messages to janna182:
(click here to add new message):

from argentum :
I can haz passwerd nao?
from blacksheet :
Hey Janna. Thanks for the note. I took that quiz and I am definitely not sensitive. :) I do know someone who seems to fit the description though. I'll pass the link on.
from argentum :
That's the sweetest thing anyone has said to me today on my birthday! Thanks!
from captainron :
Wow, you're still around... Hope life is treating you well, me
from argentum :
You know...if anyone didnt think you were a geek before the math joke...
from argentum :
from samsa :
10 points for making a Yeats reference.
from argentum :
I was just listening to 'mother, mother'. Odd...
from samsa :
I'm a firm believer that everyone should see Bob Dylan at least once before he dies. It would be like being alive during Shakespeare's time and not going to see a play.
from samsa :
I'm sorry :(
from samsa :
from samsa :
Oooh, thanks for reminding me of that Yeats poem! I think that needs to go on my gravestone.
from samsa :
Haha, well as you are the only person other than me who reads my journal, you are exempt from stalker rules.
from samsa :
Men really ARE assholes, aren't we?
from argentum :
3 notes in a row = writer is psycho Still, if you have a job you love, you CAN'T leave it. Its easier to find someone to date than to find a job you like.
from argentum :
And this still doesn't sound like love to me. Another word I've been trying to redefine in the pudwhacker. TOTALLY eighties, yo. Right up there with grody. Grody, pud, pudwhacker. As in "stop being such a pud, R, you're being grody to janna you pudwhacker."
from argentum :
I just have to admire the fact that you used the word 'grody' in a sentence.
from samsa :
I miss the days when you posted a new entry several times a week.
from samsa :
I was on Celexa for a couple of years in high school for depression (severe enough that it involeved self mutilation and suicidal ideation, but no suicide attempts). It actually helped very much. I'm not entirely sure if the depression was simply the result of a very awkward age (16-17) or if it was genetic (almost all members of my immediate family have been/currently are on some kind of anti-depresant or anti-anxiety drug). I came across no stigma, but didn't exactly have a lot of friends to stigmatize me.
from argentum :
I'm not so sure you're in love. People in love don't do the things you describe. Still and all, best of luck, hope it works out for you.
from samsa :
I suppose this means I shall have to start logging into Diaryland on a regular basis again. Not that I ever weary of stalking people, mind.
from argentum :
Hey. I just added you after I saw that someone searched for [ him off%22%29 OR -homo -homosexual -queer&btnG=Search] and came up with our diaries. So we must have something in common. Maybe we'll find out sometime.
from samsa :
sorry to hear that it's been a rough month for you. that seems to be going around. glad to hear you'll be back soon, though!
from samsa :
You left your blogspot blog for good?
from pan-opticon :
haha I think the CSI people were just a little paranoid. If I had massive sex parties, I'd probably want to stick my sex toys in a large sterilizing washing apparatus too :)
from pan-opticon :
:D danke!
from captainron :
My recommendation is to not call them back to talk abotu money. Companies expect you to haggle, but they do not like wishy washy people. Make sure they know you are very interested. If they like you they'll either make a counter offer or tell you take it or leave it, but hang in there.
from pan-opticon :
:O thank you for the lovely message! As a lazy aspiring writer, it's really encouraging :) Hope you have a fantastic saturday miss christy.
from captainron :
This is my last week here too. The company can't afford to pay me any more. I understand the tiredness. It goes all the way to the bone.
from captainron :
It's not where you belonged any way. It was just a place to hide out until you decided what you really wanted to do... Natures way of saying get started?
from samsa :
After consulting an online dictionary, I still don't fully appreciate what a gasket is, or why anyone would care enough to fire you over it. But I think it's safe to say that you were destined for something greater than working in an oil change place. I'm certain it's only up from here for you.
from thesenotes :
gawd, i am sorry. that rule seems rough. but i have a feeling that this hard luck will lead you to something better.
from thesenotes :
would you believe me if i said i've hung out with the artists of penny arcade a few times? heh.
from captainron :
CaptainRon = just me, not Kurt Russell, not a celebrity, just plain me...
from samsa :
And don't forget Eminem! Is the job in Detroit itself, or in the suburbs?
from captainron :
You will find somebody who appreciates you and values you for being you... Ordinary people find their person conection easily, because there are so mant ordinary people around for them to match up with. Special people take a bit longer because, well, they are special. hang in there and be patient. You'll find what you are looking for... As for the car thing? Go for it. What is the worst that could happen? You're young, it is time to take chances, not play the safe path when it comes to finding out what you want to do with the rest of your life...
from samsa :
I'm pretty sure it wasn't insurance related - I would not have received benefits, and anyway would only have been working there until law school starts in the Fall. Apparently it's legal though, at least in Michigan. To be honest, if he's that much of a facist with his empoyees, I wouldn't want to work for him anyway. (At least that's what I'm telling myself).
from samsa :
There is, believe it or not, a Beverly Hills, MI. (,+MI).
from samsa :
Did I do something worthy of a thank you?! Not that I'm complaining, mind you.
from pan-opticon :
haha close, ENTP :)
from captainron :
Chrusty, if you do lock up, I'd like the password please... Thanks Ron
from thesenotes :
dang, what could you have possibly done to make that guy think he could have a case against you? did i miss an entry? that guy seriously pisses me off and i don't even have to deal with him. i just hate reading about all the childishly manipulative stuff he gets away with.
from captainron :
Look, I could be way off base here and if so, I'm sorry, but my opinion is... He knows he can have you any time he wants to, so why make an effort? He can do what he wants, and if it doesn't work he has a nice safe fall back position. You'll take him back right? You can't live without him. He can live without you. The way to get him back is to let him go. Too many guys want what they can't have and don't want what they can. Don't ask me why this happens. I have no clue. Hang in there Lady. It will all work out the way it is supposed to. Ron
from captainron :
Look, I could be way off base here and if so, I'm sorry, but my opinion is... He knows he can have you any time he wants to, so why make an effort? He can do what he wants, and if it doesn't work he has a nice safe fall back position. You'll take him back right? You can't live without him. He can live without you. The way to get him back is to let him go. Too many guys want what they can't have and don't want what they can. Don't ask me why this happens. I have no clue. Hang in there Lady. It will all work out the way it is supposed to. Ron
from thesenotes :
from captainron :
Even drunk it's still interesting... and I don't drink milk.
from captainron :
{{{hugs}}}} I'm sorry Christy...
from thesenotes :
/sending good ju-jus to your sick coworker
from missy-17 :
hey i liked your diary,(the one with the purple angel with a bow n arrow) and i thought it was interesting to read cause it was something diferent, (extremely different) from alot of others i have read!!!
from captainron :
In think you've figured out the differecne between just sex and making love... That's not a bad thing all though it may seem like it on occasion...
from thesenotes :
man, i am sorry. too bad i'm not out there. i'd beat up that nasty stinger creature and right the wrongs of the world in one sweep. and i'd bring you icecream. xoxo. get better.
from thesenotes :
man, i am sorry. too bad i'm not out there. i'd beat up that nasty stinger creature and right the wrongs of the world in one sweep. and i'd bring you icecream. xoxo. get better.
from thesenotes :
good call on the zach thing, i say. good luck to you.
from captainron :
It isn't the heat, or maybe it is :-) My comment was about you writing about having the panic attack at the concert and then being sort of abandoned... Then all you needed was a hug and to be stroked a bit and told everything was going to be all right and you didn't get that either... I was broughtup to take care of my friends, especially when they need me. You needed somebody and didn't get what you both needed or deserved.
from captainron :
When somebody needs a shoulder to lean on, then you give them a shoulder to lean on. I can't beileve a friend, any friend wouldn't totally be there when you needed them the most. Makes you wonder....
from thesenotes :
happy birthday to you! miss you bunches and am muy curioso about the new nips.
from captainron :
Christy, the reason he goes out with you is because he likes you the way you are... Why would you try to change you into something you aren't that maybe he won't like? Stay you and life will be fine.
from pan-opticon :
I'm glad someone likes reading it - except the funny/sad/ironic part is that I'm actually that awkward in real life. :) Hope the romancing is progressing well
from pan-opticon :
haha you totally sideswiped me with surprise! I'm glad someone gets something out of my entries. Anyone nicknamed Vomity gets a laugh in my book. Catch you on the bright side
from ohell :
Of course I don't mind, thank you! Your diary is adorable.
from omnipre5ence :
Sorry, I forgot the t. :( Try again.
from omnipre5ence :
Yeah -- I've been told it puts boxes around random words.
from omnipre5ence :
Really? I haven't changed it..
from omnipre5ence :
Thank you kindly. :)
from omnipre5ence :
Happy Holidays to you too.
from captainron :
Thanks! You are the best.
from aghostisborn :
congrats on the new boy! he sounds adorable. and i got your package a few weeks ago. thanks so much. you made me smile all big and stupid when i pulled out the adaptor. i miss you so much. i could use a bunch of christy in my life right now.
from soror :
Thank God for the people who love Hesse. And Coelho. I am not alone.
from boyfromks :
She left me a scar, so I have her still. Well, actually, I only got to meet you for like 4 mins and 30 seconds, so not much time for scars. Nevertheless, ask them to play "Popular Mechanics for Lovers," please, as that's my favorite. Even if I won't be there to enjoy it. :)
from captainron :
You... deserve ... better
from xnavygrrl :
I must be the only one who doesn't like livejournal. :(
from shesajar :
duh! you're totally cute! and you're right sometimes girls need to hear it, but when one is as cute as you i think the rest of us forget to tell you. it's like a no brainer-- of course christy is a total hottie.
from shesajar :
we love toxic because it IS good.
from shesajar :
hey, i wanna hang out with you (if you're up for it) sometime soon while you are here.
from captainron :
Even with the non-washed hair and the crud on yoru pants, I'm sure you still knocked them dead. You're Christy for god sakes.
from swirledgrl :
xmas twin falls idaho 's her oldest memory.
from nightlynews :
So I tried to sign your guestbook, but it was wonky. So, the invite was like a passive-agressive invite to a small get together he was having. But instead of dwelling on him, I think I'll dwell on hot ex-boyfriend. Hope you're having a great weekend (I listed you as a fave too, I'm looking foward to reading about your new adventures once you get to town!) xoxo, J
from xnavygrrl :
I guess I'm sort of prude, but I was repelled by all that unnecessary fondling. You poor thing! You may be luscious but that doesn't give him any right to put his mitts on you.
from swirledgrl :
omg. that's so WRONG (the bus trip). and i totally do not think you are any where near fat. (did you see my pics? i mean, we can talk fat if you want...) i think you are adorable. and super-smart. the only thing thick around you was that guy's skull. wtf?
from captainron :
Geeze C. Please be careful. This guy (dispite his obvious good taste) looks to be a real wacko with stalker potential.
from supergirl7 :
what am i doing tonight. I think i'm gonna either paint my toenails or shave my dog. Wanna join.
from swirledgrl :
:-) happy to be back! happy you're still here! <3
from captainron :
I like you... But if the worm thing is something you like, maybe you should try out for Fear Factor?
from eileenroof :
i was just hoping i wouldn't sound like a know-it-all asshole. i'm still in swamped in essays, so my need to spread my wealth of information has increased in direct proportion to nearing deadlines
from eileenroof :
it's also true in a lot of countries that were colonised by Britain...such as Australia and Hong Kong.. (apologies if that could have gone without mention)
from andthoughts :
1. i missed you on the radio (makes note to link to it on favorites). 2. i sifted back through some of your entries. you're a doll in that picture. *smiles* i always like seeing the people that i talk to/read online.
from shesajar :
i'm listening to radiok now. you've got the cutest voice.
from ann-frank :
HEY! I have been meaning to say (your guestbook, or well, all guestbooks are not working right now so I am signing here) that i LOVE Radio K. I listened all. the. time. when I lived my short time in MPLS. I still have a Radio K t-shirt that i love love love.
from andthoughts :
yeah, can it be listened to online? either way, play drunken lullabies by flogging molly.
from shesajar :
how can i listen to your station? is it streamed online?
from andthoughts :
HE LICKED MY ARMPIT... oh, no he didn't. that's, well, that's one i've not had... funny funny!
from shesajar :
boy trouble is THE WORST trouble. but at least the trouble is that you have too many choices. way to be a temptress. ::smiles:: good luck.
from andthoughts :
DRAMA! girlie, you had me cracking up. man, it's good to be back in the land of Diary. :-)
from andthoughts :
i think you've excellent writing as well. i totally love it when my buddy list has you as NEW... <3 my some janna182, yo. really, though. and cigarettes... remember like 2 months ago i was FRETTING over the need to smoke. yeah, it passed. it's hard, though. i just wanted the feel of the whole experience again. not the smokey part of it...
from captainron :
A truely good relations ship brings out the parts you never knew you had, it doesn't make you lose the things that make you, you... Sounds like the right decision was made.
from andthoughts :
i missed you the mostest of all the restest, dearie... *Big Hugs*
from boyfromks :
Prop 54 "Prohibits state and local governments from classifying any person by race, ethnicity, color, or national origin. Various exemptions apply." Check out if you feel like getting too much information. :)
from shesajar : you should send me your addy so that you can trade mixes with strangers. you know you'd like it. send it to [email protected] por favor.
from futbolchic09 :
Hmmm... The reason my guestbook isn't working is simply because I don't have one. And I guess I like people reading my diary.. but it doesnt really matter to me, becauseI'm not writing it for other people. I'm writing it for me. --Ashton
from andthoughts :
you know what? I totally don't even know what I was talking about. That must have been the day I went out and smoked a buncha crack. *** want a livejournal code? (I'm SO pimping those fuckers OUT)
from tincan815 :
What happened when you were DJ-ing?
from mynovellife :
did u get the e-mail I sent u? I sent it to your address... -m-
from shesajar :
not that you really meant to do this, but if you wanted to print up pornography and post it at school, you could as long as it has a political message. of course, it still would have to be approved at your university and you'd have to argue it's political message (i'd suggest bringing the actual penal code). but, yeah, that's my point, that there is in fact penal code (that's almost a pun, isn't it?) that will allow you to do such a thing. isn't that cool? not long ago, a group on my campus used a 30 ft photo of a man and a woman doin' it to promote family planning and the right to abortions. officials at the school tried to get them arrested, until the group called the aclu who pulled up the penal code to prove they were following the law. anyway, i have no idea why i shared that with you.
from andthoughts :
interesting ... 8/18 ... have we met? were we separated at birth? 'cause sometimes there just seems to be too much we have in common...
from andthoughts :
donate it to some local shelter/organization...
from andthoughts :
yeah, i thought yogurt was necessary too, until one time when i didn't have yogurt, so i ended up with this all-fruit and ice blended beverage. there might have been a dollop of honey. i'm not saying it was necessarily good, mind you. i'm sure yogurt would have helped it. but, for a light, fruity drink, (and for those days when you've no yogurt in the icebox) do it sans yogurt...
from andthoughts :
mmmm, i forgot about kiwi seeds... always the best part of an all-fruit smoothie, when made with strawberries and kiwis... and i'm totally with you on the watermelon seeds--could it be because as a child i was told if i swallowed them, a watermelon would grow in my tummy and that's what i thought was going on with pregnant women for the longest time. talk about abused as a child!!!
from bejaluna :
Damn guestbook restrictive-ness. Said that I couldn't sign again this fast. Haven't signed your book in a while (but just signed someone else's - does that count? Bugger...) Go rent "The Boondock Saints". There's your Irish Mafia. Awesome awesome awesome movie - and there's even some good ol' Irish language thrown in for flavour. ;)
from mbige :
new name; new page; same sad tales of heartache... xoxo mark
from andthoughts :
c-girl, i've locked my stuff... drop me a note or something and i'll get you the password, if you want... (and i love how you describe me in your profile!!!!):-)
from tincan815 :
Thanks for the guestbook message. I LOVE Maureen Dowd! My republican friend just has a hard time with opposite view points and makes a point of making sure that I am aware of the fact. Oh well, there are all kinds out there...and in general, I think that's a good thing. Thanks again for your comment, it was comforting.
from missused :
Thank you for joining my Twins fan diaryring!
from caspia :
Hey fellow Minnesotan! If you're a fan of the Wild, or love the Twins, please join the Wild, or Twins-fan diaryrings. Let everyone know we support them. Thanks and have a great day.
from andthoughts :
der. can i say i am a doofus??? *puts hands down shorts and has hands extend out of bottom of shorts and runs around office hunched over, with hands flapping out of the bottom of shorts, much to the amusement --and fright-- of office mates*
from bagoftricks :
hello there. i read the note you posted on my, er, notes page? as far as hesse goes, i think steppenwolf still fills a warm and empty void in my heart, partly because it was the first of his i read. damian is a close second though. and hum? he may be bored, but. lyrics. amazing images. i love that. oh, and i like the indie hipsters line. made me smile. only in a sly manner, of course. i still have my membership card. you get free shoelaces with that thing!
from cow-eyes :
Hey sorry about locking password is password...How original and creative am I?! I just don't want my diary to fall into enemy hands...Sorry!
from andthoughts :
hello dear. and welcome to my ever-so-young diaryring. seems you and i have some implicit similarities in the music/movies fields (bff, royal tennenbaums). always a good thing to know that us british thinkers are on our own level. well, also, must say that i've added you to my favourites as i find your entries lovely and cynical and perfect. (and, as my first victim, er i mean, member, i do insist that you consider yourself a charter member of sorts... what i mean is, what do you want out of this diaryring (see, it's not just a bit of html to paste onto your site, now, is it?). if you only want to sit back and eventually bask in the glow that comes from hither, that's fine... but if you envision a diaryring that is all about us british thinkers/dreamers/ex pats, well, just let me know what you'd like to see happen.) oh, my, what a ramble that was. do forgive if you find me just plain weird. heatherness
from holdensolo :
I think things are finally looking up.
from mimiru15 :
Can i ask you something??? Im not trying to be rude or anything..but are you bisexual?
from so-much :
It's actually by Ani Difranco, so I am honored that you would even think it was by me! Mark
from so-much :
Okay, so I've come back :-)
from peth :
i tried to IM you just now, and you are not anywhere to be found.
from pushingup :
thank you, dear, for signing the guestbook. after a hard night of drinking and being hit on by strange and obliterated people, your cynicism was well appreciated.
from so-much :
hello there...yes i still exist! loved your last entry...wish i could go to coffeeshops and ride on the bus with you...but the way you paint word pictures about it is the next best thing...
from peth :
You are spankingly naughty!
from dyermaker37 :
well, i figure, if i'm not reading a diary...why would i keep it on my list?...was that bad? after i "cleaned out" my favorites list i managed to lose a few people who listed me as a favorite...think the events are related, or is my writing tumbling downhill at an ever-increasing rate? hrm. ::unrest::
from preceptionss :
this is random
from fragole :
Hey if you can figure out how somebody found my site by using the search term "Clive Barker" I'll give you a million dollars monopoly money (or lunch or something). If you're confused about my that, read my guestbook ... then you'll be as confused as me!!! creeped out? yes.
from so-much :
I am glad you like it. I wanted your comment to be sweet and to the point, just like you are. I will talk to you when I get back from the beach...
from fragole :
I was also going to say, cool that you heard Cadillac Blindside, but bum deal because they broke up. *sigh*
from peth :
sometimes it happens twice.
from peth :
sometimes the stripper gets annoyed with ME for hogging the umbrella.
from peth :
sometimes the stripper gets annoyed with ME for hogging the umbrella.
from fragole :
Oh how I love to read your little stories (gag me with a spoon). You always put a tickle in my side. (whatever that means ;)
from jasidog :
C sharp i think :) I still haven't read any of your stuff you know. It's terribly rude but i am very lazy. However i am sure it is right up there with coala bears. You know the little buggers that sit around allday getting wasted and yet no one calls them lay abouts? Wasters or anything derogitory. Ok i just called them buggers, still you get the point. If you don't i assume your on some sort of vaugly blunt curved surface. This is not a bad thing. Anysway i seem to have ended up with a CowNation account in my endevours to make a note. I know the guitar should havebeen brought out it's semi permanat hiding place instead. AngusThermopile
from fragole :
I miss you, write another entry! Come back to the world of internet and obsession and confusion known as diaryland ... besides somebody's gotta laugh at my getting lost in a small bar ... (honestly I couldn't find them in the bar ... and I really don't think they moved. heh)
from kirliecue :
Hey... I work for a music promotions company in Atlanta called Wiley Music. I was wondering if you might be interested in a project we having coming up in Minneapolis that you could earn $75 for. If you'd like more information, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
from so-much :
First I see that you have an entry with "smoke a bowl" in the title. Then when I am on your profile I see your total number of entries-yes, you guessed it...420! Coincidence? I think not... :-) Talk to you soon, have a good fourth
from fragole :
wow, what kind of therapist are you going to? (oh and you're in a city of plenty "women" you should have no problem finding someone. ;)
from so-much :
here's hoping you get a pink slip...not the proverbial one that signals the end of a job, but a neon 3M Post-It Note that can symbolize a great new beginning... have a kewl day
from fragole :
You should just tell wherever you are applying that you'll be full time this summer and into the fall. Then once fall comes around change your mind and quit or ask for fewer hours. Or you could see if a Temp agency could match you up with something near by ... ~If only life really looked better through rose-colored glasses.~
from cairli :
LMAO So you're getting harrassed by SEXY ERICA, too??? LOL And here I thought I was special. ;)
from dyermaker37 :
I utterly agree about so-much. geez. humanity surprises me sometimes.
from dyermaker37 :
I have to remind myself that your name is Christy, because wanting to call you janna has somehow crept into my frame of mind. Imagine that...Mechanical engineering sounds terribly intimidating. What school are you at? And I'm so glad you like to read! I think reading is so exciting, and my friends and I all have piles of books on our "to read" lists. :) What else do you like outside of Kerouac? I'm sure I can find that out by reading your profile, which I will do right NOW!...
from dyermaker37 :
heey there! This is me, saying Huwo...and wondering if you've read the Dharma Bums. I just finished it recently and loved it. On The Road is my next project-project being used because I have to try and read it in between reading all the obligatory mess of academia I read for school, which in general I like to read because I take classes that interest me. But I digress. I am honored to be on your favorites list...and thanks for the note. Take care :)
from amelie312 :
hi hi! anyways heres the deal. I am going shopping and i will be sropped off at your place around 4:30. I hope you are around!! :) I hope it's ok for you to give me a ride home...i'll help with gas money. :) I'll give you a call later! see you soon buhbye!
from amelie312 :
Christy! Hey there! I don't know how often you check this, but i called you today and i want to know if you would like to do something tonight or tomorrow. I would love to see you and since you are home it's definatly more convenient. :) talk to you later!!
from sedation :
thanks! i actually had a guestbook already, but missed steps three and four that added the link to my page. i'm not very computer-inclined. it's there now though. i really enjoy reading your diary too - your words flow beautifully and keep me interested. it's a beautiful setup too.
from amelie312 :
just saying hi! i hope your day is going well! talk to you later :)
from amelie312 :
hey there! It's me again, even if i don't update my diary i will keep reading yours. Anyways i wish you well on your search...i feel like most people our age are trying to figure out who they are, if they aren't then they will be soon. I feel life is soo full of choices and experiences that it is difficult to know who one is right away. :) Talk to you later buhbye!!
from amelie312 :
Hey there! In respond to your "I did the right thing, right?" entry. I really do think you did! Anyways, i'm slowly getting caught up on your's just gonna take awhile. Anywho I'm off to class, have a wonderful day!!!
from pharmacykeys :
awesome did you do that???

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