messages to justamerican:
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from nofat-chicks :
I just wanted to thank you for the type of writing your diary contains. We will have our regime change in 2004, I swear it is true.
from justamerican :
We are all human.
from raven72d :
Well, remember-- executing sullen and vicious juvenile males, like executing Manxmen or Andaman Islanders wouldn't violate Human Rights Week, since they really aren't *human* in any meaningful sense.
from enondoiel :
I clicked your NOFX banner. It's nice to see an American who doesn't just "go along" with whatever your president says. You seem like a minority to foreigners like me, but here and there are proofs that you do exist. Good!
from darkfairy13 :
Wow. War is too evil for its own good. Evil still is evil. Don't ask I make no sense...
from funda :
direct links to the story sources would help add credibility and expand minds further, for people sometimes can not help but click on links and read more, even if they disagree.
from kbaa :

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