messages to ladyinma:
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from russface :
Of course I don't mind you reading my diary! Hope you enjoy it. Message me if you want to vent to a guy that's less terrible than most (but still can be an asshole).
from xxplaydeadxx :
Yeah, too bad we have to be on it. ;)
from capitolady :
Hi, just came by to offer a bit of incouragement. Hang in there. If you get a chance to check a few links here and there this is a great support group. My main diary is at The great thing about the blog stuff is that you can be your true self!
from wyndspirit :
Sounds like a sluggish thyroid, actually. Can't be diagnosed or fixed without going to a doc, though. Husband sounds like an abusive jerk.
from wyndspirit :
Very pretty diary. This is a good place to vent. Welcome! :)

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