messages to johnny-t-h-m:
(click here to add new message):

from valasaurus :
how have you been on d*land for so long and i never came across your username? huge fan of jthm! just wanted to say that :)
from seasons79 :
You sir... Are all locked up.
from seasons79 :
Texting, for better or worse... Kept you busy, at least. :oP Welcome back to DL.
from scullerymaid :
Thank you for the note
from kyane :
Any of said miles would have to be saved up for my trip to Denmark, etc. this summer... I'm sorry, you might just have to do it for me. But see if you can get one of your friends to videotape it and post it somewhere so that I can see it... I'd love to hear what my poems sound like read aloud. It's never really been done before.
from zkandaloza :
i don't know who was playing but cool music!
from kyane :
Somewhat Damaged. So impressed with all you do, tried so hard to be like you. Flew too high and burnt the wing, lost my faith in everything. Lick around divine debri, taste the wealth of hate in me. Shedding skin succumb defeat, this machine is obsolete. Made the choice to go away, drink the fountain of decay. Tear a hole exquisite red, fuck the rest and stab it dead. Broken, bruised forgotten, sore. Too fucked up to care anymore. Poisoned to my rotten core, too fucked up to care anymore. In the back, off the side, far away is a place where I hide, where I stay. Tried to say, tried to ask, I needed to, all alone by myself. Where were you? How could I ever think, it's funny how everything you swore would never change is different now. Just like you would always say, "We'll make it through", then my head fell apart and where were you? How could I ever think? It's funny how everything you swore would never change is different now. Like you said, you and me make it through, didn't quite, fell apart, where the fuck were you?

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