messages to kilowatt:
(click here to add new message):

from bluesunhat :
I'd love to have your new diary address :) I know that you moved from your diaryland one, and I had the address for the new one, and was reading it, then couldn't access the site anymore. Hope all is well, and thank you for your note :)
from candoor :
your words are a blessing as usual, thank you :)
from good-old-me :
I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to know you. Obviously you've touched many people. Perhaps you'll come back someday? Good luck in your endeavors. Are you sure you can't stay a little longer?
from flowermouths :
My diary is an extension of two that you previously greatly enjoyed. To get the password, email me at [email protected]. Peace.
from foxinsnow :
Dear kilowatt-- Sine you've been such a strong supporter of my diaryland endeavors I feel it is my duty to inform you that pinksubway and I are quitting diaryland. there is a not too lengthy explanation for this if you log into foxinsnow's site. Thank you so, so, much for all your support that made me smile on days when I just wanted to crawl back into bed! If you want to keep in touch from here on out, my email is [email protected] and my aim is Amf240 but be forewarned that I rarely use aim. Cheers, and keep writing! <3, fox and pink
from candoor :
your final entry here say open on my desktop since last Friday and I just returned from another weekend out of town to comment and ooops, too late... perhaps notes remain so I can publically state how much I love your kilowatt presense for your light, your wisdom, your charm, your grace, and your beauty presented here in this diary... to know there is so much more behind the pages, between the lines, within the creator, is even more exciting as I hope with baited breath for the next wondrous journey we might share... I shall be audience and friend as long as I am welcome in your world... bless you and all you love as you have blessed me :)
from foxinsnow :
Of course you can use my words in your art piece, I'd be honored! Just credit the words as being mine... the name's Elizabeth Caudy. :) thanks!
from stiddlefix :
I'm sorry to see you go. I hope you have a fantastic journey and that your life is enriched by whatever you find along the way. You've often shed some light on my path. Now, wherever your path leads you, may you continue to be a guide to all those you encounter. *hugs* Larry
from linusthegirl :
I will really miss your posts. They always speak to me in a way that no one else's entries do. Isn't that odd?
from stiddlefix :
Thanks, I needed those "feel good thoughts". Except for the bit about falling in love...still kind of a sore spot there right now. Still, those words were much appreciated.
from seekfreedom :
Thank you so much for the kind words you've been leaving in my notes. They are gifts that I wouldn't trade for all the tea in China, as the saying goes. You have no idea how much your words helped the stress: better than any chocolate I could find, Godiva or otherwise! I recall your entry about teaching in school, and I must disagree... you've never stopped being a teacher. Your environment may not be the classroom at this time, but we've all much to learn from you. Thank you for being so giving!
from a-rosewithin :
"The most satisfactory form of intoxication comes NOT through wine but from being in the company of friends" ~ David Baird //\\//\\ CHEERS Kim ... to good friends, fun and interesting conversations! Today know that I love and appreciate YOU as is!
from candoor :
the inspiration and literary presence and realness and sensitivity you are amazes me and I shall do the best I can to remain as connected (and hope to find words to respond, even when I sit in awe-struck silence) as we can get, for that is what I want :)
from gaycwgrl :
Wow... I'd say your love for pickles really is true. :) I'd like to invite you to read flyingalone. It's mine. A more positive outlook on life.
from seekfreedom :
You have a beautiful, inspiring way of weaving words together and abundant encouragement where it truly lacks in this busy, fast-paced world of getting ahead. I thank you very much for the kind note you left for me, and for the warm words you share in your journal every day. It takes boldness and courage to be that generous when the more cynical of the world may scoff at it. Don't ever lose it, and may others return you the same light and warmth!
from linusthegirl :
I think I would have enjoyed having you for a teacher. Where were you when I was a child?!
from fan4 :
Thanks for writing entries, adding the buttons I suggested, and for sending me a nice Diaryland note. *hugs*
from a-rosewithin :
Ah-hah! I see you have cleaned up and saved the notes section again. I love reading the notes others leave for you here - they are lovely; yet I understand how it can slow the page down. //\\//\\ Kim, in regards to the note you left me: Simply thank you. I see myself as honest, yet rather blunt at times, you see something even more. In this case you saw, 'tenderness'. Thank you Kim for your sweet encouragement. =) Do you know that, I LOVE YOU!!! I do! Have a glorious day Kim! Love, Shannon
from kilowatt :
I am always honored and profoundly touched whenever anyone decides to add his or her thoughts, pieces of a brightly shimmering soul, to the patchwork of my journal. Therefore, do not be dismayed by the current barrenness of my note page, for spring-cleaning has descending upon my journal. Furthermore, all of your notes have been permanently saved for my private perusal. "The unlike is joined together, and from differences result the most beautiful harmony." ~ Heraclitus ~ May you continue to add your eloquent tapestry of thoughts for the enrichment of all others within this page.

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