messages to killthelites:
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from peachgirl03 :
keep writing.. where have you gone? keep writing..
from peachgirl03 :
i completely agree with " i don't even know..." people need to stop doing what society tells them to do, i wish that they would give their lives a little thought.
from headinoven :
nice diary. and if i may...sometimes fate is the inevitable partaking in a cycle of choices to f u c k up your own life--at least it is for me. <3
from peachgirl03 :
i like your entry on feb 4th. its something i think about too. especially since feb 14 is growing ever closer.
from bukowskigirl :
thanks for adding me. Your diary, but I hope to hear more from you.
from bukowskigirl :
thanks for adding me. Your diary, but I hope to hear more from you.

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