messages to jtodd:
(click here to add new message):

from for-you-only :
Hi. How are you doin? Visited any of sites lately? I'm doing a lot of updating and changing as of recently, and I've even added my novel to the collection of sites I run. Hope to hear from you. ~Phoenix
from happychelsea :
hey sorry! we live in an old place and our internets pretty shady at times. i didnt mean to be rude!
from msjuliek :
losing your mind is not out of your control
from extozy :
we love you jennifer.
from dotdotdot4 :
saturday night = niiiice. i love you jtodd.
from happychelsea :
(in response to the bikini wax thing, as i am seriously behind the times now) you should try it! its better than the gyno and lasts for a while. i just solved the uncomfiness by giggling the entire time.
from rose17 :
HEY!!! This is Arianna, Katie, Lindsey and Jennifer! We wanted to tell you hi!! We could sit here and tell you how GREAT we think you are but you already know. we just wanted to say that you are such a great person and we love you soooo much!! xoxo Us
from shorty024 :
Jennifer Todd I LOVE YOU! hehe.. <3 chanel
from mob :
it's only you, beautiful, or i don't want anyone. if i can choose it's only you.
from sourballs123 :
incubus is the shit
from mob :
there's something about the look in your eyes, something i notice when the light was just right. it reminded me twice that i was alive, and it reminded me that you're so worth the fight.
from dotdotdot4 :
it made me sad to read that entry.. because i have no doubt it's what you and i were talking about last night. but, i presume you wanted me to read it and feel that way.. so.. that's it i guess.
from reb-apple :
i love you womaaaaan! we gotz great story-telling brains between us. u are definitely the coolest in my book...or well one of them. =) love you
from ig0tw0rms :
dude, you sound hella cool... yeah
from idiot-milk :
That is because you are smart and wise. I don't trust people who don't like poptarts. Poptarts are one of the finest creations on this planet, and one of the few things that make this life worth living.
from now-mary :
you were my fifth, but thats good, thats still like the top ten. which is good. but watch out for power lines and bushes, they dont go together, and especially dont go with you.
from now-mary :
wow, i am your first. the very first person to leave you a note. well, i just wanted to say that i think you're a pretty cool girl, and happy birthday. now you can love me forever.

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