messages to leitinaa-s:
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from cactustree :
snap! i'm going as ashlee too! i'd be practicing my singing, but what's the point? not like the bitch sings anyway.
from biogeek :
Wow! You have quite a popular diary going. And it's damn hell hilarious!! You know, you should compile your entries into a book. Let me tell you, I'd definitely buy a copy!
from yumenomiko :
hot damn. this is some funny shit right here! hell yeah.
from hornycookie :
Jan14th 04. LoL You're quite entertainning!
from laukat :
=) Happy Holidays!
from laukat :
from cactustree :
you are an excellent example of why Harvard should offer a PhD in "Talking Shit About Celebrities." my undying gratitude and loyalty. i feel like i've found my people.
from godmoney :
u da man. i LOVE my boy fitty cent. and chicago is a masterpiece. keep doing what ur doing.
from iluvtunes :
Funny Diary! And not for nothing, but Chris Rock was never in the movie "Friday". Smokey was played by Chris Tucker. Thought you might want to know. :-) XO.....Christina
from biohazzard80 :
I was just wonderin' how he be going to the bathroom in there....
from pirategirl :
So funny it pains me.
from sjubla :
holy shit you are funny.
from memaselfni :
Hey Leitinaa...just wanted to stop by to tell you, I love your diary!! It always makes me are truly hilarious. Stop by my diary anytime. Happy Reading...or not *smile*
from drunkencynic :
You are absolutely brilliant.
from sufferours :
LMAO@ carnie wilson
from laukat :
Fo' sho'. [Ghetto Jesus says FO' SHIZZEN, I HAVE RISEN!] Keep up the great work! I'll stock up on ketchup and blue fries in your memory!
from laukat :
I LOVE your diary! Can I add you to my buddy list? It's brilliant! ;D
from biohazzard80 :
I wonder if he's related to that hamburger helper thing...not sure if he's a hand or a glove...
from sufferours :
This is the most brilliant diary I have ever read. You are absolutely hilarious. Well done.

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