messages to jellybelly84:
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from strawberrri :
I'm still your favourite diary, yay! (August 2020) x
from strawberrri :
You have 0 entries though - heartbroken!
from strawberrri :
Aw, I'm your only favourite diary left! (15/10/17)
from strawberrri :
what is it you're intending on doing with this diary, may i ask? do you still read me? miss you (in a weird internetty type of way) :)
from strawberrri :
i just read your entry and feel completely over-awed by it. it's like you've scooped out your soul and spread it all over the page for my eyes to see. and it was so intimate i almost wish i could be the only person to ever read it. (by the way you are definitely aesthetically pleasing - i know it's not what it's about, but still ;)
from newmillenia :
It goes, it goes. I like your latest entry. It seemed honest, and I wanted to join in on the truth. =)
from newmillenia :
from strawberrri :
two and a half-ish years and your diary still exists, but not. merry boxing day dude.
from strawberrri :
jellybelly84, where art thou?
from strawberrri :
vision it is then! i wish i could be more concerned about my exams, because they'll influence the degree class i'll be awarded in july, but i just cannot be arsed. right now i'm hungover and eating strawberries. and stupidly wiping my strawberried hands on my white pyjama top so it looks like i'm bleeding all over the place.
from strawberrri :
yay, your note made me happy :) plus glad you didn't die or anything in your absence. heh i always did used to clog up your notes page with my inane ramblings so i think i'll leave it at that (though i am curious as to whatever happened to you and starla). x
from strawberrri :
soooo...long time no speak. was just thinking of you randomly and was surprised your profile's still here. how goes it?

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