messages to kellybutton:
(click here to add new message):

from gunstarhero :
sorry to say but I'm drunk. but I'd love to hear the irony. I love sarcasism and the like. please tell.
from gunstarhero :
I'm glad to see you're still around and hangin' tough.
from onlymirrors :
Haha I suppose so.
from gunstarhero :
You are so right. I've always been like that. We shouldn't just sit there idlely and watch life pass us by. Thank you.
from kellybutton :
Sorry for locking up, kids. Personal reasons. Email me at [email protected] for a password if you'd like one. You shall be placated.
from onlymirrors :
Well, don't we all? Unfortunately that criteria seems to significantly lower our choices. Eh, oh well I guess. By the way, I like your diary.
from punk-loser :
sex is overrated... mastrubation is what everyone should embrace.... if i had my druthers, i'd have a jerk off break every day at work. but besides that, it's kind of sad to think that people are in the apathetic "oh we're already royally fucked" mode and are giving up trying to be civil anymore... i'm really not looking forward to the future.
from gunstarhero :
I love your entries. They are interesting. They are who you are. I find the same problems, I'm not cool; I'm not interesting; I'm fucked up. But when I look around, it seems most of the people around me are the same. cheer up, it'll get better.
from parlance :
Sure =) Where? AIM? MSN?
from punk-loser :
but joni loved chachi!
from punk-loser :
you should see some of the shit i get googled with. everything from fucking farm animals to scott bayo porn... yes, scott bayo, as in chachi
from kelly :
drunk entries rock.
from parlance :
Thank you kindly.
from starkitten01 :
I can completely relate. I'm not satisfied, either. Not with my location or with my life. Wish I could offer some wisdom, but I can't even explain my own dissatisfaction. Hang in there is all I can say!
from kelly :
i left you a note, does that make up for g*book slacking?
from beagle47 :
oh, p.s. don't fall in love with me. i'm in love with my wife, a beautiful, funny, intelligent Italian with a temper...thus making me a very bad object of any kind of affection unless, of course, it is disaffection. ;) thanks again...
from beagle47 :
up with notes! thanks for the nod. you won't see me in the morning. i sleep 'til noon. peace. (and i really mean that).
from kelly :
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers --> Is that the title of a real book?!
from perfxcked :
thank you.. so much. that note made me feel like everything that i'm feeling is okay to feel, because i'm not the only one feeling it. xoxoxoxo
from diaryquotes :
So you're in Iowa and you blogged... WHY DIDN'T WES CLARK WIN? Could it be he wasn't really campaigning in Iowa? Hmm. Whatever the case... WES CLARK! WOO! ...I need a drink.
from thatmarygirl :
i love your username.
from gunstarhero :
yes we do. I love Janice. when she told me she knew you I just about freaked out. it was the weirdest thing ever. she's the best ever.
from wench77 :
I really liked your wanting a boyfriend entry. I can relate so much to it. Very honest and well-written. thankyou. (ps, I got here via Ms Lovejoy's reviews)
from gunstarhero :
even though I'm a guy I completely understand your fears, your wants, and your needs. because I want those samethings and I fear the samethings. the hardest part is waiting for that person to be in our lives and change it forever.
from pigpoo :
Just ran through some diary entries of yours. The tight shirt to emphasize your breasts entry, classic. Has inspired me to wear tighter pants.
from pigpoo :
Thanks for the warm welcome kellybutton. It is much appreciated.
from brie2 :
hey nice diary i'm gonna start reading it...check out mine if u like.
from wench77 :
oooh, i just read the rest of Ms. JL's review, and yeah, what's with the breasts? mmm, breasts! My ex had a huge breast issue, and funny thing is by the time we were done, she was saying "please play with my tits" instead of covering them in shame. Yay, cuz I just lovedlovedloved her breasts. mmm, let them be loved and they will be your best friend. Also I agree with her MORE PLEASE... it is kind of like reading a novel with each line on a new page spread. A paragraph an entry, or a LONG entry every day or two to tide us over til the next real meal! :) you write well. ciao again!
from wench77 :
hey, got here from JL's review... and i have a comment... I love that "self-esteem is important. I am cute." and then the "i am cute, arent' i?". That just says it all in like 3 lines. Yup, we are all like that. Self-affirmation and then the "aren't i?"... succinct. :) I'll come back later!
from mslovejoy :
Your review is done, dear-- FINALLY. Sorry for the delay, hope you're happy w/ the result. Yay!
from goexplore :
I�ll be 20 soon, i�m confused and much more. I know what you are saying. And i�m waiting for life to give me the last kick so i can be tired enough to start living my life plenty ;O) Beka.
from jupiter9 :
I likes the new layout! I left you a note *points downward* of the one new blog [which isn't that new], but here's the other one: I got lazy with DLand because you have to code the underlines, bolds, and italics yourself. >.> Hooraaaaay laziness. Take care! Angela [that jupiter9 chick that's gonna finally update DLand once and for all]
from kentraine :
I'd go if I could, even tho I've never heard of them. But I think it's more than an hour there from Wichita, KS. And I don't even live there... ;)
from vilemiasma :
oh but waiting is the hardest part
from utter-views :
Hey just stopping by, I wanted to get the word out that we're looking for new reviewers. So far no one has applied :o( And yeah I've signed other places, no luck yet but hey we have a good review site over here & need good reviewers. I'm trying to find some... and hey, I'm in Iowa too I am planning on going to ISU
from jupiter9 : That's where ah be hid now. But I'll still write in DLand every so often, now that Nate's actually writing in his hella often. Take care!
from vilemiasma :
as a side note, i found out i can't frown. i don't smile, but i can't frown.
from smile18 :
hi kelly,thanx 4 your reply.interesting answers ;) it will definately help wif my research :)
from glowcircuit :
Sitting here beneath the city lights, I like the way you say ''dont know yet" Like Yoda you have looked into the hazy future and seen somehting. Or maby im lost in the efervecent bubbles of my fresca. Remember never make a bet with a scicilian, especially when death is on the line. glow.........
from smile18 :
great! thanx again! i've emailed the questionnaire to both your yahoo and hotmail acc,just in case ;)
from oipunkgrunge :
im not sweeeeet im a gangsta..come to jersey to get some thung
from oipunkgrunge :
let's hook up
from glowcircuit :
I think we are all in need of a little love, so even though I stumbled in here from god knows where, at least here I am. You glowed a little for me today and I might even be a better person beacuse of it. be strong, be smart but most of all, be. glow............
from smile18 :
Hey there,how r u? I'm actually doing a research project for my final year & the topic I have chosen is online diaries.I have decided to focus on this site, which is why i would really appreciate it if u would allow me to send u a questionnaire in regards to your opinion or point of view on online diaries in general? Just thought that i'd ask for your permission beforehand :) I'm currently looking for more members to distribute my questionnaire to so anyone is welcome to leave me a note in regards to this (pls do!) ;) Thanx!
from iheartindie :
you make me smile www.livejournal/users/carpe_noctum thank you
from oipunkgrunge :
you too dear
from oipunkgrunge :
cheer up kelly girl
from oipunkgrunge :
i have an acoustic ibanez too but it's not as pretty as that one.
from oipunkgrunge :
hahah kelly!! thast the lay out i wanted...funny thing is that now ya put it back or at least i saw it back a day after i changed mine haha,mine it's kinda like yours though..i changed it aroudna lilb it and changed the pic lol but yeah we are alike now!!
from alkalinetrio :
Once again proving my theory: BOYS IN BANDS ARE ASSHOLES!!!!!
from alkalinetrio :
its like... i had a dream... i gave you a piggyback ride.....<P>And you were a lesbian.
from oipunkgrunge :
i think i'd get along with your family :op lol..hmm ahem! im not in the cast list again!! nay!! lol :op
from oipunkgrunge : doesnt work :/
from oipunkgrunge :
i found disturbing the fact ya like linkin park,gay charlotte and NELLY??? and dont like Thursday.
from oipunkgrunge :
u fell for that? i saw his pic lmao he looks like...hmm ok i wont talk crap..and not to mention the disturbing fact his yahoo user name is a casualties song.."chaos punk" yeah i know casualties are from jersey but they are so dirty haha and so wanna be old school oi! and they just cant pull it off..and not to mention jorge moved back home with his mom in jersey city and he is like 35 lol...anyways cheer up!! u own a templates page? nice..i really wnana steal ur old template hehe..where did u get it from?
from ihearthockey :
neat. thanks. :o)
from oipunkgrunge :
kellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy leave me notes..dont sign my guestbook hunni coz i never check that..i just did today by mistake and saw ur entry lol and yes i think thats the template i was referring to anywho dont forget to get it touch with me trhough notes or emails ,guestbook entries should be a one time only thingy dont cheatttt lol ciao :o) <3
from oipunkgrunge :
you change lay out/template more than i change hair style lol,i really liked the other one though and i was gonna steal it but now i cant bummer. <3
from je5ica :
i clicked a blue word in my bobby's diary and i saw you there. you made me smile, and that's worth a note. yay notes. right now a banner is above my message. it is a holstein cow in a bikini. i just misused i before e except after c in the word holstein and now i have to die. thanks for that smile, by the way. i think that's why i'm here. it's all in the cosmic plan. i need to poo.
from oipunkgrunge :
how come im not in the "i love" list? tahst just wrongggg i should be there :/
from oipunkgrunge :
PJ made a video for i am mine..u can get it at
from oipunkgrunge :
i wanted to be in the cast damn i thought you and kyle were history? i hope things work out for ya but i think you are better off moving on and finding some1 else but eh thats just me thinking out loud...ciao...<3 Esteban.
from vilemiasma :
material possesions never brought me any long lasting joy
from oipunkgrunge :
top 5 ways to avoid sucidal thoughts 1-dont listen to radiohead 2-dont listen to silverchair 3-dont listen to dashboard confessional 4-dont listen to ak3 5- dont read my diary lol :op
from lastseraphim :
i'd have to agree with spitfrie, iowa does equal evil. but where in iowa are you? i'm on the mississippi river, illinois side.... maybe you're near? heh. if you ever get bored, i suggest a road trip perhaps? or maybe i'm just really high. lol. either way, i got the password etc, so i'll try to catch up. lata babe--seraphina
from lastseraphim :
can i get a password? i miss reading you.
from ndslotesse :
Hey! You've locked your diary! May I have a pass?
from splitfire :
basically yes, iowa=evil. plain and simple
from lastseraphim :
i want a password... [email protected] i just met you, don't want to lose you.. heh... write soon xoxo seraphina
from refractory :
kelly kelly kelly! im on aim now, i probably will be forever too! i have so much to tell you too! aaah!
from oipunkgrunge :
thanks..but my last entry i didnt really write anything though i just posted a song.."done" by Ben folds five or something like kinda expresses how im feeling though...thanks for reading...Hugs..Esteban.
from oipunkgrunge :
sorry i made you cry...but eh i put a disclaimer so it wasnt my fault!!! :o) your diary is pretty cool..keep up the good work and stuff...ciao.
from belle-black :
I am flattered that you like my diary. It makes putting all this emtion and thought into it worthwhile. You have a very good diary and you expresss yourself very well. Thank you, Belle
from puddlesplash :
kelly, where you been girl? i haven't seen you around in awhile!
from kelly :
happy winter to you! kelly is the best name in the universe!!

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