messages to kewster:
(click here to add new message):

from pastagirl :
Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for filling in my etainment survey!
from baoshi :
Thanks for filling out my youyouyou survey (I've changed names since then - not diablogem anymore, I'm baoshi now!) And I'd have to thoroughly agree with both your likes and dislikes : ) *hugs* gem xx
from weberster :
Hey. I just took a survey and checked ot your profile, then read your diary some, and I totally understand about the crush syndrom. It's hell is it not? You should see my history, and since I dug your idea, I will be writing one. Thanks, and if you want, check me out as well. If not, thanks for the idea.
from suhaila :
Now now, don't worry too much. Not having a family car isn't all that bad. At least, you have a house to live in, there's food (somewhere) in the house and yada yada yada. It's a hard life but then again, has it always been that easy? In some families that I know of, the dads aren't even working due to retrenchment. So you're luckier in a way..

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