messages to jennjennlpn:
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from jennjennlpn :
You know, Petrichor, you are absolutely right. No "nice" guy in his right mind would put up with her garbage! If she treats a guy like she treats everyone else, it wouldn't last (unless he was of the desperate sort). I introduced her to a nice guy, and she totally led him on. I just wanted to slap her and call her a "hooch". She says that she has been called a "tease" before, and I can understand why!
from petrichor :
While I have only read a few entries, I will go out on a limb here and think perhaps why Sara doesn't meet any "nice Christian guys" is because she doesn't seem to me to be a "nice Christian gal" herself. And I question her defination of nice, does nice mean that they must accept her attitude and/or let themselves be walked all over or does nice just mean nice? Any hypothetical nice Christian guy who respected himself probably wouldn't enjoy being around someone with an attitude with her's anyway.
from sunflowery :
I have moved over here. Come by often. Thanks for reading.

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