messages to kay3300:
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from bi-pet :
heya! just found your diary while browsing diaryland. i think i might come back from time to time... thanx for sharing
from scarlettkat :
Hey Kay, hope your doin okay.. I haven't been here for what seems like years, lol. Take care hun, Peace... Kat
from walk-away :
hi, i'm sorry i never got around...but i've unlocked it....i've just realized that my words and thoughts have been getting around to people i don't want....but the damage has been past is my past....i hope you are doing okay. peace -
from walk-away :
hello - i don't mind giving you a you have an e-mail? peace
from ms-fashion :
i think that your diary is soo radical
from chicflaws :
yeah, it might be more shocking than normal. you can read, i just don't want anyone to give me advice i didn't ask for. username: kay3300 password: apple delete this)
from cdghost :
came across your words and enjoyed reading them
from walk-away :
"I sit here in front of the computer, i have no idea what to write. I dont even know... it's just that there are so many things consuming my mind that I dont even know where to start. Honestly, I dont know if I want to keep writing the same things, because as I go back and seems as though I am. " i feel like i have written that sentence over and over again.
from scarlettkat :
Hiya kay..I've had to lock my diary but you can access it by putting in kay3300 as the username, and lexluther as the password. Hope you're doing good, Kat
from scarlettkat :
Hiya, just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas! Here's hoping for a happy 2006! Take Care, Kat.
from scarlettkat :
Hi Kay, Sorry to hear your sufferin with Anxiety..I know the damn feeling!! Good luck with your interview tomorrow (I think that's what it says in your diary)...Take care, Kat
from scarlettkat :
Sounds like you're havin a tough time! I know what it feels like, It seems sometimes like the world is going on around you but you're stuck in a completely different reality to them! Just stay strong and positive, and don't let anyone bring you down.. take care.. oh and I've added you to my buddy list, hope you're ok with that!
from scarlettkat :
Just viewed your profile, and then read your diary.. It could so easily be my words. Especially the 'Ode'.. It was quite freaky really, lol, but I totally connected with what it said!

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