messages to kt-krazy:
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from adoggy07 :
i liked your 'who i am' entry. very thoughtful. =)
from lulu-burden :
Love your diary Dahhhling! Stop by and say hello to me sometime. :) Later- Lulu
from brucegirl :
My oh my - what a banner :-) I didn't think such a banner would pass the d-land police. Hehe. I really like your diary. :-) I'll be back for some more reading.
from koalapad :
what a banner!
from darkbeans :
hey, as a former BU student, i am so coming back here to hear how things are going...
from fameless :
good entry about burying faith and then seeing it grow again. grabbing the crotch... eh, it happens.
from gumphood :
BU? Thats an interesting area? You love the green line right? ha. That's not for me, but BU is nice.
from dizzigemini :
not saying this to piss ya off, tho u probably WILL BE.... but I found ur banner gross. "grabbing the croutch".... ummm, like how did that get past the high security DL screening?!!! good-god-all-mighty!!!
from sinsear777 :
And good luck with the concert. Although, looking at the date, it's already happened. I hope it helped you discover something.
from candoor :
I am still laughing at your crotch banner... and thinking about faith I thought this thought... faith in self is where all faith starts, for without faith in one's own faith, there's little real faith in anything else...

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