messages to lifescurves:
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from larrielou :
Are you or do know the host of 'kissntell'? If so, PLEASE talk to me ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!
from me-undaunted :
where have you gone? :o/
from starlight42 :
hey girl, where have you been?? hope things are ok.
from seekingme :
Hope you are doing okay...
from starlight42 :
What is it with new bands? I found a few that are fairly new, at least they are totally new to me- this weekend. I love that!
from starlight42 :
sorry you're going through more rough times. I am the same way with having the last word. I think stubborn people are attracted to each other, my boyfriend Dave is just like me in that sense.
from ray0flight :
I admire your strength in knowing you have made the right decison for yourself... :o)
from elateddream :
Fair enough. Don't forget to add me to your favourites =P
from seekingme :
Hi there, just a quick note on the careful, cause you never know what you might find out. Do you think maybe you are hoping to find something out to give you reason to move on? Just curious.
from ray0flight :
I could have written the first part of this entry myself. It's so hard when you are stuck between staying and letting go. I feel the same way about my Ryan. It's hard and I don't have any advice to give you I just wanted to let you know that someone else understands.
from seekingme :
Oh dear...I hope you feel better. Sounds just awful. Hang in there.
from judybean :
Yeah, the Real World (not the show) is not nearly as fun as it seemed to be when viewed from youthful eyes. Insurance (car, health, life, etc), car payments, rent, and all the other bills the come with growing up are certainly not fun at all! Yuck.
from starlight42 :
isn't that funny, I get a kick out of man-whores. they make me laugh :)
from ray0flight :
Ryan's can be pain in the asses - and often are. :o)
from starlight42 :
I don't get the "I forgot I was 12" part...
from starlight42 :
that sucks. I know my parents would never allow pets indoors. It sucks. Maybe you should tell her about how having a pet helps maintain your positive outlook on life. (it's true, I've read that!)
from nonsticklove :
hey thanx for your input. i hope life will get better...i don't mind school that much, but this year, it has just sucked, i dunno why!! But thanx for saying what you did, its nice to know there are people i can talk to on the net, even if they are perfect strangers!

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