messages to januarysnow:
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from dinahsoar :
Just beautiful.
from dinahsoar :
"Been walkin' my mind to an easy time ..." One of my favorite songs. James Taylor's voice can take me there. Your writing is beautiful. So evocative. Your juxtaposed "matter-of-fact" recollections with the poignantly profound blows me away every time!
from dinahsoar :
Your writing is just stunning. I am deeply moved. Thank you.
from raven72d :
really, really fine writing.
from dinahsoar :
Wow! Fell into your diary again! Love the memories you evoke. Thank you.
from lobo21 :
Stumbled across your pages and got caught up in your writing. Would love to meander back time and again if you don't mind. Take care.
from dinahsoar :
Just found your diary while reading someone's "favorite" list. So beautifully nostalgic - sent me reeling back to a place I've never been. I also love the song "Haleleujah" (minor fall, major lift. I love your writing. Thanks!
from atwowaydream :
i gave myself a ten point bonus for the word insidious. it's a tricky little bastard.
from atwowaydream :
"and i wish i could reach through you to my past and rewrite all of those years." god, do i know that feeling.
from breathe-salt :
"watch the people who have worn knife blades on ice since they could walk exhaling ice crystals with stars reflected in their pupils." your diary is lovely.

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