messages to jesusbonjovi:
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from hangover :
I write them then I delete them after a day or two. It's the new way. We should email
from hangover :
I don't know if congratulations is in order, but thanks (I think). It's bizzaro world around here
from hangover :
I might move. Too many people in this life here knew my site and couldn't keep their mouth shut. Besides, we'll always have email
from hangover :
Led Zeppelin has had one show and Wembely is being reserved for a few nights. It's quite exciting
from hangover :
Sometimes I'll think of a song and, bango, I turn on the radio and there it is. Just yesterday I was wondering about you as I drove by the 14 Below in Santa Monica. You were so illegal there.
from hangover :
I don't care how good you feel, it'll never be enough to start calling yourself "normal". "Normal?" perhaps, but not "normal"
from hangover :
It's like watching a long time movie with a three to four dimensional character. You should leave me a permanent address that I could submit to the lawyers of the will. this way I can send you my '76 Fender P-Bass (the one I always used in the punk band S.O.B.) in the event of my inevitable permanent demise. Since you're laying down bass lines I suppose I have discovered a proper recipient in said scenario. Or as N.Young/B.Shakey state "This old guitar ain't mine to keep, Just taking care of it now. It's been around for years and years"
from chalk-dust :
I remember you as well - I don't update anymore really, but I do miss those days.
from hangover :
SARAH MAAAAAARTINNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! You're an advanced individual, did you know that? Or maybe it's the percocet and beer talking. no, no, no, the substances are mere barrier removers. Lesson learned
from hangover :
and how will you reply when they state they wish their meat to be spicy, veal'ish, soaked in alcohol, and somewhat raw. And what if the inquisitor is someone of questionable character, say a former popstar that is of an unknown ethnicity? What then?
from a-victoria :
Merry Christmas!
from hangover :
i knew it. I knew it. I! I KNEW! I KNEW IT!! I!KNEW!IT! I!KNEW!IT! I!KNEW!IT! I!KNEW!IT! I I I I I I KNEW KNEW KNEW KNEW KNEW IT IT IT IT IT! I must be psychic or something. HA!
from hangover :
it seems I need your email address
from hangover :
In tenth grade I had a crazy english teacher. He was soooo crazy that i got an 'A' in his class. Something happened and the administration of the school approached him and told him I was crazy. A couple of years later I was picking up the trash from behind a bar where he was the last patron. The last one there, as it were. "They told me you were crazy" he iterated. "I told them they were full of shit. He's not crazy, he's Randall Patrick McMurphy". I knelt by the dumpster behind the restaurant and cried my eyes out. I needed that. That teacher died in 1993. I'll never forget him. You're gonna be alright, S. You may not know that yet.
from laswell :
OK. I know you like rollins if you like saul of course you like henry rollins poetry and spoken word. i like him too. i think he has a great message. "i want my american convenience, bitch.. I want everything.."" everything. ah yes hank. but i need your help. i know you see his suffuring. I am trying to help henry be happy. check out my ideas to make this possible, maybe you want to even help. Id like you to check out some music i have found that i think you'd be interested in its very diverse and multi cultural. very groovin and funky , god its everything to much to describe. But let me know where you stand. thanks for your time... peace
from heythatsmysn :
AAAAHHHHHH what the hell! How dare you use my SN....i am the one and oly Jesus Bon Jovi!!
from neuroticaa :
all hail the most excellent username ever created! can i ask what it means? lol
from thedarkwell :
Wow. I really like this extension. And I feel all special to know about your ! Super Secret ! diary. Except now I'm finding I can't even write in mine without feeling like a knob. Anyways, wanna hear my scandal? I'll email you one day and tell you. As for now, I'm off to bed. I do enjoy this diary and I would add it to my faves if it wasn't ubersecret. Ciao.
from restofme :
i can't believe there aren't more people reading your diary. it's my favorite. i mean.. you're tolerable.
from ms-quoted :
I can't say that I am not jealous of the fact that you got to see Conor... that would be so amazing. Ani's shows are great. I have seen her twice. I think that almost all of her songs are better live than recorded, especially "shameless". If you don't have it already, I really suggest getting Living In Clip, it is a 2 CD set of all live songs. It's great. What is your favorite Bright Eyes song?
from ms-quoted :
I live in a small town between Bloomington and Champaign Illinois. I also noticed that you have Ani Difranco on your list. She is also one of my favorites. She actually does shows in Bloomington, I've seen her twice. If you look on her Living in Clip CD, one of the songs on that CD set was recorded at her Bloomington show, I believe it is Untouchable Face. Does a lot of people listen to Bright Eyes where your from?
from ms-quoted :
I am new to this whole diaryland thing and I was just surfing around and I saw that you have Bright eyes as one of your favorite bands. Than I found... other people have him down. Wow... so weird. Where I am found no one know of him.
from chalk-dust :
You write beautifully and you're kind as well...? This is too much.
from restofme :
i enjoy your diary. your the tuffest girl i've ever met/read/whatever. good job being a bad ass. love. <3

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