messages to justamephit:
(click here to add new message):

from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from carla-star :
i'll miss your awesome writing )o: I'm sorry for not reading often enough "never know what you got till it's gone" sort of thing. I still think you're really cool. If you ever want to look at my diary again, the password and username are cat.
from beckers-j :
Are you really gone?!? WTF.
from kiosh :
*Sighness* Yep, my heart is officially broken. You're not writing anymore! =0( I'll miss you like crazy, my sweet, sweet K!
from virlomi :
I'm going to miss you . . . and I'm going to keep an eye out for you on livejournal.
from caraxus :
Noooooooooooooo!! Oh miss Mephit, I understand - entries become more force of habit than anything else, a need to fill an empty space (a valid need I feel) but perhaps not one that's particularly long lasting. Email darl and do keep in touch - I cherish our conversations. Caraxus xoxoxoxox
from hissandtell :
I shall miss you awfully, darling. I also should tell you that I found your penultimate entry absolutely brilliant, and the only reason I didn't leave a note was that I could think of nothing worthy to say. Much love, R xxx
from elgac :
What a sad state of affairs. I can understand but not enjoy choice. Have fun leaving your tail.
from tithonus :
Also, am I mistaken or was that thing about sounding like me a crack at my propensity for over-elaborate descriptions of my thought processes? :@ YOU WILL PAY!!!
from tithonus :
:( Does the fact that I abandoned my diary forbid me from being sad at you abandoning yours? You've been, through your diary particularly though not exclusively, a very special, treasured friend and companion for me these last... how long? I guess it's been... two years? Or more? I'm terrible with time. It seems like a long time... I hope the end of your diary doesn't mean the end of that connection. Your gift for writing and the sensitivity of your perception, along with a particular... lust for life make... together they make everything you write a joy to read. So I hope, whatever it is that you do next, that you keep writing and sharing your gift with the world, because heaven knows we need it. :) xo
from beckers-j :
Aw, shit, don't go! Can't you at least pop in once in a while? I'll miss you. :( I guess I understand, though. I hope we'll hear from you again some time!
from blazingstar :
No! You're leaving us? So sad! I've been on the verge of it several times myself, so I understand. You'll be missed!
from kiosh :
Yay! - Lots of love and big hugs, my dear!
from kiosh :
PS: I'll take that and do it soon!
from kiosh :
Absolutely fun and enchanting. Just like you! I seriously appreciate you very, very much. Hey, I wrote something about you in "Grateful grapefruit" (a previous entry). Muah, muah, muah! =0)
from wistful-blue :
LOL Just checking my darling. Just checkin. xoxoxo
from wistful-blue :
I fear Orlando is taming -- neigh, domesticating *spits* my fiesty Mephit. *Weeps self into troubled sleep*
from caraxus :
Miss Mephit!! You have been remise with your emails darling - and now I crave love and affection - I'm the worst kind of poster-child for over-achievement - look at me I'm constantly beautiful! *throws temper tantrum disguised as Artistic temperement* Did you know tha a study found that 'Artistic Types' have more partners and more sex than 'Normal' people? Hmmm...that's my excuse from now on. *Exits stage left*
from dannyboyk2 :
Hi. I found your diary randomly, and was going to leave you a note about something, when I saw that we both have carla-star in common. Strange. Stanger yet, I can't recall what the note was going to be about now. I'll try reading some more of your diary and see what I can come up with.
from carla-star :
I haven't visited in awhile, but i am unwaveringly loyal! my diary in unlocked now. Happy Thanksgiving, love!
from kiosh :
Wow, what a story! It wasn't a big accident but am sure there is someone taking care of you so that's why you're safe. Who knows what could have happened if you stayed on the bus? But you're safe and am glad because the world without Mephit (or with a hurt Mephit) would be pale. *Knocks on wood* Why is picking a gift for someone always a nuisance? Yes, you love them and you know them very well but when it comes to picking something there are always preferred options but you still wonder if that's the right thing and if there's something else you haven't considered or that they would like more. Or you could regale your DLand friends with major run-on sentences, like I just did with you. Ha ha ha ha. Good luck picking a gift, you'll have to tell us what happened! Oh, and you're now enabled to post as a guest! *Hint hint* Honey tea and rainy aftenoon hugs! =0)
from tithonus :
Congratulations on your escape from near-death. Regarding presents, does she already own a really, really sharp knife? Because if you like cooking, then, yeah, there is always a degree of sharpness beyond what you already possess to which your soul cries out. "This is quite sharp, but surely there is something *sharper*, somewhere, in this cold and otherwise meaningless universe?" it sings as you chop up the carrots. Uh, well, perhaps not. But that's what came to mind while reading your list. The other thing that came to mind is a story by Borges about Shakespeare that I think you can find in "The Book of Sand". Perhaps you could get her that. Also, your idea of a game seemed to be jocular rather than serious, but... there are an endless array of German-style boardgames which are ideal for, you know, sociable... stuff. Um. Things like "Carcassonne", "The Settlers of Catan", "Ticket to Ride" and whatnot are all... well designed games that don't require *too much* nerdiness to enjoy. If you're willing to look a little further afield you can probably even find something inspired by classical themes... see Um. Ok. Um. If none of those work, I can think of more. :)
from beckers-j :
That bus thing is freakin' scary! Eeek. Must be your woman's intuition kicked in. As for gifts...hmmm. Maybe a wine of the month club? Sure, it's perishable, but you get a new one every month. :P Or, if she's adventurous, how about a flying lesson (like I did for Ted) or some other kind of exciting thing she could try out. Yeah, I guess I'm not all that helpful. ;) Good luck!
from blazingstar :
"It's possible that the only reason I don't find his naked form silly is the fact that I'm in love with him." You know, I just might be in the same situation!
from pink-pearls :
worst ringtone - thunderstruck, best - whiter shade of pale. almost made hearing the work mobile seem less painful.
from kiosh :
Hah! And here I was, thinking you'd send the entry through email or similar and I would post it! Duh! But it's all ready! =0D
from kiosh :
Oh dear... I'm sending you tons of support and much love! You're one of my favourite girls! =0) *Muah*
from beckers-j :
Sheesh, exes. *insert disgruntled grunt* What the hell? ;)
from amercncliche :
You intrigue me. You always have, back in the days when I actually used Diaryland. Which is a few months/years ago, yes. But I randomly came back today and stumbled on yours, and you continue to amaze me. Bravo.
from caraxus :
Where's my email darling? I am recuperating and need love!! (I'm so demanding hehehe)
from wistful-blue :
*Hugs* I'm sorry missing your grandfather struck you so acutely. As for ZoomZoom...I pray for his ressurection. -cat
from tithonus :
They're expensive, but it's likely Zoomzoom can be brought back to life with a new battery.
from pink-pearls :
Totally. Plus that Librarian look they give over the top of their glasses? Terrifying as a teenager when it's from your father. Now? He's just Giles to me.
from wistful-blue :
Okay, but you really needn't write anything "special"--especially you! My Goddess, the beauty and lyricism just flows naturally from your words, whether you're posting a book review, on the magic of Isis House, or a night out with your friends! -cat
from beckers-j :
Aw, I'm so glad. And I hope the mucus jumps ship soon. ;)
from desdemonia :
I would probably read "Tapping the Dream Tree" I don't have my books with me at the moment, they are still in boxes, but if I remember right this is his collection of short stories. It will give you a good idea of the way he writes and whether you'll enjoy it or not. If you find he is a likeable author, you can then move on to his other works
from kiosh :
Hugs! =0)
from kiosh :
Wow... This is one of the best, most intelligent, well written book reviews I've ever read.
from wistful-blue :
Why are you not writing book reviews for The Times?! Must say, I didn't even have to read the novel and I'm terrified of Simon's enormous schlong! :-)
from beckers-j :
Oh, yeah! And thanks for thinking I'd look hot as an FBI agent. We all know that looking hot is at least half the reason to enter any field of work. :P
from beckers-j :
Wow! That was some book review. Do you teach classes on this stuff? Because you should. ;) And I'm highly sympathetic in regard to the enormous schlong.
from kiosh :
Oh, I love this entry... Just what I needed to read! - I'm glad you bought a camera! You will need to show us lots of pictures! Maybe a Flickr? - Oh, and I think I have a habit of being quite antisocial and Japanese with people I don't know at all. Or with people that I interact with on a certain level but are not close friends or haven't been formally introduced to me.
from kiosh :
Gaaah! Xmas! I feel a little sick thinking about it. Maybe I'm too old now...
from kiosh :
Phew, am so glad you're going to be free and well and avoided room 101 (Loved the reference to 1984! That's one of my faves of all times, along with Brave new world -both parts-). It seems like there's something stronger going on with Orlando than you thought, apart from loving him, that is. Who knows what is the best thing to do? Parting seems like a good idea but then there will always be that feeling of "if only", if you stay together you will probably discover something new. Maybe friends with benefits? Hmmm... Lots of hugs for you, wonderful, smart, fun, wicked literary woman! =0)
from beckers-j :
I used to have a crush on Richard Chamberlain, too! Although, I'm slightly ashamed to admit that my crush was induced by the utter sappiness that is The Thorn Birds. Oh, well. You love Orlando - You love Orlando - You love Orlando! Okay, I'm done now. :P
from c-james :
His feet? HIS FEET?! Oh my gawd woman, you are so gone over this one. T'aint even funny no more! :-) -cat
from liadlaith :
Aren't you worried they'll read this and lock you up for revealing details about their investigation? *is evil*
from kiosh :
By the way, I forgot to comment that I also see my life in a kind of cinematic way. Sometimes more movie, sometimes more tv show and sometimes more book. I wonder how much does that say about us... I loved that paragraph, actually, it's so well-written and nice. Oh, and I love the fact that you do things to help the world. Hurrah! =0)
from kiosh :
That is really scary and odd. We know you're mischievous *wink* but never an evil girl! Those w*nkers! Ughness. Hopefully this will be solved soon and you'll be proven innocent. What bothers me the most is that this was caused by someone else's incompetence. Hugs! =0)
from wistful-blue :
Jesus Christ! And government officials wonder why citizens are becoming less and less trusting when it comes to their actions concerning "domestinc security." -cat
from beckers-j :
Wow! That's nuts! I know it's important for governments to be careful in that regard these days, but there can't possibly be any evidence that you're involved in terrorism, so it shocks me that this seems to be going so far. What a bunch of jackasses. I hope things get straightened out soon!
from killsbury :
That is quite scary!
from beckers-j :
Holy Moley! That sounded like some dramatic rescue! I'm amazed, and I'm sure I would have been just as out of sorts as you after the fact. What a wierd situation! And the other situation - with the gym guy - is just too cute. I won't encourage you, though. ;) I REALLY want to see Broken Flowers. I love Bill Murray so much, and all the buzz I heard about the movie was great. I wish he'd won the Oscar for Lost in Translation.
from soulsojourn :
ah...flirting! what fun! and i'm so so so happy you mentioned the Broken Flowers movie. i really want to see that, and i had forgotten it was out so soon. - r
from blazingstar :
Pootering? That's a word? I'm definitely on the wrong side of the pond. I felt the same way about An Enduring Love, by the way.
from pink-pearls :
no shame needed my dear, i'm the one who still hasn't gotten around to favouriting you. try u/n - read and p/w - now.
from desdemonia :
Lol, I would say that his genre (or lack thereof) concerns mostly fantasy. One other author that I really like that I think of when confronted with that specific "genre" issue, is Charles De Lint. It's a mix of fantasy and mythology and everyday life that I enjoy quite a bit.
from kiosh :
Oh well, babe, complain and comment all you want. Things need to be vented for a bit before we can let them go. And, that's what we're here for, to listen with open hearts and boxes of Milk Tray and Chardonnay (if needed). Let us know if you call the Gym man, luv! Now, save me a baklava muffin! That sounds so yummy and am sure they are delicious! Thanks for accepting the request, am already enjoying your entry and haven't read it yet! It's like the anticipation you feel when you know you're going to have a delectable supper at your fave restaurant... Or when you're going to sleep with someone sexy you really, really fancy. He he he. And about the survey - Loved reading your answers and I feel the same way about the opposite sex question. Why am I supposed to answer that? Tscha! Hugs!
from raen :
LMAO! I know how he feels! Well, I sort-of do. My excuse is Snape, what's his? hahaha The trailer is pretty cool, but, honestly, it's all about The Rickman for me. ^_^ --- You know, I *almost* added your wheregone.html to my favorites, but the reason I didn't was because, well, it's hard to explain. You were sort of putting yourself down in ways and I thought, you know... Well, I'm going to add it to my favorites now.
from blazingstar :
You are most definitely allowed to read the private entries. Ha, I almost wrote "toilet entries", but I suppose you read those already. I'll email you the password now.
from beckers-j :
Oh, yeah. The boyfriend. It's so tricky how we momentarily forget about them sometimes. ;)
from beckers-j :
You're too funny! So, have you called the nice man from the gym? ;)
from pink-pearls :
god i love reading your posts....and you have my sympathy on the orlando/celibacy thing. god knows that sucks.
from kiosh :
BTW, have you considered getting a Haloscan comments thingy?
from kiosh :
Oh, but that's the way life is, huh? You're right: Shouldn't be an issue, but gal, it can be so messy sometimes. Hah. But I hope the conflicts are resolved soon. - On a side note, I have a very important request for you: Would you like to write a guest entry on my journal? It would be so, so good. Let me know, svp! - I tagged you again to make a little survey! *Wink* - Love ya lots!
from soulsojourn :
oh, dear, i'm sorry you're having relationship sadness. and no sex! oh dear, oh dear. i do hope things get better for you. relationships should be about growing and sharing with each other - not being held back. -r
from tithonus :
*hugs* And, uh, you know, *gropes*. Ahem. Uh... one possibility, which... well, seems pretty remote, but anyway. When I was with my next-to-last girlfriend, I always had to ask her if she wanted to sleep with me, and about 80% of the time the answer was "no". So, when I was with the next one I carried over the same assumption and thought, you know, asking more often than occasionally is putting inappropriate pressure on her, blah blah, and it took me a while to figure out that actually, not all women feel the same way about sex, and that... much, much more frequent attentions were welcome. Anyway. Yeah, it does seem rather unlikely that after all this time Orlando wouldn't know, but... ? I don't know, have you talked to him about this at all?
from skinny--girl :
i think all happy relationships release our inner 50's housewife. at least in my experience. because with the happy relationships there's fairly little to bitch about otherwise, so all sorts of little daily chores become obsessions. that, or, we start feeling (horror!) SETTLED and that terrifies us and sends us into a nagging frenzy. i can't figure out which it is for me, but i know i don't like myself when i get that way. - r
from desdemonia :
Lol I never read a Neil Gaiman's book that had questions at the end of it. Yes, I have to admit that is pretty obnoxious. I might also have a crush on the whole older English gentleman thing, which might be what makes all his books so great to me ;p But I do have to say in all seriousness that I appreciate his writing. Any other authors in the same genre that you you would recommend instead ? :)
from wistful-blue :
Ah well, everybody has a moment of awkwardness now and then. *Hug* I think you'll both survive. :-)
from tithonus :
Ahahaha, and how did "Happyk" take this?
from requiel :
Ha! Funny entry today, I don't know how many times I listened to myself in horror as I said something stupid to my Hubby.
from blazingstar :
Yeah, seeing the gynecologist is not exactly my idea of a party. He tried to joke around, saying things like, "Don't worry, it's perfectly safe. We haven't lost anyone yet today." Really, doc? No one's died of sheer humiliation yet? But it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be.
from wistful-blue :
I think the explosion was a case of "the straw that broke the camel's back," wherein little resentments pile up over time until there's so much shit packed into a teeny closet, that trying to stuff one more annoyance inside is more than what can be contained and *ALL* of the old crap comes tumbling out. Plus, you've been under a great deal of stress with your grandfather's lingering illness and recent death, and (as you mentioned) five days spent with the family that drives you crazy. *Side note: Orlando seems to have *A LOT* in common with Pugsly -- housekeeping wise -- which can be hell for those of us who prefer some semblence of order and who want our property treated with respect.* Please don't beat yourself up over the row darling Mephit, for it was a perfectly natural, human response to aggravations OUTSIDE yourself and those which were/are beyond your control. *Hugs & kisses* -cat
from beckers-j :
Thanks for the sympathy. And I suppose we can't help but be bitter sometimes - men can bring out the worst in us, can't they? :P I'm very glad you're back and recovering from the whole funeral situation. I understand about missing diaries being like missing people. There are several diaries I feel that way about. Oh, and I sometimes miss my sexual misadventures as well. ;)
from tithonus :
Well, I am generally a pretty messy person, so I kind of am... inclined to somehow take Orlando's side because of that. But. Not respecting other people's stuff is bad - bad, because, really, it's actually a way of showing disrespect for the people. And your glasses? See, that's just like... a gajillion bridges too far as far as I'm concerned. A person's glasses aren't just *stuff*, it's like... not only fantastically important in a utilitarian sense (and incredibly expensive, as you point out) but it's also... the one object which is more intimitately connected with a person's identity than any other. I think, anyway. I mean, that's like, you know, part of your *face*, sort of. And he just chucks them in the middle of the floor? And then when you get pissed off about it he says, "yeah, whatever"? To me that just bloody screams disrespect. And then when you let him know you're angry about it, you say he's conciliatory, but in my vicarious anger I just see that as him deciding to tell you what he thinks you want to hear in order not to have to deal with it. GRRRAAAARGH!!!! DUMP HIM!!!!!! Well, uh, I guess it's really not my place to say that, but, yeah. I don't know. I guess I just want to validate that part of you that says that your glasses are important, that it's not "some trivial thing" you're getting angry over, that it's actually a big deal and him diminishing it or casually saying "yeah, whoops" is not alright. Dirty socks and mugs, not the most attractive characteristic, but everyone has foibles, but, chucking your glasses on the floor? Really, really not cool. Um. Just my way-over-the-line-probably two cents worth. Um.
from beckers-j :
I sometimes find myself turning into the embittered '50s housewife as well. It's terribly uncomfortable, and I cringe the entire time I'm acting like that, but I can't seem to help it sometimes. And I don't think it's too much to ask that the someone who loves you be considerate of you and yours. I have similar issues with Ted - including the enormous shoes. :P
from wistful-blue :
Maybe you're being too hard on yourself? *Hugs & kisses* Love, cat
from kiosh :
Hah! That sounds like a fun dream or a good plot for a, um, movie of sorts. He he he. Much love! =0)
from wistful-blue :
I'd suggest getting some sleep...but I don't think that would do much good right now. :-\ *Hugs*
from tithonus :
pfff, impossible.
from caraxus :
Hey babe - loved that entry, miss you and I haven't met you xoxo
from kiosh :
Sweetie, I can never seem to find the right words for a situation like this but know that I am with you and I'm sending much love and positive vibes. A big choco hug, too. Luv you lots! =0)
from queenoftart :
Thank you..much love
from killsbury :
I'm so sorry you're going through such a rough time.
from beckers-j :
I'm so sorry about your grandfather. I lost my grandfather about a year and a half ago, and I know what you're going through. All that inconvenient and awkward and painful. And you're right, dead is dead. I hate the whole open casket thing because it wasn't him anymore, and now I remember him like that anyway. I'm sorry.
from liadlaith :
from wistful-blue :
I'm very sorry about your grandfather Meph. *Hugs*
from kiosh :
I'm going to "waaaaah" myself. Reading this entry was fun because it made me think that's probably my problem with relationships: I analyse things too much and like Anna says, I'm paranoid and freak out too much. Maybe this journal should be edited and remixed into a book, it's *SO* good. I love your writing. Much love and big hugs! =0)
from clarity25 :
Thanks for your last note. I agree with your stance on preferring to be WANTED instead of NEEDED, and giving away what you have to the people you love because it doesn't matter. Money, things, material items means so little when you're caught up in a romance. It all falls away, it's just you and that person. I also loved your dis-honesty entry. I always enjoy your writing. I know this sounds lame, but I wish I could write like you.
from tithonus :
How is it that Orlando is better off than you? Inheritance?
from beckers-j :
I agree with you that there's a little bit of truth in the things people say when they lash out, but you can't always take it at face value. For example, the other night Ted was picking on me over something to do with the cooking. I was making lemon chicken, which is something he usually makes, and he was being a tard and taking over. I was getting really frustrated and said, "Go kill yourself!" I know, I'm such a bitch! Wow! Of course, I would never, ever want him to actually kill himself. But the small bit of truth in that sentence was just the fact that I wanted him AWAY from me. Which is a far cry from wanting him to actually kill himself. My point is, and I'm sorry for rambling on, that although there may be some truth in what Orlando said the other night, it's probably a very small and almost disassociated truth that had very little to do with what actually came out of his mouth. After all, he probably wouldn't be with you if he really felt what he said was true. Fin.
from blazingstar :
You're British, so you spell "fiber" "fibre"! I guess it's wrong for me to find that cute, since you people came first, and we're the ones bastardizing a once beautiful language. I might study in England next year, if only to hear the accent!
from geeked-out :
I've always thought the bassoon was a very sexy instrument. I mean how could it not be really.
from kiosh :
Hey! I have a new project going on and I'm particularly interested in your participation. Check my journal for details and merci beaucoup! =0)
from beckers-j :
Sorry Orlando felt it necessary to lash out at you like that. The fact that you found some truth in his comments makes it all the worse, but I'm sure that it isn't as bad as all that. Orlando really has no one to blame but himself for his moopishness. Ain't love a bitch though? :) It makes everything seem to be so much more than it actually is.
from wildforests :
It is actually a shimmering green - how psychic of you. It's more of a pale grey mint silvery green though, if that makes sense. (If you are intensely curious, I shall send you a photo :-)) Not a colour I'd normally choose really - I'd have had a nice rich blue or purple if it was there, but I put on the pale green and was rather struck with my appearance, so naturally I had to get that one.
from wistful-blue :
You can put a candle out with a bull whip?! RRRRRR!!! Come to Mama! :-) -cat
from kiosh :
*Sighness* Hope to talk to you soon! I send you much love and support...
from blazingstar :
I'll probably be back. It's almost certainly just a break. I loved what you just wrote about disliking people you've never met. I'm in a similar situation right now. I too am currently pouring buckets of hatred into a pathetic little weasel of a girl who is probably, in reality, really cool. The problem is that she spends time with Paddles and is insanely attractive and flirtatious, so I simply can't like her! But this means I can make fun of her from a distance. Angry and frustrated as we can be in our hatred, it's somewhat comfy, isn't it? ...There, it's almost like I wrote an entry just for you.
from kiosh :
Oh, sweet pea, you have all my support and you're in my thoughts. Send you a big hug and much, much love! =0) Here if you need anything, ok?
from wistful-blue :
*Sigh* Sadly, I understand exactly what you're going through. :-(
from theswordsman :
Fencing wizard??? Hmmm. Well, I only need five hours of sleep a night. I won't squeeze rocks, but as of tonight I'm squeezing a tennis ball and one of those eggserciser thingies. Maybe I'll grow a mustache again. Anyway, tomorrow night in your honor, the image will be Ridolfo Capo Ferro, who's one of the masters mentioned in the duel on the cliffs. Cheers. John
from beckers-j :
Congrats on being in LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE! :)
from kiosh :
I need to say this once again: Your diary entertains, touches, makes me reflect, enchants and surprises me to no end. Sometimes I don't know what to say but the love and appreciation are there, sweetie! You're a great writer! =0) Big hugs!
from wistful-blue :
from desdemonia :
tacky Tarot cards are the best. To me the important things are that you be comfortable with your cards and relate to them :) Hope you are doing well !
from kiosh :
Hurrah for Vic style (sooo lovely) and a bigger hurrah for answering the survey! I loved that you picked Placebo and how it all fitted so well. Just in case you don't already know, I luv you lots! =0)
from beckers-j :
I would love to see your version of Shakespeare in the park. Hell, I'd like to join in, even. Although I'm not sure my fake British accent is up to par. :)
from liadlaith :
RAH! Don't they know ANYTHING? Austen proposals that don't succeed are ALWAYS INDOORS. Successful ones are OUTDOORS while WALKING. Eejits.
from kiosh :
I totally know what you mean! P&p is such a wonderful book and a classic and it belongs to its time. Why that tendency to make adaptations that are anything but, um, precise to say the least. On the other hand, the BBC version had some things that could have been better but it's lovely and a kind of classic. We all feel a little love for it. Seeing all the adaptations that are coming, I'm not sure if people will actually be able to catch the vibe of the originals. Blah. Big hugs and much love!
from kiosh :
Hello dear! I'm back in more than one way... Sorry for the lack of notes and all. Just wanted to let you know that I still appreciate you so much and am sending many positive vibes and much love your way! =0) Hugs!
from beckers-j :
There's nothing wrong with giggling at a good poo joke. :) And children inevitably get tired of acting grown up once they actually do start to grow up. I know I did!
from caraxus :
Flatness is too good for him!! Thanks babe, look forward to our next email xoxo
from liriselei :
i am alone and unemployed and i loved it anyway ! but then being single always gives me a soft spot for movies with a soppy message of romantic-idealist hope at the end...
from tithonus :
Octopus fucking?
from head-unbowed :
thank you so much for your note. Glad to know I didn't "lose" you. Not that my mind is where it's so hard to write. Only occasional computer access and never sure what to say these days.
from catz-eyes :
hehehehe spiders tend to provoke strong reactiosn in folk, don't they? how's this for perverse: after writing that spidey-centric entry, went and downloaded a virtual pet - a red chilean tarantula! thought it might help to face fear head on. would you like the url, cherub, so you can get one as well? ;) now, if one could only download a virtual pet clown for the desktop, then i could tackle that fear, too ;) =^..^=
from wistful-blue :
Why thank you, you exquisite Mephit you. :-)
from raen :
Well, maybe it's just that it's easier to explain why I couldn't or wouldn't leave, using practical reasons. It's more clear-cut than getting into any emotional parts. But, yeah, definitely the ups make it worthwhile. The argument the other night was ugly - it's rare that we argue like that. We're the types who can get into an argument and when the argument's over, we just shift to something else like the argument we just had never happened. It's also a big plus to be with someone who doesn't talk like the southerners here. He's from IL, and I spent my first five years in MD, so neither of us have the horrid drawl.
from liadlaith :
You cannot seriously tell me that Darcy isn't sexual . . . or that Henry Tilney isn't dying to take Catherine by the hand and show her just what she can do with it . . . or that Benwick and Louisa's passion for poetry didn't spill over into other areas . . .
from desdemonia :
Hey :) I'm starting on my Halloween packages (early, I know, but I make some of the stuff so I need to know how many people I'm sending them to). Let me know if you'd like one, just e-mail me your address at [email protected]
from breakthedark :
Just dropping in to say hello! :)
from liadlaith :
"And I kind of feel semi-bad for having been comforted upon the pavement � because I would never have done that sort of thing had I known he was watching." Oh come on! That's ridiculous! You guys broke up AGES ago now. If he can't cope with seeing you with another person by now, that's his problem, NOT YOURS. You shouldn't have to live your life circumscribed by him.
from beckers-j :
It sounds like the getting of your stuff went as smoothly as can be expected. I do agree that the bit about him watching you was creepy, however. Ew. Good luck with your interview!
from pink-pearls :
Sometimes all the subtle niceness/honesty stuff just doesn't register with people. Especially if they're maybe provoking you into being brutally honest. Do you feel better though? I probably would.
from liadlaith :
Is it possible to break off all communication entirely with Mr. M?
from caraxus :
Hey - hugs. I know that sort of pain, when people use those passed in ways that just tear you open with agony and shock. Miss your emails doll. xoxo
from tithonus :
Nah, don't be ashamed. Your anger is... well, your feelings are important. They require expression. He wants to dump his emotional baggage on you, you're entitled to give some back.
from hissandtell :
Well, happy birthday (if it's appropriate to say so) for soon, darling. I do rather like the sound of a Now We Are Six party. In fact, the mere thought of all those fairy cakes is quite making me all bouncy-pouncy-Tiggery with joy. Love, R xxx
from soulsojourn :
ouch! what a bastard. actually, if mr m was a woman, i'd call her a cunt. i don't think there's a comparable insult for men, which is a shame really. i highly recommend the general anesthetic for having your wisdom teeth yanked. as in, get yourself knocked out cold, instead of just a local. i was in agony for three months until the surgeon could get me in. i went through bottles and bottles of vicodin. i got knocked out, woke up groggy, took a few ibuprophen, and that was that. no pain at all after surgery, except for the fact that you can't smoke, or you'll get dry socket. oh! and it is one of the great oddities of life that all hygenists seem to be these adorable bubbly little creatures, while dentists are just plain weird and more than a little scary. i've never figured that one out, myself. take care -r
from beckers-j :
Oh, I hate going to the dentist! And I should probably have some teeth pulled as well, so I'm cringing just thinking about it. Argh. I hope it's not too horrible or expensive. And good luck getting your pancake pan back. :)
from soulsojourn :
hee hee...i have set more than one pan on fire in my day. and i play the sims. funny how i never imagined that's what i probably look like. eeeeep! aaaaaah! eeeeeep! as they flail their little arms around... -r
from juniperhexum :
despite the potential burning down of the abode, that recipe sounds delicious. I'll have to try it whenever I move!
from missy-17 :
hey how are you??? what are your hobbies and i liked your profile, not to mntion the comments you made on some of the diaries!!!
from beckers-j :
The naked chick on horseback is supposedly Jean d'Arc. :)
from beckers-j :
Ha, Godiva! No, my middle name is Jean and not half that interesting. :) Thanks for the hugs.
from beckers-j :
I used to read tarot cards as well, but I haven't touched mine in years, so they must be more pissed off at me than yours are at you. :) I found an e-text of The Sheik, by the way. It was just as you described. :)
from liadlaith :
I find it ridiculously funny that you mentioned Garden State and Das Boot in the same entry, which are Rohan's new least favourite and all-time favourite movies respectively. Also: I didn't know you believed in Tarot. How odd - it's not something I associate with you.
from soulsojourn :
oh, i'm so sorry about your grandad. you've left me sitting here, my eyes all glistening with memory of my own grampa, who passed away when i was in fifth grade. life is so hard sometimes. am i happy, though, that you think you'll like your new place. i hope it will soon feel like home. take care - r
from raen :
I didn't even tell you about that, did I? Normally I tell people when I add a quote of theirs. Sorry 'bout that. :)
from loner-blues :
Oh darling Mephit! Isn't that part of the reason we have our diaries? So we have somewhere to vent emotions that are crushing us in order to lighten the load? I only hope writing such entries leaves you feeling less burdened than you were before. *Hugs* -cat
from coppersky :
It's always comforting to know you can show yourself a good time.
from alleyza :
Darling mephit! I'm sorry to hear things aren't going very well and even more sorry that I missed your special day (I was stuck in an airport back home while the airline crew decided to strike for 4 days!). Please know that I was and still am thinking about you and sending all my best wishes your way! <hug> Alley XXX
from dark-embrace :
That book sounds vaguely familar and I do believe it has been borrowed from the library by yours truly. Must investigate :)
from hissandtell :
Yes, thank goddess for Edwardian farmers' wives. Oddly, though, my own desert adventure fantasies always involve cruel whip-wielding horse-breaking cowboy-angels with unbuttoned Levis, not tent-pegging camel-shagging sheiks. (Oops - was that offensive racial stereotyping?) Love, R xxx
from beckers-j :
I'm impressed that you were able to keep your composure without your pants on. :) Nice job. I might have to read The Sheik, by the way.
from soulsojourn :
aaah...dorothy parker. she is permanently etched on my wish-i-could-have-known-these-people list. could you even imagine? hanging out with her for a night of drinks and chatter. gah. gives me the shivers. -r
from caraxus :
Ooohhh....dark...clean...with a hint of silver. I like it...where's my postcard? and email? Wahhhh... I'm such a baby - give me instant gratification now!! xxoxoxoxo
from liadlaith :
You quoted me with exactness, precision and beauty. Your HTML skillz, on the other hand, my darling, leave much to be desired ; ) Oh, and I got your postcard the other day (I have mail from Oxford! Oh the antipodean joy of it!) and shall endeavour to send reply (scuse the pun) post-haste.
from soulsojourn :
thanks for the note. i'm not often bouncy, am i? but it was a glorious bouncy sort of day. and love the layout, by the way.
from virlomi :
The new layout might take a little getting used to - the color scheme is SO different! But I think I like it. :)
from caraxus :
Nice layout babe!! Cant wait to get my postcard and latest email! xoxo
from beckers-j :
That's a great story!
from juniperhexum :
I always adore your layouts. Anyway, I would have felt mighty liberated having said that to him as well. "my friends say" is such a bullshit thing to say.
from hissandtell :
Your new layout is enticing, darling. I can read your delicious words without my aging goddess eyes hurting! Love, R xxx
from shmellie :
hehe don't worry about not replying, just thought you were busy or something! glad to see you're reading my diary:P. "he" is unbolded because... i dunno actually. partly because, yeh he is that special. but i don't ant to call him by his real name... i don't like typing it, and if ever he read my diary i don't think i'd want him to read half the stuff i've written. it might scare him... and i'm sure he'll hear it from me one day. yeh, i could just call him "him" without putting him in bold... but i have too many hims! they need to be told apart, so therefor "he" gets put in bold. cos he's the one i right about most. woooooah that was a long explanation... xxx
from liadlaith :
Did you find the secluded gravel walk on which Capt. Wentworth proposed to Anne? My Jane Austen lecturer did when she was in Bath, and I've wanted to find it ever since.
from poppyred :
It seems your list is now complete then!! *intrigue, intrigue*
from desdemonia :
LOL I agree with Virlomi. But as a matter of good books, try "Wicked" if you haven't read it already. The Wizard of Oz story told from the view point of the Wicked Witch. I'm sure you would love it. I have recommended it to many friends and I've never gotten a negative review.
from virlomi :
I love the kinky sex AND the epic fantasy aspect, so Kushiel's Dart does it for me. :)
from alleyza :
Give 'Firethorn' a try. I can't remember the author so I'll have to have a look when I get home but its quite lovely - all about corsets and petticoats and strong woman in bad situations with a small amount of fantasy thrown in the mix. The best thing about it was that it lacked the usual 'hollywood' moments and was instead full of little surprises. A
from beckers-j :
I've never read a single Harry Potter book, and I plan to keep it that way. It's not that I have anything against Harry Potter or the author (despite her apparent tendencies toward kinky sex). I just genuinely have no interest whatsoever. I read Orlando's blog, by the way, and he is rather clever. :)
from raen :
He's not usually so harsh with the kid. I don't think it was about the food. I really think it's because he hates my sister and mother (with good reasons that I share) and he liked my step-dad who recently died. We heard that my mother and sister cleaned out his checking account that he shared with my mom, just before the divorce. But that's only one small thing they did to the poor guy. He was a Vietnam Vet who just wanted to get along with everybody, and he didn't deserve to be used then thrown aside. My husband really felt bad because of all this time that he didn't even know he was dead.
from alleyza :
Well well, it seems you have found a bit of a gem really. Well thought out, carefully constructed interesting and thought provoking - AND he can write too! You do have good taste in men after all! :-) Love A p.s. tell him that in my humble opinion he has a great future in blogging!
from hissandtell :
Better a highly-strung Kentucky Derby winner than a plodding Welsh pit-pony, I always say. (No, actually I don't. As long as he's hung like a stallion, what do I care?) Love, R xxx
from beckers-j :
Hey, the link to Orlando's blog didn't work. :(
from beckers-j :
I love how you describe Orlando, so I'm certainly going to check out his blog. And congrats on the sleazy pick-up job. :)
from liadlaith :
The boy ought to allow anonymous comments on his blog. Maybe he'd get more comments than the zero he has now ; ) Tch. Most put out.
from desdemonia :
lol I know they are really adorable. And really really curious about everything. I'll try to post pics of mine as soon as possible :)
from alleyza :
I GOT A POSTCARD!! oops sorry about that :-). Thank-you darling mephit, but tell me this, how am I supposed to continue the tradition and reciprocate if you leave no address to reply to? Love & stuff.... Alley
from havechosen :
I can't even tell you how glad I am that you're safe!!! And even happier for you that everyone you love is safe.
from beckers-j :
Yeah, there's nothing like a tragedy to make one appreciate what/who one has. I'm glad that all of your mates are okay. Also, loved the bit about "we don't like children". :)
from juniperhexum :
well I still read you all the time, I'm just a lousy commenter. Still, you're one of the first I thought of this morning. Again, glad you're okay and your loved ones are too.
from shmellie :
i've had so many people ring me at school to check i'm ok... the school wouldn't let us into wimbledon incase we got a bomb scare. scary news... my i was worried about my dad who works in the city... but he's ok thank god. hope all your friends are okxxxx
from juniperhexum :
I couldn't believe it this morning. Glad to see you are ok.
from hissandtell :
Dreadful news, darling. I'm thinking of you fondly over there. Love, R xxx
from beckers-j :
Yay for boobs! They are good diary fodder, aren't they? :)
from liadlaith :
It's times like these I wish you had written all this on your LJ so I could leave individual comments to each entry and quote all the bits that I loved. Nevertheless: 1. Argh, you tagged me, whore. (secretly, people rarely tag me and I am tickled pink) 2. On that note, what�s wrong with being a whore? Better than being a victim. 3. How to get straight girls? I don�t think they can strictly be called straight if you manage to get em. 4. I want you to be completely straight and honest with me when you review my stuff. I demand it. I think you have already, but if there�s anything you�re holding back: spill it, wench. 5. I have a crush on you.
from clarity25 :
Small animals?? LOL!! Anyhow, I just wanted to sincerely thank you for your last note and for reaching out. I was really touched by your encouraging and kind words. Thankyou Mephit!:).
from beckers-j :
Atom bomb with breasts? I love that. And geeks inevitably get attached in short order when anything with breasts gives them the time of day. It comes with the geek territory. Also, I quite agree with you about the benefits of solitude, but it does only work when you have a choice. By the way, thanks for your words about Ted and me. He really is a doll, and I would never, ever want to leave him. :)
from wildforests :
Yeah, she's a bit self-righteous, but she's so young, I think she's going to grow out of most of it. I'm sure I was self-righteous when I was twenty.
from tithonus :
He needs an audience for his histrionics? Seriously though, to me, it just sounds like a case of unhappiness. Particularly the squalid room, actually. Schizophrenics always have shoes that are falling to bits, and unhappy people always have rooms that are very very messy, or very very tidy. I think it's something to do with stability... finding some fixed point and not wanting it to change... where happiness is always somehow bound up in the ever-flailing attempts to move this way, then that, toward something that is constantly present and constantly moving...
from blazingstar :
That was beautiful. I completely agree about the similarity between music and orgasm. Ah, and early sexual experiences...that brings back memories. How nice it is to be past all that.
from loner-blues :
Dear Mephit: Please forgive me for having taken so long in getting back to you! It's just atrocious! Truthfully, I felt awful after I read your last note; it's part of the reason I hate posting entries discussing whatever drama/trauma family might be bringing on. Please don't ever make light of your own troubles because of someone elses. EVERYONE has fires to walk through and I can only imagine how difficult returning to your father's home has been, what it must have been like to return to your hometown with all those awful people, and the heartache of working to finally let go of Cat. Those are all HUGE hurdles Mephie, HUGE, and you're handling them with grace and elegance. You know why I developed a crush on you love? Because I see in you, something I've never had: beauty. I don't just mean superficial, outer beauty. When I started reading your diary, you captured me with your words...the way you see the world...whether you know it or not Mephit, you are the human embodiment of beauty and that facet of your personality is present in EVERYTHING you do. Have you ever seen (or read) TIPPING THE VELVET? If you haven't, you might want to...because there's a part in which one character (female) tells another that she's "like a mermaid." (Okay, so their relationship didn't end so well -- but that's not my point). My point is, even though I've managed to move beyond the crushing my mind and in my heart, you'll always be "my mermaid": my brush with real beauty and magic. Love, cat
from soulsojourn :
happy balling! - r
from beckers-j :
Oh how I wish my cherry had been popped "with consumate skill". :)
from alleyza :
Good god woman! I may have a crazy whirl wind of a life that I absolutely love but somehow you always land up in situations that I would love to be in :-).... 2 nubile kittens and a slinky tom cat all in one week-end?? It boggles the mind!
from poopiebitch : shall I expect to see you here, dear mephit? I'll give you a place to stay ;)
from liadlaith :
Were you reading Haunter or Diary?
from alleyza :
Hello darlin' mephit! For the most part words of encouragement would be useless right now, but know that you have every right to be proud of your accomplishments both up North (especially at realising your worth by standing up to your father) and at home - where I can tell that you're both admired and revered for your independance and your spirit. What you do does not make you who you are - nor does it matter! We (or at least I) love you for who you have become and for who you will still be! Love Alley!
from loner-blues :
I know, I need to reply to your note. I promise, I haven't forgotten...yesterday was not great and I'm really not looking forward to today. Will respond soon. *Hug* -cat
from soulsojourn :
also, what is the html for making the scrolling entry box? i've looked and looked for it and i can't seem to figure it out. -r [email protected]
from soulsojourn :
from requiel :
Thanks for the note, I totally understand what you are saying. I think especially because I don't write every day. You miss what happened between my Grandmother passing away (the sad) and the new carpet (the happy) It doesn't flow quite the same as the diaries that get written in every day. I do love to see it when tradgey strikes but people are able to move on because life should go on and it is so boring to read about the same sad depressing stuff day after day. You are a sweetie! Thanks for all the uplifting notes.
from liriselei :
five alternative suitors ? i recommend sticking all of them and Orlando in a gladiatorial arena and seeing which one comes out alive... you really should be careful with that corrosive acid, you know.
from rs536-2000 :
They do have T-shirts, in fact. I don't train with them and I didn't make it up...just reporting the facts, ma'am.
from soulsojourn :
i am the same...with the not letting down walls until i've known someone for years (and even then the process is a brick-by-brick one). except with my boy...with him they all came down fast, i don't know why, but it worked out anyway, thank goodness! good luck with your own remodeling! - r
from kiosh :
Aaah... I luv you, I really, really do! Thanks for the good wishes and the smashing entries you write, dear! Kiss, hug and spank! *Wink*
from beckers-j :
Thanks for the note regarding random lust. :) Glad to hear you're so well behaved yourself.
from loner-blues :
Rest assured, this time no mistake has been made.
from loner-blues :
I leave two notes, in two different places and I receive no response? *Shakes head* Now I'm kicking myself for feeling so badly about a simple mix-up.
from blazingstar :
Yeah, my gushing disgusts even me sometimes. I wish I had your self-restraint.
from blazingstar :
"Such Great Heights"! I'm currently digging that song too. It makes me either extremely happy or extremely lonely, depending on the time of day, what I've eaten, whether or not my boyfriend's around...But yeah, good song.
from loner-blues :
Well that's it old girl, you're cracked. You're diary getting off my list here was simply a mistake; one of the pitfalls of my insistance on keeping it in alphabetical order. I usually forget to re-enter *at least* one diary. I should start keeping a running tab on who, when and how many times they've been skipped. So no more sad Mephit, I still love you. *Kisses* -cat
from poopiebitch :
Ah, MUCH better, now I feel the love :)
from loner-blues :
No worries. Everyone gets busy.
from blazingstar :
Well, thank you too! I've been meaning to leave you a note as well. I love your diary already, though I think I've only scratched the surface. Yes, Paris is fun, though some kids just stole my new camera. But I got to talk to French cops!
from tithonus :
Hey, no need to feel ashamed. :) I write notes when I read something I feel like writing in response to... there is no expectation or obligation of a return. ;) I've more or less decided to abandon the diary, but, I expect for the foreseeable future to keep reading the diaries I like...
from requiel :
Thanks for your note sweetie. It meant a lot.
from tithonus :
Barthes says something about photographs... something like, most photographs are boring because you only see what the photographer's intention was. But if you search for the detail that contradicts that intention, you can start to relate to it... it dovetails neatly with what you're saying, anyway. :)
from beckers-j :
Wow. That books sounds fantastic. I love the passage you quoted. :)
from blueapple :
Hmm...did you by chance receive a password from me? Some appear to have been lost in transit.
from kiosh :
Hah, what would I do without my weekly dose of JustAMephit? Very excited about the books and the stories and the songs! You're smashing, luv! Be well and smile! =0) Hugs!
from caraxus :
Since when does a boy need an excuse to swoon? I listened to your song and I really like it - it's fabulous. So you have brought happiness and new music into my day. I'm glad you like my writing - it's very very good to hear that people miss you and your writing. 'Moop' started in like year 8 or 9 and just spread to be this all inclusive word - a deadpan response to anything, an inslult, a non-sequituer...and I love it. It throws people off and it's awefully silly. A 'litte' like me... teehee Caraxus
from liadlaith :
It's probably not the most comforting of things I could say to you, but perhaps you will feel a little better if I tell you that I am learning much through your relationship with Orlando. Like just exactly what kind of a person my ex-boyfriend was and how to deal with the kind of people Orlando is (whom I have no doubt I too would fall for).
from caraxus :
Empire god-damn it!! Empire!! Is there any other Star Wars film?
from caraxus :
A note!! From the Mephit herself no less!! Eeek (*insert slightly queeny eek of delight much to consternation of other office staff*) should email me! What are you up to at the moment? And how did that metal St. Andrews cross get to Australia? Inquring minds need to know... Caraxus
from behindthelad :
your ivy sounds lovely. and whats all this nonsense about me not writing exclusively for you? Im here to serve m'lady ;)
from caraxus :
Hey lovely Mephit-munchkin, Nice story - I ate Yak's testicles once in Nepal - they tricked us into eating it. I oscillated between feeling duped and feeling sick - then I got over it because it wasn't that bad. I think breast would be fun - but then I am obsessed with them - but I also see the downside. I never understand that particualr urge to call out the someone your inane idiot-man thoughts. Maybe we should make it a law that people can only give compliments in the form of veiled quotation to 'heaving love mounds' and 'throbbing tumescences'...who knows? eek, love your work Caraxus xoxo
from hissandtell :
Yes, but WHAT KIND of testicle was it? You know, I'm sure, that "Prairie Oysters" (or "Roast Stones") are considered a delicacy by some cowboy-types (and by our dog during cattle work when we castrate the weaner steers). Eating wethers' testicles is also one of those rites-of-passage inflicted upon novice shearers, along with performing oral sex on a ewe. I was watching Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (sp?) on TV the other night, and he went to some butcher-shop/cafe thingy in the UK that sells obscure and antiquated cuts of meat and tried something the saleswomen recommended. He asked, "What is it?" and she said, "I'll tell you later..." Eventually, with a gleam in her beady little eye, she revealed it was oesophagus. Shudder. Anyway, so glad you survived the girder-crash, darling - what's even more remarkable to me is that you seem to have escaped a construction site conversation without receiving any gratuitous comments about your stupendous breasts. It must be because you're one of them wizard-associating testicle-eating death-defying bitches. Much love, R xxx
from kiosh :
Geez! What a day! I am so glad nothing happened to you! It would have been so horrible, I tell you. And also: Testicles! Ugh. I hate when people comment or say things to you because of what you're wearing, how you look or how big something in you is. That happens to me very often, it's like "What's your problem, wanker?" or more like you just ignore them. Let them have a little something to spice up their sad lives. On the other hand, I'm so happy about the soda can, that prick totally deserved it. Thank you for the note! Yeah, I'm back and here as always; I guess it was just a fit of drama. Not that I like that, you see. Ha ha ha ha. And I soo know what you mean with the shakes at 4:00... Leather hugs and spanky kisses for you! He he he.
from beckers-j :
YOU DID NOT! That's hysterical. You're gonna get me in trouble at work for cracking up out of the blue when I'm supposed to be doing mundane things like counting stats. I'm adding you to my faves, too. BTW, thanks for checkin' me out and makin' me a buddy. :)
from long-ignored :
Pain is something that people so rarely wait for consent on...they inflict it without a second thought. Granted, in sexual is a bit different. But, to allow someone to physically hurt is as if you are in control of that. Giving the go ahead. Pleasure? It's the quickest way to LOSE control. I'm pretty well convinced my lack of orgasm is solely based on my refusal to give up control...
from goldieknox03 :
i want to hear the long story of the antlantic cross. And good luck meeting the parents. Brave soul!
from long-ignored :
I may be alone in this...but I'm satisfied reading the happiness...someone should be, and you deserve it more than most. Angst of not, your entries are filled with so much beauty. And yes...isn't it so much more gratifying to have these qualities of his surprise you?
from kiosh :
Hello luv! Just a quick note to send you much love and x-tra spicy pepper hugs! =0) Be well and smile a lot!
from long-ignored :
ahhh yes, but you had the good sense to have them with you.
from catz-eyes :
am in complete agreement with you cherub: can go without sex, but not without baths - baths are *goooooood* =) xox's =^..^=
from clarity25 :
I read your diary very often and I rarely leave notes. For some reason I enjoy being a silent voyeur. Perhaps it's due to your writing style. You have a true talent with it, and it feels like chapters in a novel. But you left a note saying a "hi" a while back and I wanted to just say "hey" again in return. P.S. By the way, This is random..I know. But I was attacked by a swan once too. See? This is why I never leave notes. I always end up saying something stupid. Haha..have a great weekend.
from behindthelad :
Im back now - sorry about the intermission - shant happen again. x
from goldieknox03 :
what a sweet thing you did. Im sure she looks foward to your passing-by. :)
from long-ignored :
Consider this...just for a moment...she's older...Possibly, quite possibly, she has lived a very full life. One that has left her more than content to watch as the rest of the world lives theirs? Also, you are a bit of sunshine for her, so, to feel rubbish is completely pointless...It's contributing something and someone. And that's huge.
from long-ignored :
lmfao Yeah, I'm not quite sure where that insight comes from. I've limited dealings with "pretty boys"...Wait just a is supposed to come with physical pleasure? Fuck it all, I knew something was missing...(ha) I couldn't handle never having that intimacy...but does come in so many forms. For me...just having the person I love on the me his undivided attention...can often give me more gratification than a role in the hay. And, you will have sex again. I mean, maybe not with Pretty Just kidding, just kidding...if you build it, they will come? (umm is Field of Dreams as mainstream there?)
from liadlaith :
And how do you know that sitting behind that window is a blessed relief to her, after all she's been through in her life? Maybe she was an Olympic athlete. Maybe she was a cabaret girl. Maybe she worked for the French Resistance.
from liadlaith :
There are two boys I know whom I keep calling my head "Paul" and "Latimer", despite the fact that their names are Jimmy and Stephen.
from liriselei :
"possibly they all think I�m heartbroken and need taking out <snip> Alternatively I�ve been adopted by default on account of my involvement � whatever it may be � with Orlando" or maybe neither of those are true and we just think you're pretty and interesting ? ( from one of the rpgsoc lurkers )
from long-ignored :
you aren't fickle...that would entail you going back and forth...he's just won you over. Enjoy And do let me live through you in this experience...because the pretty boy that's throwing himself at me right now...just won't be happening.
from rs536-2000 :
When I read the trainer line to my co-worker she came within inches of spraying me with the water she had been swallowing. I don't know the Glass Menagerie at all...and the production here was so panned I cannot bring myself to see it. An acquaintance of mine is moving to London soon and I'm trying to plot a visit which would entail lots of theater.
from shmellie :
thanks, i'm kinda down about 2 different guys actually! it gets very complicated... but thankyou :). i guess Iris isn't exactly a love song, but i like to think of it that way for various reasons, partly because the lyrics mean so much to me and partly because the first time i heard it was the first time i realised i was starting fall for my then acquintance who is now my best friend and the guy i am most in love with. it's crazy...
from hissandtell :
Ah, I quite understand your attachment to your laptop. For me, writing naked in the garden surrounded by my pets, birds and lizards is the ultimate gift. And I agree wholeheartedly with the "leave this rope here in case you ever decide" business: you can lead a whore to culture and other Parkerisms spring to mind. Your weekend does sound positively blissful, darling - raincoat AND fedora! Gracious. Love, R xxx
from shmellie :
hey... i love reading your diary. i added you to my favourites, hope you don't mind? ellie <3
from long-ignored :
are you taking applications for who will keep you company on these six months? Because I have to sounds like quite the plan...
from liadlaith :
Obviously you cannot borrow money, live like a king for six months and then top yourself, because who would show me and my posse about Oxford if you do? Huh? Huh? Who?! Yeah, bet you didn't think of that!
from long-ignored :
I can imagine ways in which that would equal a dysfunction of sorts...the disinterest. Sexual dysfunction is about more than the ability to get an erection and keep it...more than sheer ability to least, as far as i'm concerned.
from loner-blues :
No worries at all Mephit...things have been (and sound as though their continuing to be) very difficult for you lately. It is not selfish to have problems, nor to take time in dealing with them...that's life. :-) I just hope things stabilize and start improving soon. *Hugs* -cat
from long-ignored :
so I wrote this long drawn out gushing note that I'm prone to writing...and that bitch diaryland ate it all up. First off...TWENTY TWO? How did I not know that? I think it's time I change my clear misconceptions...ugh. (in response to the first entry of may 3rd) I am sorry to hear about you and the Mister. And i understand completely...making enough memories...feeling love...and having to move on. It happens. And sometimes, (most times) for the best. I want you to know that I could bask in the warmth of your notes all damn day. I think one reason your compliments mean so much to me is because I have so much respect for you, as a writer and as a person. But just make me feel all warm and fuzzy. -- smile -- thank you so much Mephit
from havechosen :
Oh! Poor Mephit! But I have to agree with, um, poopiebitch (?), on being proud about shattering the door. I mean, seriously, how many people can say they broke down a door WITH THEIR BARE HANDS... or shoulders, as the case may be. ;) What ungratful wretches they are!
from poopiebitch :
Were I you, I would be extremely proud of the door-shattering achievment. I would probably even take a picture. Oh, and the 'locked in the basement' thing? I'm sure I would have died purely from my own thoughts. I have quite a gift for freaking myself out in such situations.
from alleyza :
You are most welcome in my neck of the woods - Chester is desperately in need of a breath of fresh mischievious air! June will be the best time as I'm currently homeless (renovating an old farmhouse in North Wales) but I promise not to chain you to anything (unless you ask really really nicely) and I'll make sure you're returned to your humble abode with nothing more than fond memories and if we're lucky some fonder aches <grin>
from alleyza :
Hey cheeky monkey! Seems your life is taking on another amusingly complicated turn :-) I find myself almost jealous of your freedom! I don't suppose you feel like venturing up country to come and shake up village life a little? I would love to let the 'mephit' lose on the establishment. Leave the young beauty - there's a frog up here for you! :-)
from havechosen :
I know I haven't dropped by in forever and ever and it's been even longer since I left you a note. But I wanted to say hi. :) You're such a prolific writer, it's tough to catch up on everything I missed when I was gone for so long. :) Eventually, I'll manage. But in the meantime, I'm a bit lost. Also, the new template (although, maybe it's not so new, how do I know? I haven't been here) is really, really pretty. I wouldn't have thought you could make so little color look so gorgeous!
from loner-blues :
Okay, I won't leave. :-)
from long-ignored :
I so love the comments you make about me in your profile. Ialways check back to see if they have changed. And they always, always make me smile...and feel more than a bit proud
from liviasgarden :
Loris is quite brilliant!
from long-ignored :
Ahhh yes...I don't think it's cruel of you to assess him in this way. I totally understand the conflict...Ummm, you hate yourself...yet you feel as though you are better than everyone on oh so many levels. What a fucking combination. ANd there is so much arrogance in such an idea that someone is so much more fucked up than the rest of us. Isn't all relative? And don't we all just breathe and get the hell over it? (I'm in a mood...sorry if that came through bitingly clear.)
from bohemianlife :
"looking so stupidly pretty that I don�t have the heart to boot him out of bed"...god what an amazing line! And isn't it always the awful, messed up, annoying ones who are so pretty?
from behindthelad :
Stop should-ing on yourself. There's no such thing as shoulds and shouldnts. Its interesting you start with cringing at the flowers and end cringing at the blossom tree poem. There's a lesson there Miss! - Cringing only leads to one thing - frown lines - so stop it, now.
from long-ignored :
should, shouldn't, should, shouldn't...who fucking needs any of that, after all? Most certainly not me. I've lost myself where expectations are concerned and simple resigned to grasp at pieces of happiness where i can find them. And i'm contended in that...for now. Until I finally decide I want 'it all'...which i always do eventually. You deserve your pieces of happiness, Meph.
from kilowatt :
Today may you experience what you most greatly desire. What pops into your brilliant and beautiful head today? A completely peaceful day? A wonderful new book in which to immerse yourself in? A beautiful crystal vase brimming with lovely white roses and lilies, a reciprocal token of affection from Magdalena? A fragrant loaf of homemade bread fresh from the oven? Sweeping vistas to view from your living room window? A shopping spree at your favorite store? An afternoon of deep meditative silence that will smooth your worries away? Drinking a cup of hot tea, coffee or chai while engaged in stimulating conversation with a dear friend? A completely immaculate abode upon waking that was not the result of your own labor? Whatever you most desire, may your order be placed and filled today.
from loner-blues :
Your poem makes me wish I'd also known 14 year old Mephit as well... :-)
from loner-blues :
"Ah, but someone so plain, ordinary and boring as I could never even touch the magic of Magdalena..." Catherine says wistfully, with a tear in her eye.
from breakthedark :
*still snickering over the birthday favors* Very cute ;)
from behindthelad :
lol - loved the chat up line - great entry made me laugh a little too loud infront of serious people - hurrah!
from kilowatt :
"Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don't open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down the dulcimer. Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground." ~ Rumi in Open Secret ~ I have been greatly amiss in notifying you of my extreme pleasure in the time you invested in dispensing gracious sentiments of esteem concerning my new layout. I must confess that I also adore the words of ee cummings and my previous layout, however, I felt compelled to alter the look of my site so that I would no longer experience any feelings of dissonance from utilizing an online source for my creative and spiritual expression, in which I played no active role in its design. Nevertheless, I thank you immensely for your lovely words. May your day consist of inexplicable, exuberant, and buoyant joys. May your evening consist of dancing in dappled moonlight, dreaming under a canopy of midnight blue, and wishing upon your favorite star. I thank you again for your exquisite thoughtfulness, compassion, and for restraining your brilliant and charming self from flinging putrefied fruit in my direction.
from hissandtell :
Now, of course, I'll be singing Warren Zevon all day: "Well, I went home with the waitress/The way I always do/How was I to know/She was with the Russians, too". So you be careful, dear. Love, R xxx
from long-ignored :
If you ever make it my neck of the woods (where ever I'm at at the time) do lets take in a show. I laughed so hard at your...critiques. Too funny. And such a way of speaking you Europeans have. Us Americans are so much less amusing in our rudeness. And as for the 'other family' I assume you mean like kids and the such? Damn!
from loner-blues :
Oooooooooo!!!!! A flogger and crop just out of sight?! That does make things all the more sexciting. AHEM. S'cuse me. Exciting. :-D Bad Cat!! I do hope things come back from Hell quickly with Mr. M. Hugs & Kisses (the naughty kind) Love, catbert
from tithonus :
Um. Golly. How big is this other family?
from dark-embrace :
Actually I was thinking more along the lines of you keeping the book yourself so you had something to treasure. Something you can look back on, read and smile at when you needed it.
from poppyred :
*waves excitedly and smiles*
from behindthelad :
Sorry to read about your grandad, having gone through a similar experience with mine if it would be of any help my email is [email protected]. ps. thanks for the butt compliment. Wish I had an inner gay man too :) x
from long-ignored :
I'm sorry you are down. And also, of course, about your grandfather. I know how hard it is to shake a funk. I'm here to chat if you'd like, dear.
from loner-blues :
Okay...just read your entry and I see you're not feeling better today. :'( I'm very sorry. (I know, it's a rather stupid thing to say since it's not my "fault," but you know I mean it in the sense of "I wish Mephit wasn't feeling so badly and if there were anything I could do to make her feel better, I would already be done.") I know you have many lovely friends right there in Oxford to confide in, so this offer is likely pitiful at best...but if you ever feel the need to vent, or maybe just ramble about nothing significant, my e-mail box is wide open. Your Pet, cat
from loner-blues :
Considering what's going on my darling Mephit, you're entitled to a little self-indulgence right now. :-* And yes, my loverlie present arrived at gmail! Viewed and responded too; and because it's gmail, I can keep it forever and ever and ever and ever...until they pry "Cookie" from my cold, dead hands. *Hugs* How are you feeling today? I am so sorry you're hurting... :-( Tell Mr. Mephit and the rest of your friends to take very good care of you please. I wish I could. Love, catbert
from rs536-2000 :
Aggie-Mo is such a great name...
from goldieknox03 :
im sorry about your grandpa. Your writing really speaks the great love you have for him. its beautiful and sad all at once. Im really really sorry
from long-ignored :
words of fire? Oh, how you flatter me
from hissandtell :
And O, Great Goddess, I have been pondering things Avaricious all day and expect to have my story up by or on the weekend. xxx
from hissandtell :
Oh, your words about your grandfather are so moving I can barely remember why I came. I am so sorry, darling. And then I re-read your whip-crack-away story and snorted with laughter all over again - I did a similar thing at work once with the year 12 boys (this was in a cowtown school), who stood around open-mouthed as I cracked stockwhips with both hands and did all manner of impressive tricks that made them beg for mercy (not that they didn't already, of course). Anyway, I'd certainly confiscate it if I were you; one can never be too rich, too thin or have too many whips. Love, R xxx
from liviasgarden :
Your beautiful words about your grandfather have had me lost in my own past all day. Luckily, memories we get to keep forever.
from dark-embrace :
You have such lovely recollections of your grand-father. Have you ever thought of placing your words into a lovely notebook, along with photos if you have them, as some type of tribute to him?
from wildrose1 :
thnk you for the lovely compliment in my writing. I already have ideas spining on my assignment. (((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))
from behindthelad :
thankyou madame, Im so proud to have been chosen to write about THAT. (do you see what I done there!) x
from loner-blues :
I'm truly sorry about your grandfather Mephit. *Hugs* Love, cat
from loner-blues :
Pout, I would love to see a picture of my mistress in all her whip crackin' glory. :-)
from thedevlyn :
from catz-eyes :
you've done an excellent job cherub :) am extremely grateful to you for the pivotal part you've played - yours was a difficult task. thank you. hope we all prove worthy in thine eyes Goddess. now this sinner better go get some sleep... sweet dreams xo =^..^=
from hissandtell :
Avarice, hey? Just looking it up in a dictionary as we speak, dear. (Well, I love a challenge as much as the next bloke, of course, O Great Goddess. But *avarice*?) Hmmm; I'll get back to you soon, missy! Love, R xxx
from catz-eyes :
oh wise and all-knowing Goddess! praise be your name and your navel... but seriously! lust? *gulp* um ok, your mighty worshipfulness... thy will be done =P xo's & virgin sacrifices from =^..^=
from behindthelad :
oh i know what you mean about revealing too much at work. Ever since I mentioned two words - anal and beads, life hasnt been the same for me in the office!
from long-ignored :
just finished your entry. What a show that must have been. I myself pefer the paddle route...Because...although I like a bit of a sting...I'm such a wimp.
from long-ignored :
judge away my darling. I suppose I dont hide sad too well, do I? Or anything else for that matter.
from desdemonia :
Hmmmm what a lovely thought. And I agree with you, floggers are much better than wips ;p
from loner-blues :
Hurt me, my Mistress. *Displays soft, tender, never-been-whipped-before flesh* :-)
from loner-blues :
Oh mercy no, I'm not leaving D-land for LJ! LOL I much prefer the set up here. I can barely figure things out over at LiveJournal. There was a girl who kept a journal here who wants me to read her diary there but she's got it locked, so I had to created an account there. She's a rather fragile creature and I didn't want to disappoint her by saying no, so I signed up. I knew you too had a "Sadly Neglected" journal there as well (:-D) which is why I added you to my friends list. No, no -- I'm perfectly...well, relatively happy here at Diaryland. :-) -cat
from geeked-out :
That is such a great image. Whip in hand, nice work clothes on. If I was a guy I'd totally have a stiffy. Umm I mean.... It sucks when people at work find out about your not so socially acceptable extra curricular interests.
from rs536-2000 :
How exciting to be "enticingly sardonic"--I feel so appreciated!!
from dark-embrace :
Do you want to know what I really hate about having a separate comments for each entry you write? You don't realise someone has left a message in a previous message until you start back tracking through entries. Sorry about that dearie and as to your question, a Tim Tam is... well..errr... a Tim Tam. It's a biscuit, rectangular in shape, that is filled with a chocolate-ly cream yumminess inside and just melts in your mouth with more chocie goodness (the dairy variety) on the outside. I really need to find a picture of one because they are quite difficult to describe but what I will say is that alot of people love to bite the ends of and then suck coffee through the centre, sort of like a straw. But you have to be quick so the biscuit doesn't end up at the bottom of your cup. Yuck.
from hissandtell :
Hi - thanks so much for the wonderful note. I'm very excited at finding your diary, too - I've only had a quick look so far, but will make time this weekend to come back and read more. (And I can't wait to sin with you, darling!) Love, R xxx
from behindthelad :
thanks for the note and the fav log. As for the lav shame - i admit - you win - I cant believe you admited to dining in Macdonalds!
from loner-blues :
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ &hearts Hey, guess who figured out how to make the ♥ symbol? :-D
from loner-blues :
You're ripe with lusty feminine sexuality and me? I'm the people pleasing virgin. Gawd, hand me a bucket so I can vomit in disgust at myself. :-P
from loner-blues :
Awwwwwwww, I love my new comment. (I wish I knew how to make that little heart symbol. Bugger)! -mephit's slave girl
from tithonus :
Yes, naturally there are plenty of fossils around... I guess there's worse things to be. ;)
from spritopias :
Thanks for your note!
from liadlaith :
I don't know what A Levels are, exactly, but I assume they're something like our HSC, which stands for Higher School Certificate - it's the final accreditation you get at the end of your secondary education (you also get a UAI, which is a combination of all your marks and used to determine which degree you can get into). Anyway, I would shrink from the thought of any of my friends going out with someone who didn't have their HSC. Except I went out with a guy who didn't have his HSC. Boy has an IQ of 156 or something though, so I suppose HSCs aren't indicative of intelligence. But does Gracicle's boy qualify for Mensa? I think not.
from tithonus :
Ah, thanks sweetheart. :) If you didn't live in a country where "lovely weather" means "anything that isn't a deluge", I would strongly recommend that *you* get a bike. ;)
from desdemonia :
Aww thanks for the note, I'm glad you enjoy reading :) Like I said at the very end of the post, I do love being dominated, and am quite the little submissive. I do like guys to do what I want them to, as any woman would, but if they are too easily manipulated they just seem weak to me and I have to go looking for something that is a little more challenging. Then again we are looking at this from complete opposites of the spectrum :)
from long-ignored :
spledid my dear. Thank you so much for taking such time to answer and putting obvious thought into it. You said there were other things you were curious about related to me. We can skip the five question form if you'd like and you can just ask anything you want. Either in notes or e-mail me. [email protected]
from rs536-2000 :
"the queen of cunt"--that absolutely makes me howl with a good way, of course.
from goldieknox03 :
Thanks for the questions. I enjoyed them :)
from rs536-2000 :
I've been missing you--and I'm sure your most recent entry has been causing lust and longing all over the place. Nicely done!
from brokenbits :
hello sweet mephitic one. i have emailled you xxxxx
from loner-blues :
Hello my darling Mephit, seems like you, Diaryland has spurned my affections. (:-D) It's not letting me unlock my diary, so until such time as it does -- USERNAME: fucked, PASSWORD: over. I'm sorry for any inconvienence this may cause. Your devoted slave-girl, cat
from thedykeic :
Marmite YAY Pick me!!! Pick me!!!!
from loner-blues :
As long as Marmite doesn't burn the nips, I'm with Poopie. Lick it off any area of *my* body anytime you want. As for the *ahem* second half of your entry...well, that's the reason this one's going on my favorites list. :-D -cat
from poopiebitch :
You can lick Marmite off my breasts anytime, as long as I don't have to eat it ;)
from requiel :
Oh, I so agree about LKH. You would think she would get out a few good Merry books before she started with the graphic sex. The whole story is about why she can do it with anyone. Yikes. Please let her go back to good stories.
from kiosh :
All my love for you darling! I'm so glad about the book and would love to read it, especially because you're the author! Miss talking to you though... Big remixed hugs and the best of things in life, all for you! =0)
from rs536-2000 :
I can see that you have a novel in you about your growing up with that crew...seems like it's brewing.
from long-ignored :
You flatter me greatly. Thank you so much for your kind words at a time when I need them so much. And yes, great idea�1)Do you have a life�s philosophy, and if so, what is it? What specific things brought you to this philosophy? 2)What things that you are ashamed of have stuck with you? The things that are the first to pop to mind when you are asked about the things you are ashamed of? (if you are ashamed of nothing�just somethings that you may regret or shocked you about yourself) 3) Tell me about a time in your life that was a major turning point, in detail. 4) List for me some ways that you are superficial, shallow etc. 5)Tell me about what you are the most proud of, in detail.
from goldieknox03 :
id like a interview
from dark-embrace :
Okay, questioned are answered and I hope they are satisfactory :) Very thought provoking I do say *L*
from liadlaith :
Slough is such a Dickensian name. It *sounds* so awful and ugh. Yes, I am proud of you. When can I read your book?
from long-ignored :
answered. Thank you so much for the time you took to think up questions.
from loner-blues :
from long-ignored :
Congratulations on the finishing of the book. I am so excited for you. ALl I've ever done is half ass attempts at STARTING something. THanks for the questions. I'll answer them tonight when things are silent and I can think.
from poopiebitch :
Now I'm even more worried... what have I married into? A Marmite-eating toilet-talking family ;)
from tithonus :
Well, if you like to write "Letters to the Editor", then a raven's like a writing desk because one's for rantin' and the other's for raven.
from dark-embrace :
I just so want an interview. Your questions alone will shrink my brain to mere cell :)
from long-ignored :
Oh, oh, oh...ask me five questions please???
from loner-blues :
Have answered your questions darling. -catbert
from poppyred :
Question 1: If you could have written any book, painted any picture or formed any song which would it be? Why? And how does this reflect on the wholeness that is Meffy? Question 2: How does Meffy feel her garden is growing? Question 3: If you could travel anywhere, real or unreal, where would it be? Why? Who would you take with you? And who would you like to meet when you get there? Question 4: A group of Victorian explorers are setting out to find Meffy Island. What would they find once they reached it's shores? Question 5: If you were an expressive dance or a ballet how would Meffy choreograph herself?
from liadlaith :
from loner-blues :
Will be answering your questions asap my queen. :-D
from ayaron :
missing you
from poppyred :
Oo, oo! *raises hand high in air* me too! me too! Interview please! *wonders if this is a good idea* Truth or not-so-dare on diaryland eh? Heehee! Sounds fun though.
from liadlaith :
interview, por favor?
from wildforests :
Interview, pretty please?
from loner-blues :
WOW!! What excellent responses to my questions, especially the last one. I couldn't have even hoped for something so in-depth and detailed! You never fail to deliver my love, never. And you know, the reason I asked what you wanted to be when you grow up is because I already know that you have no intentions of doing so. :-D One of the many qualities that makes you so charming and appealing. Truthfully, I'm a little scared of what you might ask but I'm saying this anyway: may I be interviewed by the Goddess Mephit?
from loner-blues :
I would hate to think you clicked on to your notes section, saw the questions and thought: "Geez, Cat really didn't put much thought into what she asked me." I wanted to make sure they were personalized and geared exactly for you my lovely Mephit...and that they were things I (and your other readers) might not know about. :-D I can't wait to read them!!!
from clarity25 :
Thanks for your last note with your compliment on Michael and percy:). Michael IS beautiful, I'm always in awe of him. My family is always teasing me about how much I love him and how I treat him like royalty. He just has this unspoken dignity. Okay, I'm rambling:). By the way, I agree with what you said in a previous entry. Sex IS overrated. There is so much pressure in our society and people start judging their relationships based on how much sex they're getting. It becomes a problem, a stress factor and something that tears people apart. I've seen this happen and it's terrible. Sex can be beautiful and sex can be very very ugly.
from loner-blues :
Your five questions: 1) When did you first become aware of your proclivity for domination? What is the appeal of being a dom for you? 2) You won�t reveal the title of the novel written when you were sixteen because you want to wait to publicly lay claim to a piece of writing that you�re proud of; does this mean you have plans to write another novel? If so, what do you think the genre/subject matter will be? 3) You often mention that your job is a waste of your abilities and degree, why do you not seek out a job/career that is worthy of your talents? 4) Many of your friends have left Oxford in favor of London; have you ever thought of following suit? Why or why not? 5) What do you want to be when you grow up? :-)
from kilowatt :
I am unconditionally grateful for the warm, nurturing, gracious, delightful, and abundant fragrance of gratitude, acceptance, and esteem that permeates your very essence. I shall forever be perfumed by the ambrosial amalgamation of fragrance that emanates from your spirit and your words of extreme loveliness. I thank you for the time and energy that you invest in leaving me such beautiful words of truth, compassion, understanding, and radiance in your comments to my entries. I thank you for your continued support for my online vehicle of self-development and expression. May your day sparkle with enthusiasm, consist of decadent pleasures, and be consumed with revelry and exultation upon the pursuit of discovering and nurturing your innermost desires and goals.
from dark-embrace :
Hey! I got a note from you (four actually! *l*) and I didn't even know it *goes and kicks hotmail some. Haven't been arrested for pinching any type of machinery just yet, eh? Well if it makes you feel better neither have I. I wouldn't even know where to begin to steal it for instance - how to start it, how to make it move - but I'm sure it would be quite funny if I ever learnt because if the guys are afraid of a woman behind the wheel of a car, imagine their reactions when they see one behind the wheel of a dozer or an excavator, hee hee *g*
from kiosh :
Oh babe, who said that feelings are simple? I send you a big hug! And thanks! I really loved the crazy diamond bit! Woo hoo! =0)
from loner-blues :
Oh yes, your card did arrive! I love it. And I love the post card. It's up on my bulletin board. I seem to be capable of only very brief, childish sentences right now. I think you are far to generous when it comes to complimenting my looks, but it was also very sweet of you to say I'm beautiful *Hugs* -cat
from loner-blues :
YES! HOT DAMN!! FUCKIN' A!!! WOOT!!! WOO!!! I get to interview Mephit!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh sorry. LOL Hehehe, obviously I was hoping you'd ask. *Blushes* Give me just a little time, I want to make sure my questions are top notch because you deserve nothing less. :-* Your adoring fan, catbert
from kiosh :
Hey! That chat with you was the best! =0) I added a little button to link to your journal on my template. Check it out and tell me what you think! Much much love and sparkly hugs!
from tithonus :
I think what happens after mid-stage - where you've given up all the secrets that you knew about - is that secrets you didn't know about start rising to the surface. I think there's no end to them. It's not a comfortable process at all. I think most long-term relationships survive because one partner or both discovers some livable form of anaesthesis...
from loner-blues :
The words you use to fill these blank pages are exactly why I'm half in love with you...*smiles wistfully*
from loner-blues :
I would LOVE to move into Isis House and be your new, non psychotic roommate...there's just one little problem: I still living in the fucking United States. Bugger!
from dark-embrace :
But now after saying that I just had an after thought. They are probably the type of barriers that aren't so easily moved around huh. In that case you will just have to go and steal yourself a crane, hell any type of machinery that's heavy, and push those bastards down/away/whereveryoudamnwellwantthem!. Or you could just go and baracade up the big bosses car. Need more ideas? Don't hestiate in asking :)
from dark-embrace :
You COULD just tear down the barriers every other night just to be annoying or place them in the wrong sections just to be funny.
from kiosh :
Thanks for the note, dear. I appreciate you very much! Hey, if you use MSN or Yahoo messenger I would love to add you to my list! =0) Receive a special Bridget hug! Hey, you like that movie too! What's not to love in you?
from rs536-2000 :
Like, Mephit, I feel that you're like NOT taking your spiritual journey seriously enough and I like, worry (?) about your future Karmic debt. But your psycho-fucking-Julie entry had me laughing like a fiend. I admire (and sometimes am) a hardball-playing woman.
from soulsojourn :
:) thanks for the note. and most days, i'm just wearing t-shirts and jeans, so i don't have much of a style either, really. but don't you love it when that one outfit comes together and you're like - that's me! - R
from kiosh :
I enjoyed reading your answers to the ultimate music survey! Once again I want to say that I connect with you in many ways! Oh yeah and the whole "I want to be a hamster again" made me laugh like crazy! Much love and appreciation towards you! =0)
from long-ignored :
welcome back. Good luck with the job, assuming you'll chance the risk and the salary ISN'T laughable.
from goldieknox03 :
I love the new layout. Thats a great song:)
from virlomi :
OMG beautiful layout. (sorry if it isn't that new - I've probably missed a few entries.)
from kiosh :
I absolutely and utterly love RPGs. They are the best kind of games in my opinion and a blast! Also, I really like the Sims and I think there's nothing wrong with having crushes or whatever on cartoon/anime/games/shoo characters! About a pirate you... Sexy! *Wink* He he he. Big disco ball hugs! =0)
from poppyred :
Planescape! Weird and wonderful, two of my most favourite things!
from tithonus :
Oh, and also, the dancing comes with practice. Basically, the "moves" come in predictable sets of four - once you know what each set is, or is likely to be, then the rest is easy. Don't worry, you'll get the girl in the end - how could you not? ;)
from catz-eyes :
:) thank you cherub for the cup of tea and huggage... you're too sweet. love & kindness to you, =^..^=
from long-ignored :
Oh dear, I look forward to that. [smile] I'll do my part as well
from loner-blues :
It's so ironic isn't it? WUTHERING HEIGHTS is one of my all-time favorite novels, but I couldn't stand either of the Cathys. Hehehe. Oy vey!
from clarity25 :
Thank you so much for your last note:), it really made me smile. I'm going to tell you something that will probably make you laugh. But I love your diary. (not that part) and I save it for my weekends, when I can just sit down and absorb it. You have a true talent for writing and I like going through it in a slower pace. Kind of like a novel..You have this Anne of Green Gables quality to your style (yeah, now you can laugh) You, Cat, Des and a number of other people have a unique writing style that I just love. anyway, I'm rambling. I wanted to tell you thanks and that I relate to what you said about the homeless on the street. Sometimes it's hard to know who to give your money to when there are so many and I feel terrible when I'm selffish and just pass them by because I simply don't have enough that day. Only enough to purchase a specific item that I intended to buy in town that day. I always feel awful afterwards walking passed their outstretched hands. Many times..I never end up purchasing that item. Eric just sighs.
from long-ignored :
Your words make me feel good. It's nice to be appreciated...I have so few readers that comment. If it weren't for my stats tracker I'd assume no one even READ me. I love the new layout. It's so much easier to read...and I love that song.
from poppyred :
Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, to have even thought about giving and to see the way it has affected you to cause you to question your reasons for doing so means that you are conscientious. Forget the brain, go with the heart! What are you going to do, not help people just to be on the safe side? *huggles*
from kiosh :
Hey! I've been reading many entries and your memes and everything and, seriously, your diary became one of my absolute favourites in less than an hour! I really, really like it and as I told you, I can totally connect with you! =0)
from crateobscure :
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my diary! I will be reading yours, soon. Sadly I am at work and can't read it right now.
from kiosh :
Thank you very much for adding me to your favourites and those sweet comments! You have a very nice journal yourself! I've been checking some entries and I totally understand what you're talking about! And, oh, that Radiohead song! =0) Deepstrumental mix hugs!
from kilowatt :
I am so pleased that you took the time to pause upon my doorstep and delicately place upon it, a lovely little gift from you. A most gracious compliment. The act of reading your expressed sentiment was a most decadent treat that shall be the dessert to my day. I thank you for your exquisite thoughtfulness and consideration. My dear, I would be most honored if you decide to print off my recent images as your own personal visual reminders of living a more noble life. May you possess the clarity to compose a poem of living ebullience of your actions and thoughts each ecstatic day.
from blueapple :
It is one of my great ambitions to embark on a relationship based primarily on frockcoat appreciation.
from soulsojourn :
outstanding layout. r
from tithonus :
If you've still got ie, there's a workaround that lets you use msn without anything installed on the computer... if you like I can even find the page for you. ;)
from requiel :
I loved your entry today! How cool that must have been to dance like that. What an a-hole that guy phob was. I'm so sorry he beat you up. He will pay for that one day if he already hasn't.
from thedykeic :
You: the ever-despised flighty bisexuals with their lipstick and their girly shoes. And, possibly because I am suicidal, masochistic or both... Me: Those are the reasons I love you!!! You: I guess it means my tomcat days are over. Me: This is the reason I weep. Kiss, Kyre.
from rs536-2000 :
You said: "Knocking a small kid backwards down the stairs can cure one of flamboyant hand motions pretty quick, I can tell you..." I think this may not be the case if you're Jewish and live in New York. In that case you think: "what was that kid doing in the way of my hand?"
from poppyred :
Sweet Meffy, you are so kind. I shall endeavour to find the bestest champers I can!
from rs536-2000 :
That is one of the funniest, most poignant (sorry), diary-reads EVER in the whole world and universe. This was a fabulously welcome diversion from odes to the unbeatable world of motherhood I'm reading elsewhere. YAY, you!! And what a silly straight-girl.
from soulsojourn :
oh, and i forgot to say, my boyfriend plays socom (an online war thingie), so i totally understand. boys are weird and dumb, but god i love mine anyway. -r
from soulsojourn :
hey there - thanks for the note. i adore your line "reality presumably exists somewhere in the gap." it sums up most relationships, i think, quite nicely. - r
from goldieknox03 :
thanks for the add! your a great diary to read!
from cats-corner :
I'll be starting a new diary when I get back next Monday. I'll e-mail the name of it to you. -cat
from cats-corner :
Oh Mephit, I'm so sorry about your friends. :-( *Hugs* from yo' ho. -cat
from long-ignored :
I'm sorry for your friends. It's funny...that's something I was thinking just the other day...about how broken people are. How messed up so many things have become.
from rs536-2000 :
I think it represents the worst of any city. Yes, there are a few scattered women thinking only about their shoes and about getting laid, but I think that it minimizes complexity. And don't even get me started that they all come to realize that they all REALLY want domestic bliss once they "grow up." They may have different flavors, but they are all the same nasty brand of insidious ice cream. Have I mentioned that I've left my sense of humor at home? As if you couldn't tell.
from cats-corner :
You never pimp me. *Pout* And I'll bet you haven't even created a Sims!Cat because the description of the real Cat is so repulsive. :-(
from ayaron :
My heartfelt apologies for not being there to catch youas you fell nor even to eat fudge. I am a stupid, stupid man...
from tithonus :
Hehehe... for your information, I've been a cinema usher and a farmhand and meatpacker and a few other unsavoury things besides... but yes, point taken. ;)
from poppyred :
Glad you could leave the first footprints in my diary-note snow! Next time I go to Mr Mephit's I'll drop Company of Wolves off for you both, don't know if he's seen it either. Dark Faerytales? Yes please! Werewolves? Mmm...pudding!
from cats-corner :
Meow. :-D
from long-ignored :
I have been intending to read yours for awhile...I will do it soon. As for your comments...It doesn't seem obsessive. I am the same way. Thank you for the kind words. I am so glad to hear you enjoyed it...enough to be able to read so many entries at a time...How weren't you sick of me by the end of your reading? [smile]
from rs536-2000 :
Mephit, that's awesome! Ms. Poop deserves it.
from cats-corner :
How would you like to play God/dess? E-mail me if you're interested. -cat
from forestdream :
Hey there - just letting you know that I've shifted my diary to
from breakthedark :
Awe...thanks! I appreciate the encouragment :)
from dark-embrace :
I wanted to thank you the other day for your lovely note but since Dland was in the process of shifting, I couldn't even read my notes so I had no idea what I would of been thanking you for. Anyway... thankyou Mephit. I think I might take your advice for the next time my emotions take control of me :)
from soulsojourn :
nice diary. elegant.
from clarity25 :
I loved your commentary on closer, It left a strong impression on me too. It's hard to walk away from that movie without having a subtle shift in the way you view relationships. It challenges you, it's such an amazing movie.
from bohemianlife :
Ok if you get this twice I apologize, I think diaryland is on the fritz. I just wanted to thank you for your note and even though i've only read one entry I am just adoring your diary, so extremely well written and I can't wait to add you. Also, the explanation page thing...just a fluke of my laziness, but I love your idea!
from bohemianlife :
Hi. Before I say anything about the note you left me can I just say - holy shit! I've only read one entry of your diary and I'm blown away - god, it never ceases to amaze me when I stumble up on people here in diaryworld who can actually articulate themselves eloquently, just because the place runs so rampant with thoroughly uneducated pre-teens. So thank you for leaving the note, because I can't wait to add you to my buddylist. Oh and the whole explanation page thing...just laziness on my part and the fact that it's a new diary and I didn't just want to copy the old explanation over here. I intend on writing a new one, but I've not gotten around to it....but I like your theory much better!
from tithonus :
I think you might be onto something there... I am very, very leery of ever allowing myself to depend on another person... but, yeah... I'm not sure that's really a huge problem. I mean, I'm willing to trust people and to take some risks, but... well. Hmm. Let me think about that one.
from rs536-2000 :
Thanks for leaving a message. I loved your golf/sex comparison. I'll be reading more of your also!
from tithonus :
Beauty and the Beast is a story I love a lot and have done a bit of writing about... I certainly don't agree with Mr Mephit that the Beast is necessarily male. Of course it can be interpreted in endless ways but my current take on it is that it's something to do with the consequences for the parts of ourselves that get repressed when we try to be perfect... I'm not sure how often it's picked up on or how it appears in different versions of the story but one of the things I found striking about it was that when the merchant, Belle's father, first encounters the Beast then the Beast is in fact better than human in his behaviour to him. His generosity is complete and he keeps himself hidden in order not to frighten him... anyway. Um. Yeah, so, that perfectionism certainly isn't restricted to men...
from geeked-out :
hah you are right. He was barely deformed. The least deformed of any production I've seen. He is a beautiful man.
from liviasgarden :
So beautiful.
from cats-corner :
*POUTS* You didn't make a SIMS character based on me? I'm hurt. :'( *sniffle, sniffle*
from geeked-out :
The "If You Are Prepared" series was one of the first snape/harry's I ever read and it's the only reason I've gotten so into reading them. I'm not even slightly ashamed of the fact I totally cried at the end. Of course I'm almost sure I've read everything good there is now. It's so hard to find anything worth reading lately. I can deal with an annoying Harry if they can get Snape right. I've noticed a lot of them put him so out of character I can't even finish. I get embarrassed for them. Maybe my standards are too high; I don't know. Anyways yeah talk about endless notes. If you have any suggestions on good stuff to check out I'd love it. Doesn't have to be that pairing or even Harry Potter. I'm such a nerd. Thanks for the note! I'll definitely be checking out your diary.
from thedykeic :
Ms Meph, God how I have missed you. I am updating my livenote journal these days too. All is well here, and it seems things are moving along swimmingly well on your side of the pond. I am so glad you are happy -waves to Sir Meph- because I know you weren't for quite a while there. Take care of you and know that I am still your biggest fan. Love, Kyre The Dykeic.
from clarity25 :
sims are terribly addicting..lucky for me, My family had just the right dose of tragedy to discourage me from playing obsessively. One of my sims was abducted while stargazing and returned pregnant with an alien child. (I kid you not) another was lying on the grass in the front yard and a satellite came out the sky and crushed him. (but I was able to sell the satellite for extra cash) another was frightened to death by the ghost of her dead grandfather. Then the entire house burnt down because I forgot to buy a fire alarm and I left the computer without pressing "pause". so my sims days are over. anyhow, I hope you have a Merry Christmas, Mehpit.:)
from amercncliche :
Hey! It's you! Wellll nice to hear from you again! To tell you the truth, I've been slacking on updating since November, but I'll try to get this thing up again. Because I literally have nothing better to do than to sit on my ass on front of the computer all day. So the password is: inertiatic (like the Mars Volta song, if you're into them). And the username is amercncliche. Oh, and I don't know what SB/RL is, but I could get into it if I knew ^_^
from cats-corner :
Oh no worries Mephit...I don't think it's really necessary that you feel worthy of the affection I hold for you. I well realize you are not an immortal being of complete perfection. We all have our human foibles. Just allow me to bask in your splendidness...much as Mr. Mephit does. (Who's diary I'm quite enjoying by the way). :-) While I am the tiniest bit jealous of his good fortune at having won your heart, I'm truly happy for both of you. -cat
from virlomi :
Thanks for the layout compliment! :) And you ARE very cynical, aren't you? I'm not anti-marriage at all - and I can really see it being Craig one day - but I'm definitely very in favor of waiting a while and growing together.
from alleyza :
hello gorgeous! Sorry that I have been so scarce - been very busy working my precious hours away! I'm in Birmingham at the moment delivering training and am off to London tomorrow night to mould the minds of a few more unsuspecting fools. Hopefully I'll have some time off soon so that I can catch up. Your diary does still keep me sane though - especially when I'm holed up all alone in some hotel somewhere - maybe you should sauce up your entries again to make it really interesting ;-) hugs and Christmas wishes and all that - Alley!
from cats-corner :
I hope this doesn't offend but: I'm truly in love with you. Well, the you I know via your diary, but it's love nonetheless. Stupid, stupid Catherine. Feel free to ignore this note. -cat
from tithonus :
One of the things I like about sci-fi is that a book can still be popular while having crap elements to it. Like, parts of it can be good and parts of it can be rubbish but if the good stuff is good enough it'll be a popular sf book, or at least it'll get printed. But, yeah, haven't read any Gibson so can't judge but I hate the style already from the main-verbless quote you gave... have you read any Neal Stephenson? That's a question not a recommendation btw...
from tithonus :
The melancholy may be passing, but the devotion to the "association", whatever it may be, may be passing too... I have no idea what the association is, but, yeah, something sort of like this happenned to me at one point and it was sad but... in the end all I could so was shrug. There was a group of us who were "the group", now there is no group. But... there will be other groups, I guess. I dunno. Life is full of sadnesses. :(
from caraxus :
Hey..long time no cyber assignation. Are you well? Do you still feel everything as deeply...Caraxus is...lost for now. I want to find him too.
from carla-star :
i love cats! that would be so cool if it really was a ghost! But how can you tell that it's dead? It could easily be a real live cat -- they have a way of scampering off silently without being seen, and maybe when you screamed you scared it and...i dunno. But that's pretty awesome!
from dark-embrace :
I just realised that you missed the 'd' from dark-embrace in your list of favourite diaries, hee hee. I was wondering where your name disappeared to :)
from alleyza :
hehehehe - it clearly helps to be a completely oblivious to the real goings on! As for Melisande - she seems to have the luck of a million gods on her side. I'm pretty sure that you could pen a better rendition - go on! I challenge you ;-)
from dark-embrace :
I tried to read that book a little over a year ago now but got bored with it. The storyline was awesome and drew me in but it just seemed to drag in bits that I didn't want it to drag and hurry through bits I was more curious about. I never did end up finishing it but maybe I will go out and loan it out from the library once more to give it a shot.
from cats-corner :
Ah Mephit, I'm sorry to say your last not was of little comfort for the last thing I need or want is someone to flirt with. :-( Especially someone so far away. Mr. Mephit is very lucky to have you...I hope he realizes that. -cat
from alleyza :
Ha! I am 30 pages away from finishing Kushiels Chosen which is the second book in the series!! I have throroughly enjoyed both books - but then again I am a sucker for fantasy fiction (I'm a sucker for anything remotely surreal!) Book two is as good as number one - although some of the shock over the explicitness seems to have dimished. I love the idea that there is mainstream adult fantasy fiction being aimed at the general public. I do think that we are all culprits of taking ourselves to seriously at times and that includes our choices of reading material! I'm glad that you've enjoyed it (I'm seriously considering naming my first born daughter Ph�dre in the hope that she may turn out a bit like the one in the book!) Maybe we should exchange notes ;-) - Alley
from cats-corner :
Why are you so far away? And why do you have a "Mr"? And why can't you be *my* Mephit instead of someone elses? *cries*
from virlomi :
I don't agree about Kushiel and the lack of passion, but then again, I actually read the books before losing my virginity. Ahem. And I have no experience in S&M, though I think I have a teeny bit of a masochistic streak. But I found the sex scenes enthralling - it probably depends on personal experience.
from long-ignored :
thank you so much for the quote and the compliment...I appreciate it so much...
from requiel :
Eekkk! I hate spiders! I was laughing so hard because you sound just like me when one is close to you. You know with the screaming and arm waving and such. *hee*
from kilowatt :
"Science may have found a cure for most evils; but is has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings." ~ Helen Keller ~ My dear, you are so far removed from the malaise of apathy; you are the epitome of compassion, consideration, empathy, and thoughtfulness. Thank you for your exquisite kindness that has soothed my slightly raw, exposed, and fatigued soul. Furthermore, I thank you for your sincere adoration for my daily diaryland entries. I am quite thrilled that anything that I write impacts or inspires anyone, least of all, you. I shall exist in a state of perpetual bliss knowing that I provide even the slightest benefit to your daily life. "The sweetest of all sounds is praise." ~ Xenophon ~ May you find pure happiness in your vast universe.
from tithonus :
Go on then, how big was the spider really? Also, I noticed the change in my listing... *blushes*
from clarity25 :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites but I'm really surprised you see ANYTHING in my ramblings. I'm in awe at the moment and intimidated by your journal. (Similiar to the feeling I get when I read Cats-corner.)It's truly beautiful. You have an amazing ability to weave descriptions together so eloquently, and you have a true talent with words! wow.. It's similiar to Jane Austen, and the way you describe nature is with a beauty and awe I haven't experienced since "Anne Of Green Gables". Every entry is like poetry..and so intelligent, insightful, introspective...just wow. I really liked your "Diary Angst" entries I could entirely relate to the feelings you expressed. P.S. Your latest entry made me laugh, I have a horrible fear of spiders too. I'm going to delve more into your archives now.
from cats-corner :
That's right baby! Spank me! Hehehe. I posted the poem in tonight's entry (along with my own *personalized* note to any would-be plagarizers...hehehe). How is life in Oxford these days? -cat
from carla-star :
that's so cool! I wish it rained more here, sounds really fun!
from long-ignored :
thank you so much for the add, kind words and complimentary 'comment' for my journal...I look forward to delving into your journal soon!
from cats-corner :
Oh my lovely Oxford Mephit, how I loved today's post! You are utterly brilliant when it comes to weaving exquisite prose. Bad Cat! Fantasizing about watching Mephit in various yoga poses. Must be punished... :-) -cat
from liviasgarden :
I relate to this entirely. Perhaps I should try something I'm utter crap at again and take a badly needed risk.
from alleyza :
Welcome back Ms Mephit - I hope that my e-mail didn't offend - it was meant as a compliment and still is! Alley
from requiel :
You should try Laurell K. Hamilton's vampire hunter series. So good, entertaining, sexy and just mmmm...mmmm... good.
from requiel :
Sounds like a GREAT book, heh.
from girlinshadow :
Thank you so much Meph..."finally, somebody else sees!" (That's a line from one of my favorite movies, "The Ref." American film, low-brow humor; far too inferior for someone as magnificent as you to bother with). I deeply appreciate the note you left. Thank you, thank you, thank you! -Shadow
from dark-embrace :
It was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life, being that close to nature, and I hope to do it again next year but for now my next stop (or so I hope) will be the zoo so I can see tigers and elephants :) Though I know it won't be the same. You have an amazing read here and I meant to add your diary awhile ago when I found it but somewhere along the line I must of forgotten to do so. Grrr. Me and my silly, undependable, memory.
from cats-corner :
Oh didn't upset me at all! You're simply a lovely woman who is unbelievably charming and dazzling. It would be so easy to fall head-over-heels in love with you. You're very sweet and I'm very glad to know you enjoy my diary. :-* -cat
from kilowatt :
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." ~ Voltaire ~ You are most welcome for the note of admiration concerning your diary and your immense skill as a writer. I most humbly thank you for adding my site to your list of favorites. Being on the receiving end of your sincere compliment of my diary was a wonderful way to start the day. "I can live for two months on a good compliment." ~ Mark Twain ~ Your comments buoyed my spirits. I am so pleased that you like my site enough to give it a trial run. May your day brim over with beauty.
from alleyza :
:-) buggered is not the word - and being the ultimate in 'technophobe' I will have to set aside at least a year and sacrifice my first born in order to figure it out! I have (I think) fixed notes that - so there is that! b.t.w though whil i was away my computer crashed so I missed your e-mail - I'll try to do better next time <grin> Cheers hun! A
from kilowatt :
In a random twist of fate, I discovered your dairy and I lingered to read your words. The poet, Ruiz says every human is an artist, "and the supreme art is the expression of the beauty of our spirit." There is an effortless elegance emanating from your writing that I cannot help but admire and adore, so much so, that I was compelled to add your diary to my list of favorites. "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ I hope that your day will be a delightful adventure of bliss, laughter, discovery, satisfaction and inspiration. I thank you again for the pleasure of reading the expression of your "beautiful spirit".
from tithonus :
You write so beautifully. You bloody ought to be a writer, and that's that.
from ayaron :
Sod it! Not only do the line breaks not work but it goes and posts 3 times! So much for ramance!
from ayaron :
Just to sit and watch you write,<br> a curtain of hair o'er a furrowed brow,<br> pursed lips, which I long to bite,<br> Gratefull simply to share the eternal now.<br><br> No decision needed, you truly can have both.
from ayaron :
Just to sit and watch you write,<br> a curtain of hair o'er a furrowed brow,<br> pursed lips, which I long to bite,<br> Gratefull simply to share the eternal now.<br><br> No decision needed, you truly can have both.
from ayaron :
Just to sit and watch you write,<br> a curtain of hair o'er a furrowed brow,<br> pursed lips, which I long to bite,<br> Gratefull simply to share the eternal now.<br><br> No decision needed, you truly can have both.
from tithonus :
There's some advice I read by Fay Weldon that at the time I found unbearably smug and irritating, but which in subsequent thinking has appeared to have a diamond chip of wisdom in it. Anyway, she said, "If you want to be a writer, give it up. If you want to write, don't let anything stop you." Struggling with your vanity, either trying to puff it up or fight it down, doesn't end anywhere useful, I don't think... um. Late and losing my train of thought... I'll email you soon. :)
from thedykeic :
Brillance can be its own demise, my dear. But you are gifted in ways that you do not even yet imagine. And most important, you have passion. Write like there is no tomorrow to say it. Cheers, Kyre.
from carla-star :
hey! sorry about that. just paranoid about my mom. i went on her comp and tried to go to diaryland, and the adress bar remembered diaryland as well as carla-star. kinda creepy. the password is jungle and so is the user name.
from carla-star :
i agree. reading diaries for me is like reading harry potter or something where you get really attatched to the characters. except on diaryland you can sorta interact with them, which is nifty, even though it's in a limited way.
from liviasgarden :
Glad to meet you! I, Claudius is still my favorite foreplay. I didn't just lust for Livia, I wanted to be her. Don't eat the figs ;) Yet another *Cat
from ayaron :
Just remember that I will always be here for you, if the ground sinks beneath your feet I will go down with you, and if required you can use my feable-form to shield you from the taunts, blows and unwanted sexual advances of rejection-issue riddled women (although the last sound like it might be a little fun). PS I deny totaly being excited by 'little thongs'. I gave them narry a second glance.
from cats-corner :
Honestly Mephit? I'm trying not to indulge in that too much...I could easily fall for you just by reading your words alone. But you already have a Mr. and you're on the other side of the globe. I've had enough heartbreak to last, if not a least a few years. :-(
from cats-corner :
Ahhhhhhhh...would that I were Desi...I *never* would have pushed you away, nor caused you heartbreak in the first place. Dumb bitch that she is. :-) -cat
from tithonus :
Sounds like your boss is just like, you know, dealing with a rejection complex. The only people who are qualified to validate her are those who reject her, I only want to join a club that wouldn't have me as a member, that sort of thing. If you want to solidify the relationship, place arbitrary and unreasonable obstacles in the way of your future togetherness and she'll pursue you forever. Alternatively, tell her that you think she has a rejection complex and tell her to get professional help. ;)
from cats-corner :
Oh my, what a spoiled bitch! She needs a swift kick in the ass with a pair of those designer boots of hers!
from girlinshadow :
Hi Mephit, I just wanted to say thank you, for the addition of my diary to your favorites list, and for the lovely comment about it. :-) -Shadow
from tithonus :
Now I forgot why I asked you that. Um. I'm sure you would have been redeemably rather than irredeemably rubbish at it, though. :) Also, if you play badly for long enough you get to see her grow up to be a prostitute or a bag lady, which is pretty funny. :)
from cats-corner :
"Can I really go with you to a book-y island full of Sapphists?" she asks tearfully.
from carla-star :
If it makes you feel any better, yours is my favorite diary. i have to think about things before i can write anything okay, whereas you write amazing things and make it look easy. You're the only one who has been placed where you are on my profile for any particular reason. Try to smile every once in awhile, even if you're feeling like killing yourself. I read in some magazine that when you smile, some sort of brain thingamajig happens that makes you feel better. Jungle.
from carla-star :
*woah. terrible speller. and slow.
from carla-star :
whoah, did i miss something? it happens, as i tend to be slow. you were considdering giving up writing? please don't!
from carla-star :
hehehe. cooncat= cool, silly! love ya lots, Carla
from alleyza :
I've been thinking about what to write for such a long time - hopefully I don't sound too unstable when I say this - but I think that you have a remarkeable talent in writing and I hope that you don't give it up! I spent 2 whole weeks reading through your entries and it was like reading a new book from a favourite author - comfortable and a slightly wicked pleasure. I laughed, cried and hoped from entry to entry and it has become a treasured memory that has brought me much pleasure - so there you have it (I hope that its not to weird) - thank-you and good luck in the new room ;-) (alleyza)
from tithonus :
Did you ever play Princess Maker 2?
from cats-corner :
Oh my gawd! I think I'm *actually* falling in love with you! Fucking hell! Too bad for me though...seeing as you have a Mr. Mephit who pleasures you exqisitely and we live in two different countries. (Mine being infected with Mad Cowboy Disease). *Sigh* I think I'm just one of those people who is doomed to a life of unrequited love. Oh well. Cheers. *Hugs* -cat
from cats-corner :
Oh no Mephit...thank you for the offer of the g-mail invite though. In addition to the fact that I don't *need* such a sophisticated system, it wouldn't even work on this piece of wheezing crap that passes for a computer. :-) *Hugs* -cat
from tithonus :
Well... I feel the same way that you do about my books, I think, even though heaps of them are crap and I probably wouldn't miss them. A little while ago, however, I was speaking to someone who had a totally different philosophy... he said, you can basically use second-hand bookshops like a paying library. Unless a given book has information in it which he was going to need to refer to on a regular basis, then he didn't see any need to have it lying around taking up space in his house when it could be in a 2nd hand bookstore somewhere taking up *their* space instead. Well, I still don't think I could do it myself but the idea appealed to me in a way. Maybe... the way to think about it is that you are refining your library. You know, purging the least treasured books in order to make space for new books which you will love more than the old ones... um. What is "Pearl", by the way?
from cats-corner :
Oh Mephit my love...would that I could have spared you the need to sell your beloved books. I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help beautiful? I don't have much money myself, and I don't know how much help whatever paltry amount I could offer would be...perhaps I could replace some of the texts you were forced to sell? Please let me know. *Hugs & Kisses* -cat
from cats-corner :
Well, I have to be honest Mephit...if *I* had the chance to share a house with and the possibility of seeing you walk past your window naked, I'd be panting too. :-D -cat
from carla-star :
thank you times a million! :)
from tithonus :
*throws fruit* Actually, you're now the third person to correct me on this point. It's ok. :) I imagine that my high school English teacher probably would have told me the same thing... I remember reading Emma and getting pissed off about the whole "Mr Knightley" vs "Mr Phillip Knightley" thing... I still think the scores of irrelevant or almost irrelevant characters with indistinguishable names are not a virtue... still, it's an interesting book. :) And with rather more emphasis on money than I had expected...
from carla-star :
visit or be eaten alive! The Little People are coming for you right now!
from carla-star :
girl you totally should have whomped that nun!
from cats-corner :
You can always come live with me. :-) -cat
from juniperhexum :
stop walking on your bad ankle! you don't want to do permanent damage, do you?
from carla-star :
from carla-star :
saw u listed me. thanks! :D
from cats-corner :
*Sniff, sniff* And here I thought that *I* was your only Diaryland love. :-D Seriously though, I think you make an excellant point about the contradictions of societies today. I think consummerism is push so much as a way to mask the needs were denying ourselves; needs which can easily be met with natural/biological/human means. They're depriving us of pleasure and human connections, while making money off everyone's emptiness. Scary. *Hugs* -cat
from cats-corner :
Thank you for thinking I'm cool, I really do appreciate it. :-) I'm sorry for causing you confusion! I thought I'd upset you because I looked at your b/l and didn't see the new diary there. I immediately thought: "Oh no! What did I say? I must have said something to upset Mephit!" Then I realized, you just hadn't updated yet. D'er Cat! Again, I'm terribly sorry for the confusion. *Hugs* -cat
from carla-star :
oops nvm hehehe
from carla-star :
ooooooooooooh pretty new layout! when did that happen?
from cats-corner :
Oh wait, never mind. My bad. I 'm sorry for bugging ya! -cat
from cats-corner :
Did I say something that upset you? :-\ -cat
from juniperhexum :
I'm not sure I've ever heard the phrase "it's like a bad pornographic penis" until now. Thank you for enlightening me. ANd the cherry blossoms are beautiful. I love this layout. I liked the apples one too, but this one might be my favorite. Take care of that foot you silly leper
from cats-corner :
Have I ever told you how fucking awesome I think you are? If I haven't, here it is: You're fucking awesome girl! I love reading your diary. *Hugs* -cat
from cats-corner :
Ooooo! A fluffy pink toilet cover, I love those! Thank you so much for the "housewarming" gift. :-D *Hugs* -cat
from cats-corner :
A belated happy birthday. Twenty-two. Shit, try being 26 and still a virgin. Ugh. :-P :-) *Hugs* -cat
from tithonus :
What if there is no cliff? I mean, what if it's the wrong metaphor? A cliff is, you know, an external reality with a very definite top and a very definite bottom... but where is the top and bottom in life, really? Just a thought. Also, PLEASE DON'T STOP WRITING, YOURS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE DIARIES!!! :'( :'(
from liadlaith :
Possum. Your birthday is Friday, no? It's Friday here, right now, in the very wee hours, so happy birthday. I am currently supposed to be writing a debate speech on why General Tilney (of Northanger Abbey fame) is *not* a villain. I'm going to have to have a very forgiving audience to win this one . . .
from tithonus :
Um, happy birthday. As to your list of, uh, "birthday wishes", well, I'm going to be in England come november, and you can certainly have a jolly nice hug then. Anything else is... uh, negotiable. ;)
from the-book-bag :
Well shit, I tried over and over to offer you my body as a birthday gift (although I don't know how much of a gift MY body could be considered) and the bloody computer wouldn't put my offer through. Shall I send it to you via e-mail? :-D -cat
from thedykeic :
The two reasons why I love you so: <p></p><p> 1. "All I need is to see a flicker of unhappiness in another person and suddenly my own heart seems worthless.<p></p><p> 2. Revenge surely is a dish best served in a silver ice bucket.
from carla-star :
hiiiiiiiiiii! weight loss sucks. if you must go on a diet, go on the chocolate diet. but never the atkins, becuase atkins is bad. bye!
from havechosen :
I love you! I'm sorry it was such a difficult visit...
from havechosen :
Looks like I'm playing leapfrog with tithonus! :) Anyway... I was going to say that being nice, on the whole, isn't a bad thing. And then I read tithonus' comment, and it made me think, "That's probably an accurate assessment." So now I don't know what to say.
from tithonus :
So, she told you she was feeling anxious? Ooh, a master manipulator, I reckon... ;)
from havechosen :
Wow... how dysfunctional. (Stupid! That wasn't very sympathetic!!) Erm, I'm sorry to hear about all the drama and lack of fun... I've missed your wit and charm. :) (Or is that supposed to be charm and wit?)
from havechosen :
You're back! :) At least for a bit. I've missed you, oh so much! :) Maybe you could find something interesting to write anyway, even if there's not much going on for you?? :)
from tithonus :
*blushes* I've been very patchy with the diary lately too... but there's still quite a bit of your older things I haven't read yet so I needn't go into withdrawals if you don't write for a couple of days ;). But... yeah, I don't want to let go of that excited and happy feeling of having found a diarylander who writes great stuff and, even better, appreciates my stuff. ;) Um, so, like, um, yeah!
from tithonus :
Good, good. I was starting to worry. :)
from havechosen :
Oh, phew! I was worried something had happened. Or that you didn't love us (read: "me") anymore! :) Fairy stories?? Do we get to hear? Hope all is well on the home front.
from tithonus :
Thankyou... but, you know, relationships, who needs them? I've got my books, and my poetry to protect me, I am shielded in my et cetera.
from virlomi :
'anal fissures' make me laugh *and* cringe, simultaneously.
from the-book-bag :
Gotcha. Neurofen it is then. :-) -cat
from the-book-bag :
Maybe I'm dense, but it sounds to me like you need to have a wisdom tooth extraction. Hope you feel better soon. -cat
from tithonus :
I disagree with you about choosing what you are... but it's a bit late in the evening for me to go into why. :| Something to do with... labels or something. Why am I only ever online in the middle of the night? Oh, also, I commend you on your noble efforts to drag Lia into a sordid menage a trois - she's on the verge of succumbing, I can tell. ;)
from requiel :
I loved, loved ,LOVED your entry today! I just read "The Claming of Sleeping Beauty" I've been wondering why it affected me the way it did. ;) Thank you sweet.
from kiki-blue :
thanks for adding me to your favourites list! I enjoy having new on board:) I'll email you the password to my private entries, which have photos and stuff.
from liadlaith :
Oi! Do you mind *not* dragging me into your sordid menage a trois with Tit Ho? It wouldn't work anyway, I'd be correcting him on his pillow-talk - "No, don't call it that! That's way too clinical. Stop swearing, I want sensuality, not 'a fuck'."
from tithonus :
It's funny that people don't write cigarette-porn, isn't it? Not porn with cigarettes in it, I mean, just writing aimed at simulating the satisfaction of the desire for cigarettes. "He gently brought his trembling fingers to the thin, cool shaft in the corner of the box... his ears burned with longing at the sound of the flint striking flame..." that sort of thing. Also, you should totally have sex with me. Uh. What I really mean is, if you're thinking about sex in terms of manipulating the other person in order to demonstrate your competence in reading their desires and giving them what they want, aren't you basically doing the same thing that they're doing (albeit in a more sophisticated way) when they're trying to get you to "go" (uh, so to speak) so that they can mentally give themselves a certificate for being "good at it"? It sounds very much like you're, you know, aiming for mastery... um, I could go on but I feel as though it's a bit, um, weird to tell you how to conduct your sex life...
from virlomi :
thank you!! haven't read much of you yet, but i plan to. and personally, i would stay away from smoking but keep the women. why not? they aren't bad for your health like smoking is. ;)
from thedykeic :
what color socks are you wearing: I�m wearing black fishnet stockings actually.. . . you kill me. ::kiss:: I hope you are well, dear.
from fallenorra :
I love the london theater. I went to see phamtom of the Opera. I actually like Lodon. Maybe it's because I'm from such a small town and London is just so differeance. I'm glad you enjoyed the show. I've never seen the Lion King.
from tithonus :
Um. I feel like I want to help but I'm not sure I can. Well, I care about you and I'm thinking about you and if there's anything I can do, let me know. Hm, maybe... the "falling apart" process which you think is inevitably going to happen and which you are trying to "be strong" by preventing is something that needs to happen? I don't know.
from havechosen :
Kyra! Not to be shamelessly promoting myself, but you've got to check out this website. I thought of you pretty much as soon as I started it! :) (Sorry, I'd have left it in your guestbook, but my computer keeps blocking it for some reason, so, no html... guess you'll just have to copy and paste!) Mwah!
from tithonus :
Have you tried melatonin? It's a sleeping pill that works by... well, melatonin is a chemical that your body naturally produces shortly before you go to sleep. So taking melatonin tablets "fools" your body into believing it's time to sleep - but it doesn't give you "druggy sleep" in the way that something like Valium does. Also, get a digital clock that doesn't tick-tick. They're cheap and convenient. Also, it is true what "they" say about resting being almost as good as sleep; difficult as it is, if you lie in bed for eight hours and then get up, you will probably be able to more-or-less function through the following day. I've had some experience with insomnia myself, you can probably tell. :) Hope some of this is of some help. :)
from havechosen :
I love you, Mephit! That sounds like a pretty awful experience with Loris. :(
from lady-frenzy :
Sorry I haven�t answered lately� The Chili�s sure do know how to rock the casbah, don�t they? Hhehe, later...
from requiel :
Thanks for the note sweets. I shall have to update more often. ;) I started reading you and I must say I find your writing very interesting indeed. I will enjoy reading the rest.
from tithonus :
Well, see, academic masturbation, even that would be fine, because masturbation is an activity directed toward producing pleasure. Pleasure, even selfish pleasure, is something I can accept as a reasonable motivation for doing academic work. My rant was inspired by a paper at a seminar that appeared to be directed toward nothing whatsoever. Not in a zen way, just in a sheer uselessness way. If they'd been having fun, if the analysis had been playful or joyful or just even a little bit interesting, I would have been more than happy to accept as a small but worthwhile contribution to the great ongoing conversation of the academy... but just this... blech, you know what I'm talking about, papers which are written purely for careerist purposes and are filled with pointless defensiveness and anxiety and lack any indication that the author is themself in the least bit inspired by what they're discussing... yuck, I hope it never happens to me. :(
from scumthing :
yeah, sorry i didn't say anything, and i hope it's not too much trouble. the username is scum and the password is thing. i just thought that would be easy to remember
from lady-frenzy :
Thanks the advice-- The boy shall get canned... Eventually...
from scumthing :
heya, thanks for the note! (:
from the-book-bag :
Wow! Thank you so much for your note. I'm beyond flattered that you enjoy my writing so much! Thank you! -cat
from fallenorra :
*hugs* no probelm. No one ever thinks something like will ever happen to them. We can't walk around expecting it to happens. It jusy does. I;m glad that you are feeling safe now.
from fallenorra :
Wow. Some ordeal. I'm glad that you are ok though. It's never good to feel like you have no control over something like that. Anyway just wanted to say that I'm glad you are alright.
from havechosen :
Oh, honey! Quite honestly, you're an awful lot braver than I! I'm so glad you're home and safe now. Um, just my (very unsolicited) opinion... but I think you ought to press charges. There are a lot of ladies out there who would completely lose their heads and might not have been able to fend him off. If you won't press charges on your own behalf, you might consider it for others.
from havechosen :
I love you, Kyra! :) I realize it was probably mortifying for you, but that made me giggle an awful lot. (Which is a a bit difficult to explain since I'm at work.) And what's the deal with Tigger? I remember (I think) some of the initial entries where you talked about him (Hey, did you know if your fingers are off by one letter on the keyboard, him turns into gun? I didn't either.) but it sounds as if something more happened. Are there posts on this that you can direct me toward? And who is Desi? (Obviously, I haven't yet caught up on all my back-reading over here. If someone weren't so prolific, that wouldn't be so much trouble!) :)
from havechosen :
Ooof! You don't go for the easy ones, do you? :) Thinking about the answers. They'll probably be my next entry! Mwah!
from scumthing :
If you could do absolutely anything or have anything happen to you, what would it be? If you could be any animal what would you be and why? Would you recommend that I try doing the same thing you did and teaching those kids(the ones who were a bit violent)? Becuase I think that sounds cooncat as something i could do once i'm older, but i dont know anything about it other than what you wrote in ur diary
from scumthing :
i luv ur diary, and how u always have stuff like that in it-- that quote rocked!!
from forestdream :
Oh, by the way - I think it's a friend's banner, so you could say it belonged to a super-devoted fan :)
from forestdream :
And questions for you: 1) At this moment, would you describe yourself as happy? 2) What attracts you to romance novels? 3) What do you dream about?
from riahopkinson :
Aye, I mean I am working on the questions, just it's taking a long time to complete... they will be answered within the next week, I swear! xxx
from riahopkinson :
Oh, I shall think of three good questions - QUESTIONS, good lady, not questions with an EVIL MISS! MS, thank you! ;) I am working on the aforementioned qs (the answers thus far are very very long), don't worry - am thinking of totally honest answers, which involve both sex and masturbation. ;)
from havechosen :
Oooh! Any three questions? That is a really cool idea. Obviously somewhat scary, but... Ok, question #1) When you decided to go to Oxford, what did you originally intend to accomplish? Or rather, why did you choose to go there? #2) What's one thing you've run away from that you wish you hadn't? #3) What is the most profoundly moving insight you can think of, whether it's from a book or another person, or just a thought that wandered across your mind?
from havechosen :
Nekkid pictures? Of myself? Are you crazy? Not to mention that it would be rather difficult for me to take pictures of myself being nekkid, anyway, as the pictures would end up being in parts. :) But you most definitely get bravery points! At least in my book.
from scumthing :
ooh do u go dancing a lot?? that sounds so fun i wish i could dance, i mean i always dance but i cant dance the right way you know so i dont think anyone would take me out dancing but anyways i think thats ubercooncat!
from tithonus :
Ah, the sequel. Um. So, like, uh, I love to be appreciated, and I've been reading some of the archives of your diary and you are, I can tell already, one of those people that I will always admire and be interested in... so to be appreciated by you is especially lovely. Hooray! And, also, I had been feeling quite horrible and grumpy yesterday up to the point when I read your guestbook message, which suddenly made me feel warm and happy and contented, so, uh, hence the thanks and the love. :)
from tithonus :
Thankyou. Also, I love you. Also, I would express my happiness and gratitude and other emotions at greater length, but it's past three in the morning. So, um, expect additional instalments.
from havechosen :
Oooh! I have so much catching up to do on your past entries! I don't know why yours didn't transfer over to the new place! :) But looking at it, I lost a few others, too. :) Probably operator error on my part. So, yeah, I'm going to get reading. :) I'll probably drop more comments as we go along! Mwah!
from caraxus :
Great entry love. xxoo
from mindriot :
I think your entry just broke my heart and I didnt think I had one.
from scumthing :
kewlie, hehe maybe next time they're yammering i'll sing along!
from scumthing :
that was an awesome read, i love the way you write. you use beautiful metaphors and your entries are very alive and real. Oh, and i share your hobby of climbing on roofs. It's so fun! Erm, u mentioned that u heard that wearing tights will make you lose weight. sounds kinda hokey to me, but just wondering, did you have any luck with it?
from scumthing :
kewlie! I'll be reading urs 2!!
from scumthing :
username: goatpeople password: toesocks
from scumthing :
I LOVE your background art!
from ravenfae :
twas a good evening when I discovered you're back up and "public" so that I may read and empathize with your recent mucus activity.
from fallenorra :
that pages is cool. I hate when people try to tell you that it will be ok yet they tell you it won't at the same time
from liadlaith :
Hey Kyra, is there no chance of getting a password?
from caraxus :
Hey - do I get to read? email me [email protected] - hope all is well xxoo
from caraxus :
Hey babe, I miss you. Hope all is sorting itself out. hugs and love. I'd love to come in if you let me... xxoo Caraxus
from juniperhexum :
I know you locked up for your own protection, but if you are open to sharing, could I have the password? I understand if you don't want to. If you do: [email protected]
from liadlaith :
Oh sweets, I know what you're going through. I've had this diary since September of 2002 - but you'll notice my entries start in July of 2003. Before that, I closed down because my best friend (who I had a huuuuge crush on at the time) found it, read it and Was Not Happy. Bad times. I shut down, but Diaryland's siren song kept calling me back, albeit in different forms. Then that friend and I parted, and a while later, here I am again. All I'm saying is, this too shall pass. *hug* And that I hope you feel better soon.
from living-lulu :
knock, knock!!!!!!!!!
from liadlaith :
*banging on the door* You changed the bloody locks on me?! Bizatch! Lemme back in! (please?)
from caraxus :
I'm locked out mephit :( please let me in if I am worthy... xxoo
from obscurelady :
you're locked? what's going on?
from juniperhexum :
I called a guy a twat last night too! And I know I've said it before, but I am still enamored with your layout.
from ravenfae :
you changed your layout. I like it
from juniperhexum :
a day in bed is always worthwhile
from juniperhexum :
I locked down. flower, transistor (please delete this note once you get logged in)
from liadlaith :
Congrats! Even concussed your typing is impeccable.
from ravenfae :
"What are you thinking" Oh, I empathize with you and your great, hilarious entry. I'm glad I picked this day to re-visit your diary.
from ssegwilde :
When asked what I'm thinking, I usually answer, "I'm thinking about what a sad movie Edward Scisorhands is." It seems to work. It's random enough that I might actually be thinking it, and it explains the strange, detatched look on my face.
from niceguymike :
Thank you for your kind words about my diary, and I shall be reading yours soon. Not today -- I'm going to try and get a few more things done around here, and I'd rather have a large block of time for exploring -- but the bits I've read are quite well-put, and good reading.
from caraxus :
Hope you're feeling up sometime soon - have a good x-mas and be lovely! Caraxus
from caraxus :
Thanks for the random love - if you ever make it out to Australia (which you so should) drop us a line. Will definately keep on reading your diary hun. Caraxus
from juniperhexum :
I'm so glad I uplift you in some way. Yes purple does seem to be my colour (EEP! I spelled it all non-American!) Something about it soothes me. Purple and flowers. :) And as for you, well everyone goes through periods of depression every now and then. Even though I've come out of my worst, I still have my bouts of it. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. Take care love.
from juniperhexum :
I adore the new layout!
from liadlaith :
You appear to have locked your diary - is everything okay?
from juniperhexum :
you locked up? *whimper whimper*
from verbmynoun :
Hello, It is Kyre. I am thinking of you. I read some of you today, i shall read more soon. I promise to be journaling again soon. All my best, TheDykeic.
from ravenfae :
Oh no! *is falling in love* I hate you! You called your not-so potential employer a "knob" oh you're great! Grand even. Yes. I suck up well do I not? ;)
from liadlaith :
Thanks *so* much for the review! I was getting a bit antsy about it, but then I saw you were suffering the trauma of moving house, and became much more forgiving : ) I'm thrilled that at least *one* reviewer out there likes my writing!
from taliarant :
Hey Kyra, something nasty and real life-ish has occurred, but mostly it's just stress. I'm back. Sorry for the false alarm. I thought it would help me to have less stress if I didn't spend time here on D-land, but I was sooooo wrong. So, I'm back... Mwah! Thank you for caring. It does wonders for my ego. :)
from dykeinside :
For whatever reason, it isn't allowing me to sign your guestbook. So I'm gonna try this. I'd like to add you to my list of favorites, but considerate dyke that I am, I wanted to ask your permission first. Thanks for reading. And thank you for your comments.
from fiercelingua :
Yay! Another convert... -evil laughter-
from taliarant :
But Mephit! I LIKE that template!!! Oh well... doesn't seem much like YOU, though... I have the feeling that the entry you just posted will be deleted when your template returns to normal and everyone will be left wondering WTF???
from fallenorra :
It depends what you listen to. THe band is no longer together, but the lead singer is in a new band called Scarling that sound simular. Umm Rabiteen, Nazi Halo, Hypocrite, Girl Scout. I have a bunch on my comp from Kazaa
from fallenorra :
I know that song. The band Jack Off Jill sings it. It's a great song.
from ohbollocks :
Hey! Thanks for letting me know about the code being messed up! I didn't think it was criticism at all. It was very helpful. :) I would never have noticed because I have issues with viewing my own diary. Um, I'm weird.
from theshrike :
Wait- but you already knew that. HEH. Ignore me, I'll just be over here... putting my foot in my mouth.
from theshrike :
That song is called 'Strawberry Gashes' and it's by Jack Off Jill.
from ohbollocks :
I could go for a Regency buck, too. Hmm... Generally, though, I could go for any guy with an accent and big muscles who doesn't treat me like a piece of meat.
from obscurelady :
Just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for the messagei n my guestbook! I've been meaning to check out your journal since you left it, but things have been hectic.. I'll be around more now, and I can't wait to read more of your stuff in depth! (I do like your design, though- seems to match your writing style really, really well)
from heidiann :
I have ruined you for all diaries to come! =) I must tell you, when I saw who was reviewing me I ran over here and started reading you. You're just wonderful! And I wanted to list you but was certain you'd think I was trying to kiss your ass. (As I would think in your position.) So I decided to wait until you were done and do so regardless of how my review turned out. Luckily it went very well and now I don't have to worry that you think I listed you out of some weird sarcastic bitterness over a negative review. Your stalkage is compliment indeed. And know that the favor is being returned. =)
from taliarant :
Whoo! I'm the first! :) You are extremely prolific lately! I'm having a terrible time keeping up! Really, for being the first to note you, I ought to come up with a deep, meaningful quote that will make every future note-leaver writhe with envy. However... it's only 9:30 am my time and I've yet to have coffee, so... you'll have to deal with incoherency that will make every future note-leaver writhe with scorn. :)

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