messages to jmixtape:
(click here to add new message):

from qjan :
Maybe have a longer nap?
from glass-arcade :
I read it. That's fucking harsh but I was never terribly impressed by her, now granted I don't know her personally but I've read her journal and all I get from it is that she has a much higher opinion of herself than she probably warrants. What's funny is that I'm having to move up there, I doubt we'll ever cross paths though..I move in different circles.
from julgal :
Send me a cd! 56 rue de Passy Paris, France 75016 -Julie
from bexx :
i fucked up on the g-book with my address. -BeXx
from heidiann :
I totally want to be a truck driver when I grow up.
from glass-arcade :
ummm yeah. Harry Potter. Guilty as charged only it wasn't for Rymer, no I'm the geeky one. And if they release the new Sigur Ros album at midnight I'd be geeky enough to venture into Tower in my pajamas to get it. I'm glad that there's a book that people go as nuts over as a movie, given the attention span of people. Movie stars, atheletes and musicians get all the acclaim and cash and you'll never see an author on MTV Cribs..then suddenly there is this book that every single person at least knows of and kids would rather read than play PS2. Oh and I read Fangoria too.
from glass-arcade :
hey call on my house line instead..909-867-9788 and then i'll call you since i've unlimited long distance.
from glass-arcade :
I don't think thats gay at all. I think it's cool and wonderful. I seriously didnt even want kids but Rymer has been an awesome lesson in that sometimes kids can be incredible. You should have one, seriously! Well, find a girl who is emotionally availiable first. And will you email me or leave a note, I'm beginning to think you dont like me any more *grins*
from tommy212 :
I don't think you that makes you gay at all, but that probably doesn't mean much from a guy that dresses up in a clown suit. Hope things are going good for ya, and you should update more often.
from tommy212 :
Sandra Oh filed for divorce from Alexander Payne. Here's your chance to catch her on the rebound.
from glass-arcade :
Oh no fecking way!! Your're going to coachella?!!! I was seriously thinking of going since it's only 50 or so miles from my house but then I was thinking about how sad it would be to have to go by myself since I only go to small shows alone or something heh..but yeah..are you going both days or....? Call me 909-496-4592. That's my mobile so weekends or after 7pm my time would be best. Maybe I'll I need to hear all about this Poppy girl, remember I've missed almost a year of entries heh.
from useafork :
eek! im sorry - i dont know her, but my thoughts are with her.
from julgal :
Hey James! Guess, just guess, who this is! Julie from New York, which is currently a big bucket of rain and final exams. You best remember me. I've lost your phone number, but remembered this silly online business for some reason. But but: I'll be at my parents' in about a week for Christmas, and we should hang out and like, drink peppermint schnapps and make snow-angels! I think all my CO friends have forgotten me. Gimme a call & take me to parties or something! <3 Julie
from dalyrical1 :
AW CHEER UP BABES!! i'm sure everything will work out better than you think
from opusshrugged :
mmmm bloody mary
from dalyrical1 :
oh sweetie! i know what you are going through. my ex that i wasted a year on used me the same way and now he's engaged to some chick he's only known a few months. it took me a long time to grip that fact that it wasn't had nothing to do with and i did nothing wrong, but it took along time to feel that way and feel better about myself. it's hard...i know it's hard. but i hoe you feel better soon and trust me...she's not worth it. people like that never are....
from dalyrical1 : you have the just got paid and broke already blues too, huh? geesh...maybe we ARE related!! lol liked your diary too...hmmmm...i just might have to start stalking you for awhile...if poppy loves just might be worthy.
from opusshrugged :
still blushing ... still speechless ... & you still fucking rock!
from sweeters :
It's Valentine's Day and you are cool. Accept that I think your cool. Embrace that I think your cool. Happy Valentine's Day.
from sweeters :
It's Valentine's Day and you are cool. Accept that I think your cool. Embrace that I think your cool. Happy Valentine's Day.
from glass-arcade :
Oooohhhh who are you crushing on? Oh my mobile number is 909-744-0408 if you ever want to ring me :)
from ihatejodie :
ack! i'm droolin' over those cvb tickets.
from glass-arcade :
waaaaaaah, I miss you. My computer time is so scarce and errrm my phone is down. Email me your number so I can at least ring you when I get a mobile phone in a couple of days.
from ihatejodie :
isn't that the nicest feeling in the world.
from opusshrugged :
i was in the tub when you messaged earlier & i'm known for forgetting to turn on an away message & that always makes me feel like such a bitch, so just know that had i been around i would have replied... ;)
from glass-arcade :
How the hell did he die? He was only 34 for cripes sake!
from suziebomb77 :
from bettinas :
Okay, you know how Jwinokur and actiongrl broke up? (I am a creepy diaryland voyeur and I don't care.) Well, it, and several other things that have been going on make me think the world is a very confusing place indeed. Call me so we can get thai food!
from glass-arcade :
thanks sweetie..I wish you and I could hang out Saturday too. I think it could help me forget all the swirling doubts, insecurities and fears I've been toting around lately. What sucks is that I won't write about it because it's humiliating to admit.
from glass-arcade :
Call me if you need anything ok? Doesn't matter what time either.
from thetravis :
Reporter: "Arnold,what are your plans to get California out of all this bullshit?" Arnold: "Crush all enemies.See them driven before you.And hear the lamentation of the women." Brilliant.
from tale-of-me : know the last msg I left for you? Well, I take it back. I should always trust my first instincts..and when it came to Mandy....I knew it. ((((((you)))))))
from dust-settle :
hey, just reading through some entries and dropping a note, definitely like your diary. and cmon, we're online journalists, everybody's bitter.
from tale-of-me :
ok ok...maybe I was a little hard on Mandy. I'm sorry. Just lookin out for ya. ('_')
from tale-of-me :
I'm beginning to feel a little weird about leaving you notes...seeing as this makes...#5 in a row. At any rate, I'm totally pressured about my that you're going to test me on my progress. I'll work hard I promise. I'm totally cool with the phone sex thing...but I have this bad "vibe" about Mandy. Hard to explain...but I think you get the same feeling from her. you have a digital camera?
from tale-of-me :
Thankfully I didnt have to use either of those excuses. I pulled the " Ohh...I'm just soo damn tired" thing. It worked, the night wasn't a disaster, it turned out pretty good. Geez..and all that worrying I did! The problem still exists though...I'm going to have to deal with it. The sooner the better.
from tale-of-me :
You KNOW things always get better...right? I could give you the bullshit speech about looking on the bright side, and being grateful for what you've got....but I think that's only possible to do when things ARE going really well. I feel like the "good-times" in life are far fewer than the "bad-times". What you need is a good hug...that's the best cure for a shitty day...and I isnt always easy to just go out and get one. So..just incase you don't have one available to you today, I'll send one ((((you)))). Take care. (I'm just a faithful note leaver BTW, not a stalker.)
from tale-of-me :
Lets hear it for masturbation!!! Hope it was a good one
from tale-of-me :
Hey..I had an old bf (years ago) that only did it to Kenny G. I can't listen to sax now without flashbacks. Just remember...if you don't want the song to be ruined for you...make SURE the sex will be WORTHY. And for the record..I could TOTALLY get it on with Justin..Uhmm..I mean TO Justin. (giggle)
from sweeters :
Dude, I love you. I love reading your diary you are just so brutally honest, it's painful to read but it's just so honest and true. I am really sorry man, but I hope you will be OK.
from jetblknewyr :
Hi. You don't know me, but I'd just like to say that I really like your diary. And High Fidelity does indeed rock. That's about all. Goodbye.
from deez-nuts :
We get it at work.
from deez-nuts :
Hey, we have the same personality type. Sweet ass! Hey, don't hang out alone tonight! come to my party!
from deez-nuts :
JAMES! I love you! That was the funniest shit I've ever read!
from suziebomb77 :
I miss you. I dont have a number where I can get ahold of you. I'll be in the Springs soon, and we should cuddle.
from deez-nuts :
word up homie. I do have it real good with Aaron, I just like to bitch about shit. BTW, if I had made it to the auction, we would be goin on a date. :)
from deez-nuts :
It's good to read an entry that didn't make me want to cry. I'm glad you realized that it isn't completely hopeless. I *heart* James. Love, MEH
from bettinas :
James, you are not old. Old is something that happens in smelly apartments with plastic-covered couches and Lawrence Welk. Don't leave the scene, please--we need voices that differ.
from rumtowhiskey :
kick ass. nice diary. kind of like spitting is sweet. i recamend i hate myself.
from gallinula :
hello, yes, thank Jeebus indeed. and hey, don't apoligize for the veiled truth. . . your last entry was too right.
from bettinas :
hi james. you're the best. no really. you are.
from storyophelia :
hairy pooter is the most brilliant..
from lotuseater13 :

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