messages to jessicatate:
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from cardiogirl :
Hi, I was wondering if you might find it helpful to write about some of the stuff you're trying to forgive or accept? Sometimes I find it helpful just to throw it all donw on a piece of paper (or in this journal) and see what sticks. Just a thought. Sorry to hear about your cat.
from smedindy :
Read a comment on Sparkspark. Just saying howdy!
from cardiogirl :
Hi Jessica, Found you on a comment over at awittykitty and read today's entry regarding forgiveness. I have a hang up with the word forgiveness. For me, it implies that I am going to say it never happened. I know that's about me. I prefer the word acceptance. As in, this event happened and perhaps half or more of it was about the OTHER person. When you let go of the anger and heavy emotions relating to the experience, I find you feel lighter and better. I think some experiences will stay with you like a scar that gets heals over time, but never actually goes away. Some experiences will be with you forever, only diluted over time. I'm actually working on that one at this very moment. By the way, happy 39; I just turned 39 two weeks ago.
from sparkspark :
Hey, there--pleased to make your acquaintance. I look forward to reading your archives. XOXO Violet
from forget--hope :
perhaps we can't. perhaps mr vonnegut was right when he wrote, "all moments, past, present, and future, always have existed, always will exist." but i'll keep looking, and keep you posted.
from jessicatate :

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