messages to jenniebee:
(click here to add new message):

from bathsheba :
That totally sucks. I'm sorry sorry sorry. I hope your husband can figure out what he's doing and come to his senses and work through this (found your diary via your sister's, like you both, wish I had a sister online).
from dorkfysh :
GAH! Boys suck! Grrrrr. *hugs*
from monster-b :
Jenniebee, I was directed here by your sister and I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through, no platitudes of buck up or any of that, I'm just sorry that you're going through this.
from mrs-roboto :
I'm sorry to hear about this. If it makes you feel any better, I can completely relate to the commemorative tattoo issue. As a matter of fact, I'm getting an old boyfriends initials covered up this sunday. Perhaps I'll post photos (but I sure as hell won't miss the original tattoo).
from dorkfysh :
Just thought I would let you know that the kid is using a Space Vacuum song for her animation! Thanks so much for the Cd and t-shirts. You are the coolest! I hope your knees and ankles heal super quick-like.
from genghis-jon :
Welcome to The Mongoloids. Don't OD on heroin. Love, GJ.

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