :) Take care.
from reebris :
thank you so very much for reading my diary. may the light of the universe shone brightly within and all around you..always and forever. yours truly, reebris
from maeve-arie :
Yikes I am so stupid! Of course gold members can do the surveys! Thanks for adding me too! :) Have a veggieful day! :) Maeve
from maeve-arie :
It is just an animation I got off the internet...and then uploaded to my images (gold member stuff). Then I tagged it on the top of the HTML coding. :) You should splurge the 30 bucks on the membership...makes things a bit more fun! Maeve
from maeve-arie :
No problem I loved the survey...finally a serious and respectable one. Thanks for the plug on the page and thanks for joining my ring and posting my dancing beans :)!! Have a great day! Maeve

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