messages to kouladron:
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from morbidalily :
Hi formally breakangel! Sorry I disappeared. I hope things are going well for you. I'll catch you later. morbidalily @>---
from aboutagirl- :
Well hallo. :) Clicked on a banner, clicked on the 'why aren't you there instead of here?!', and here I am. :) I do the horse thing too.
from drahmaqueen :
You nailed it. :)
from drahmaqueen :
Yeah but, like a dummy, I keep going back for more. I should be nicer to myself and blank out immediate gratification. Bad girl, BAADD girl.
from drahmaqueen :
Very powerful poem you have there my dear. I was just randomly checking out new people and I clicked you first. I am glad. You are easy to read and I can totally relate to your situations. Take care. Jen

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