messages to jerrykelly:
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from sturge :
Whoah! My next entry was going to be about Lil Cap'n Travis. Or least about one of their songs. What's up, mindreader?
from switchcraft :
If he's a fan of Michael Moore then maybe he's not the guy you want to go out with anyway. Be honest with him, though. Tell him how you feel about the movie, it's never nice to get an excuse instead of the real deal. If he's a decent guy and likes you, he'll suggest something else instead.
from silverluna :
Do you want to go out with this guy? Then suggest another movie. If you don't want to go see a movie with him, then give the excuses. I think he'll get the hint after blowing him off for a while...j/k! ~Sara
from back-drifts :
a cubs fan with great taste in music. right on.

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